Crowdfunding Growth

The Rise of Smart Help – Crowdfunding Growth

Crowdfunding is regarded a smart way to seek help and to offer help. It`s to everybody`s reach now. In fact with the popularity of Internet, the world became a ‘global village’. Since crowdfunding is working mainly through the internet, it has given it a wider range of audience. People from one corner of the world are helping people living in another corner of the world. This is a good sign for people who make efforts to make the world a better place.

It has given them an opportunity to help people who were neglected previously. Crowdfunding Growth rate is enormous. It is growing tremendously throughout the globe. Crowdfunding Growth is creating opportunities for more people to be productive and constructive in their social instincts. People feel strongly boasted on seeing kind of growth crowdfunding has witnessed.

Crowdfunding Growth is seen as an obvious thing. Its innovative way of working and offering an alternative solution to the financial requirements has sidelined the conventional financial assistance institutions. The reports about crowdfunding show thatCrowdfunding Growth is in the billions world over. It`s even anticipated that Crowdfunding Growth may surpass many big financial institutions to become the world leader in money industry.

The reports also show that Crowdfunding Growth will continue to grow upward because of more and more people turning to it. People who are associated with crowdfunding believe that Crowdfunding Growth is healthy, continuous and yielding one. It`s seen that more contribution to Crowdfunding Growth was mainly from developed nations. But more people from developing nations are now attracted to it. They see it important to explore vast benefits of this growing industry. As a result, there are now many crowdfunding platforms available in these nations.

Why is it Growing

Crowdfunding is working in a broad spectrum. It has solutions for every kind of financial problems. This makes it a cherished industry.

  • Crowdfunders find it easy to avail industry. They regard it a significant aspect which leads to the Crowdfunding Growth. Ease is what they want and Crowdfunding Growth is making their business easier and comfortable.
  • Crowdfunding Growth is also attributed to the vast fields it covers. For example, people have crowdfunding for small businesses, equity, charity, education, students, teachers, artists, musicians, rock bands, researchers, authors and much more.
  • Crowdfunding offers people hustle free services. They have easy dealings with it. Therefore, more people turn to it and help in Crowdfunding Growth.
  • People trust crowdfunding more than any other business institution. They feel it gives their money the place it deserves. This trust has made Crowdfunding Growth possible.
  • In the case of charity made through crowdfunding, donors feel that their money has reached the deserving people. Crowdfunding has helped them to locate best causes they can donate for.

Keeping these things in mind crowd funders feel that Crowdfunding Growth should continues to grow. And make it a point that crowdfunding serves such growth. The kind of appreciation crowdfunding gets from its users is only confirming ‘yes’ Crowdfunding Growth should grow.

Crowdfunding for Equity

Master Stroke at Equity

When it comes to finance, we normally see two groups of people. In first group we have people who run small businesses and in second group there are people who have small amounts of surplus money. Those in the first group sometimes face financially hard times and have no idea what they should do to come out victorious. Now take the people in second group, they have money and have hidden desire to invest this money somewhere but don`t do it. Ask them, why? ‘No idea’ is their reply. Now you can ask what solution we have for both these groups. Crowdfunding for Equity! Yes, you heard it right! Crowdfunding for Equity is most practical solution available to both these groups.

Crowdfunding for Equity for the First Group

After hard times, good times have to come next. It`s a natural cycle. Sometimes businesses do face a slightly downward trend and you find yourself in desperate need of money to save your business. But the point is how to come out of this situation. In fact you need someone to drag you out. Who can be that ‘someone.’ Let the Crowdfunding for Equity decide. Crowd funding for Equity will expose you as an entrepreneur to larger audience who may take your business seriously. You can get the potential investors who may bestow upon you the capital that needed so seriously. All you need to do in Crowdfunding for Equity is to advertise your need for funding. Rest is what Crowdfunding for Equity will do. When you know all you need is money to save your business (that you so worked for) you should not keep it a secret. It will always hurt you from within. Best thing is that you should for crowdfunding – Crowdfunding for Equity.

Crowdfunding for Equity for the Second Group

I know you have money and you want to spend it intelligently. What are you waiting for, then. In Crowdfunding for Equity you will get the right thing done to your money. Start-up companies are there, new small businesses are there and even established businesses are there. They all require investors for their businesses to kick start. You get share in the company and good value of your money in return. By going for Crowd funding for Equity you purchase equity in their business and well we can say an ownership for that reason.

Advice for both the Groups

  • Crowdfunding for Equity can give you the smart results. Condition for that is: your plans about your business should be solid enough to attract the investors. What business model you present before people through Crowdfunding for Equity will decide your fate. So give it a good thought and make sure your model speaks for your business.
  • If you are an investor and plan to invest through Crowdfunding for Equity you should look for the risk factors associated with the company you wish to invest in. For example, if you invest through Crowdfunding for Equity in a company which has a bad track record in the past, it`s obvious that your money will have a lower value because of recovery the company will have to go through.

So be smart while dealing with the capital.

Crowdfunding for Teachers

Making Noble the Nobler

Teaching is a noble profession, we all know that. But can we make it ‘nobler’? Is it possible? The answer is surely _ ‘a big yes’. Crowdfunding for Teachers has already taken a lead to make this happen and they have done it successfully. You may ask ‘how’and you have every right to ask so. This is because Crowdfunding for Teachers has given teachers an opportunity now to work for noble causes that too in their own field. Just imagine, a school going out of funds and there is no possibility of getting old broken benches repaired. Students can`t sit, except on the edges.

In such an uncomfortable situation they fail to comprehend the lecture. You see this all but fail to do anything because of shrinking budget. But to your surprise, you see next day a whole lot of new benches that too without spending a penny from your pocket. This is exactly what Crowdfunding for Teachers has done over and over again. Crowdfunding for Teachers makes strange things possible. We know you are a teacher but we also know, that you didn’t knew anything about this miracle called as Crowdfunding for Teachers. Now that you know it, why not go for it straight away.

How Crowdfunding for Teachers Help Teachers

  1. Your school has scarcity of modern equipments; this you feel is making your students alien to the modern world. Crowdfunding for Teachers helps you to generate money for buying necessary equipment for your school. People find your school and you discuss your cause with them and they donate through Crowdfunding for Teachers.
  2. Children studying in your school are usually from poor families. It`s not possible for their parents to buy books for their children. Books are so expensive nowadays. You just share this information with people through Crowdfunding for Teachers and you find many people voluntarily donating books for these school children. Helping others out of compassion and generosity is what Crowdfunding for Teachers stands for.
  3. Even research is expensive. Huge funds go into research. Low funds drastically affect the quality of research. In such cases you can ask for funds from general people through Crowd funding for Teachers and believe me, your voice will not go unheard.
  4. If you feel your students don’t get what they deserve as you see children from other schools get. Be it in form of technological instruments, seating arrangements, sanitation and library. You should not waste time crying over poor fate of these children. Just go for Crowdfunding for Teachers and see the miracles happen.
  5. There are already so many organizations working to uplift the basic infrastructure of neglected schools. But unfortunately more schools miss out. Crowd funding for Teachers brings organizations in contact with these miss out schools.

Every way you see Crowdfunding for Teachers is helping and at the same time empowering the teachers. It makes them nobler because they initiate a change. A change to make available for their students the best they can get. Teachers do this extra work voluntarily. They care for their students as they care for their own kids. This is what makes a teacher great and Crowdfunding for Teachers makes them greater.

Crowdfunding for Education

Adding a New Dimension to the Education

Crowdfunding for Education is no less than a big – bang. The way it has added a new dimension to the Education is just marvellous. The price for Education is only going up and in such circumstances to receive Education is really a dream come true. Crowdfunding for Education has made possible for many students to pay for the high costs of Education. When you take a particular subject of study in a particular college, the notable alumni of those colleges extend their support to make possible for students to have a shining career too.

It`s all about helping and Crowdfunding for Education is an honest way to do so. Crowdfunding for Education has brought with it transparency and equal opportunities for all students who otherwise have limited or no source at all to receive Education.It has brought donors in direct contact with seekers. It`s a marvel of Crowd funding for Education in itself when there is so much corruption around.

Many times we have seen students incurred with heavy debts. Because they have knocked at wrong doors! As a result most of life they live in depression and anxiety.  Even then the doors of Crowdfunding for Education are open for their help to get them out from tough times. Yes, we talk about education loan! Education loan can also be repaid through Crowdfunding for Education. Be it money for buying books, tuition fee, accommodations, transport charges or anything else, you can get everything done through Crowdfunding for Education. You can`t afford all these things by yourself alone. You need a helping hand and when Crowdfunding for Education is offering one, you can`t ignore it.

What is Required from you in Crowdfunding for Education

Your belief is your strength in Crowdfunding for Education. Belief is must. You have to leave aside all negative thoughts that may arise in your mind regarding Crowdfunding for Education. Sometimes you get so influenced by opinions of other people that you forget your own stand. When people discourage you from opting for Crowd funding for Education by saying that you are not going to get any help from people, you have to be strong because your belief is being tested.

In world you will always meet seekers and donors and often we see that seeker of today is donor of tomorrow.We can say that belief is your only key to open the locks of Crowdfunding for Education and you are just a click away from finding your much needed treasure.

There are enough crowdfunding sites available here and throughout the globe. Those sites you have to search by yourself and which site serves your educational goals best you should sign up for. Don`t delay! It will only increase your frustration. Your Education is what matters the most. And Crowd funding for Education is what offers you that most.

Crowdfunding for Education is real. It`s happening across the globe with tremendous progress and promise. Why should you lag behind and crawl, when you are supposed to run. Your approach should be realistic yet optimistic than fancy loving and pessimistic.

Take your Education seriously and make your mark on world. Good Luck!

Crowdfunding for College

What you can do when College Fee is on Roller Coaster Hike

College going isn’t everybody`s cup of tea. Have you ever heard these words from an elderly man shouting at his son? They are right. Fee is too expensive for parents to sponsor the education of their children. They feel irritated by even thinking about sending their son to the college. They don`t know how to come out of this traumatic situation. But you _ students must search for available opportunities they can benefit from. Even after spending so much time on internet, if you fail to find this out. Then your internet is no fun at all! It is evident that college fee is on roller coaster hike. Other expenses too are burning the pockets out.

We know a solution for you: Crowdfunding for College.

Crowdfunding for College is best option for you to solve monetary problems. Scholarships can`t cover all your expenses alone. Even if you do a part time job and continuously receive a small amount from family too, then even it`s hard to make ends meet. When you go for Crowdfunding for College you open up for yourself vast opportunities to get much needed fortune for your college expenses. People get connect with you and try to know your story and you end up getting money for free.  Crowdfunding for College is a wild – fire phenomenon. It has already engulfed the developed countries and now it`s time for you to go for Crowdfunding for College with a bang! Even your friends don`t know at times what time you are going through. They even not know your reason for not joining the college. They might help you but how? Crowdfunding for College is only solution. A cool solution for that reason!

When you go for crowdfunding you make your cause clear and when your friends, relatives and even strangers know about your cause, they open their pockets for you. But the initiation is with you. You have to initiate and search for Crowd funding for College. And do it without a delay. You must believe that there are people who want smart, intelligent and talented people like you to move forward in life. And they are ready to help those who seek it.

How to utilize Crowdfunding for College in a Better Way

You must keep it in mind, when you go for Crowdfunding for College,remember college is your first priority. Crowdfunding for College is a good game. You must learn its rules and etiquette to play it better than anyone else.  Here are the soul steps you must remember:

  1. Money is immensely valuable and you should use it judiciously. When people generate money for you to sponsor your college expenditure through Crowdfunding for College. It`s for your college only and only.
  2. You should not waste this money generated through Crowdfunding for College on things which mean nothing to you.
  3. Crowdfunding for College isn’t free. People invest on your dreams, passion and hard work. And their return is your success alone.

All the best for your college life ahead! Stay dedicated and work hard so that you come out with flying colours. Only to help someone else,deserving college education like you did, through Crowdfunding for College.

Crowdfunding for Small Businesses

Crowdfunding for Small Businesses

In order to make something, we require something else. For example, an inspiration to the poet, raw material to the factory and match [that of matchstick] to the fire. Imagine if everything was made by itself, then the whole world would have been the poet, factory and fire! Yes, likewise __ money to the business. It can`t just happen on its own. You require money in any case. But the good news is that money is requirement not a hurdle anymore. Surprised! Crowdfunding for Small Businesses is solution to all your monetary requirements. You got to believe in your idea. And you got to share your idea in a clear, understandable and an eloquent manner.

When you can win over peoples` support and make them too believe in the good prospect of your project, you get the double benefit of both the money to start your project and the goodwill by default. Yes! Goodwill! It is because they are the same people who are going to buy your product. Crowdfunding for Small Businesses is a new and innovative financial assistance. Crowdfunding for Small Businesses gives you the necessary platform to launch your dream project smoothly yet confidently.There are cases where Bank Loans fail to afford even basic expenditure leave alone the whole project.

In such cases Crowdfunding for Small Businesses is not only a viable solution but the trend too. By Crowdfunding for Small Businesses you raise sufficient amounts of money from a large number of interested investors in a time bound manner. If you wish to start a small business of your own but fail to materialize your plans due to lack of funds: Crowdfunding for Small Businesses is best thing to do to kick start your project.

Mantras for Successful Crowdfunding for Small Businesses

Nothing on earth happens overnight. It takes time besides resilience, hard work and spirit.  It`s not like you just go, raise funds and become successful. You have to calculate everything minutely and study your project thousand times over in order to eradicate risk factors before you step into your project. Go not easy man! Crowdfunding for Small Businesses is good but you have to gauge your expectations. False expectations land you in serious troubles. Crowdfunding for Small Businesses is no blind phenomenon at all. You have to be vigilant, serious and keen in your own consciousness.

  1. Before you opt for Crowdfunding for Small Businesses research well the market value of your would be product.
  2. Make sure that demand of your product exceeds the number of donors/investors gained from Crowdfunding for Small Businesses. It will boost your morale and will help you to move on confidently.
  3. Connect with investors you get from Crowdfunding for Small Businesses and know their interests and intentions for investing in your project. It makes things easy to settle with them in case project gets delayed.
  4. Don`t rush for Crowdfunding for Small Businesses. Take a break. Form a clear mental picture of your project. Hazy pictures are hard to understand and you lose only chance to impress people at first meeting.
  5. Establish a relationship with your funders. Share with them progress made by your business venture. They have invested and would want to know what happened to their investment. Bring them in confidence so they are ready to invest again.

Crowdfunding for Small Businesses is advisable thing to do provided everything discussed above is taken care of. Dream positively and aim high but take good care of reality.

Good Luck with your Business!

Crowdfunding for artists

Crowdfunding for artists – Helping them Progress

Crowdfunding for artists is one of the very preliminary crowdfunding topics of the world. Artist are the very creative persons, this creativity can be reflected in diverse field like painting, music, architecture etc. The challenge is in making an artistic capability a way not only to earn for a living but also to dream big and be exceptionally successful. Financing has to play a really big role in securing this dream. Artist have nothing but talent which is not considered by financing institutions such as banks to provide loan to them. Crowdfunding for artists, which demands only the show of talent has brought in a ray of smile in the lives of aspiring artists. Crowdfunding for artists has brought in a way for artist without any contacts to get their talent stamped by the public.

Success stories of crowdfunding for artists

Most of the artist spend their life time for the love of art, but a very few could reach the summit. Also amongst them rare are the ones who do so in early ages. Success to the Arlington base Karin Ringheim came at the age of 69. She was in to writing for nearly 30 years until her work was accepted by a famous theatre of New York. With this selection came a burden of $20,000 which was the estimated cost of rendering her writing into a stage act. She was in a fix with the most viable option of raising funds visualised by her was selling things on eBay. However,Karin only found solace in this regard only in the concept of crowdfunding for artists and eventually showcased her project on the KickStarter. Crowdfunding for artists helped Karin to raise $20,142 in just three days, thereby leading to realisation of her dreams.

Another success story is of Sean Chyun and his band. Sean, 30 and his band has successfully got financial backing via crowdfunding for artists again on the platform KickStarter. The band was successful in collecting an amount greater than $10K and hence paving way for their maiden professional studio sessions. Ultimately they were able to launch first album of nine songs, all thanks to crowdfunding for artists.

Crowdfunding websites are paving smooth way for crowdfunding for artist

Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and MyEfunder are pioneer in the field for crowdfunding for artists. Alone KickStarter has raised $251 million while crowdfunding for artists in the year 2014. This amount is far greater than the money raised for artists by the National Endowment for arts. These websites are an easy way to promote the art and reach the masses in every nook and corner of the world. This leads to a broader search of people interested in the art and hence a greater chance of success. Crowdfunding for artists on these platforms is also facilitated by the fact that under the art tab these sites also provide sub-categories like music, dance, painting etc.

Crowdfunding for artists have brought major breakthrough in making artists successful and the trend seems to go on with percentage of success increasing every year.

crowdfunding for start-ups

Crowdfunding for start-ups: Taking the correct turn

Entrepreneurship has evolved with much pace and aura in the recent years. The only thing that an individual with a strong innovative idea has to worry about in the inflow of cash while kick starting his start-up. Experienced entrepreneurs are too openly backing up the idea of crowdfunding for start-ups in this regard. Although crowdfunding has been in the society since ages but crowdfunding for start-ups has become a fonder choice in the recent years. Slowly and gradually crowdfunding experts have evolved in the field of crowdfunding for start-ups. Theoretically crowdfunding for start-ups is more than an easy concept to understand but practically it takes much more than that.

Knowing the unknown about Crowdfunding for start-ups

  1. When we talk about financing any start-up the very first kind of investment option which crowds our minds are banks. Others like venture capitalist and angel investors follow the former option of finance.But a closed inspection to these options find a lot of gate levels by which the money is bounded. Above all this entrepreneurs find crowdfunding for start-ups a cheesecake which can be easily digested. Crowd funding for start-ups are bringing the desired change in the thought process of the society and is enabling people from all sects to dream for better.
  2. There are basically three types of crowdfunding for start-ups namely, rewards based, debt based and equity based. The first one gives a promise of product or services in return to the finance, the other two are investment in the form of debt or equity. Famous crowdfunding platforms run almost all kinds of crowd funding for start-ups The debt kind is similar to loan from a bank while equity crowdfunding gives the investors a share in the start-up.
  3. Preparation before the launch of crowd funding for start-ups is a must to do. Before starting online one has to make sure that in person there are at least a few people who find interest in the start-up. This makes sure that these individuals will be there to back up when the campaign of crowdfunding for start-ups goes online. Launching online might surely give an extra push to the incoming funds but to make sure it works well one has to work hard on regular basis. These works include regular feedback, follow-ups and updates about the work in progress.
  4. Crowdfunding is a layer by layer process and every step takes the individual closer to the goal. Crowdfunding for start-ups educates the public about a brewing innovative idea which could make the society a better place. It also gives an idea of acceptance of the project to the people involved in crowdfunding for start-ups. Other perks which come with crowdfunding for start-ups are judging the feel of the market and building market strategy
  5. Choosing the correct crowdfunding platform is an essential part of crowdfunding. Of various online platforms available in the market one must choose the one which suit ones crowdfunding for start-ups the best. Sufficient time must be taken while making this choice so that after everything the choice won’t be regretful.
crowdfunding for charity

Crowdfunding for charity: Getting it successfully done!

Crowdfunding has taken the funding markets by storm and has grown in to a worldwide phenomenon. Crowdfunding concept not only applies to start-ups and businesses but crowdfunding for charity is also a branch out of the tree of crowdfunding. Interestingly,crowdfunding for charity has been in the picture before any other kind of crowdfunding came to inception. One of the very first famous crowdfunding for charity was hosted for the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation which was clearly a successful one and raised 100 thousand dollars in less than 16 hours.

Success while crowdfunding for charity is declining as more and more charities are coming in the picture. To get successful under this scenario charities have to take their campaign quite seriously. This blog resents a bunch of steps which can guide charities to successful crowdfunding.

Steps to success for crowdfunding for charity

  1. Bind with a sensible Goal: Setting up a realistic goal is the first step towards a successful crowdfunding for charity. There are a lot of intermediaries which help charities while crowdfunding for charity. Known by the name of crowdfunding portals, these intermediaries are often misunderstood as the ultimate way of success for crowdfunding for charity. Indeed it all starts with a goal which actually suits the other perspective of the Non-Profit involved with the charity, for instance a charity with small supporters must obviously go for small monetary goals.
  2. Summing up in a fundraising video: A fundraising video for the crowdfunding campaign is a way to win hearts and get crowdfunding for charity on the right track. Video is the most impressive way to garner public sympathy for the cause. It must have a realistic approach to your cause, displaying the need to fundraise for it. It must also show the divine work done in this regard till date with some real people in it and the plan to be followed in coming days to make the charity do wonders for the needy. This video when shared on the internet over social networking sites might do wonders for the crowdfunding for charity.
  3. Secure your near ones first: While crowd funding for charity, the first strategy behind making your realistic goal comes true is siphoning in the support of your inner most circle. People who are your closest friends and family must first and foremost have such belief in your goal that they can talk positively about it as and when needed. They must be moved with the motive of the cause such that they can not only readily donate according to their capability but also make sure the crowd funding for charity campaign is spread far and wide.
  4. Follow the cyclic process of improvement: The cyclic improvement process is getting feedback, improving services according to them and taking regular follow-ups. The same goes for crowd funding for charity. The cyclic process when repeated periodically through the entire crowdfunding for charity can definitely land it in to a successful spot.

Success is a matter of patience, perseverance and hard work when it comes to crowdfunding for charity.

crowdfunding portals

Crowdfunding Portals – Important rules to catch up with

With the advent of crowdfunding portals, undoubtedly crowdfunding has reached new heights. Crowdfunding in itself is a concept of funding projects or charities. People find crowdfunding attractive above all means of funding their cause. Crowdfunding portals are means through which these projects get a chance to display themselves in front of the whole world. Crowdfunding portals are basically online platforms which gives user-friendly and smooth options to both the creators of the project and investors in the project.

The popularity of crowd funding portals depend on various factors such as ease of access, successful projects over them, commissions they demand and many more things. Once crowdfunding portals go successful, it is important for them to give repeated successful performances in order to keep them established in the crowdfunding market. Crowdfunding portals are basically of three types: one which helps start-ups to grow, second which helps charities to flourish and third which allow both on their website.

However, other side features of crowd funding portals include allowing angel investors and venture capitalist to invest through them and also promote lending and borrowing on their platform.

Rules in the US related to crowdfunding portals

The famous JOBS Act in the US for regulating the process of crowdfunding also has specific sections which define the guidelines for crowdfunding portals. According to it, crowd funding portals will act as intermediaries to serve various projects which want to go for crowdfunding in order to reach their required finance targets.

Crowdfunding portals are mostly online platforms but according to the definition of JOBS Act they can be both brokers who are registered with the government and websites which are approved by SEC. Crowdfunding portals do not have any rigorous rules for registration but have to be registered with the government department of SRO and FINRA. The SRO stands for self-regulatory organisation, under which only applicable crowd funding portals need to get registered.

Crowdfunding portals must provide the documentation of all risks involved with the investment, and also provide tutorials for the process of investment over their interface. It must also ensure privacy to all its investors and also make sure that the investors do not land in a situation when they have invested beyond a permissible limit.

Restrictions on crowdfunding portals under JOBS Act

Also, there are certain restrictions which bind the crowdfunding portals. These restrictions are important so as to ensure that these crowd funding portals are unbiased and do not try to effect any individual’s investment, intentionally. As a result, they are barred from giving any kind of investment advice to investors.

Other restrictions imposed on crowd funding portals is not allowing then to lobby for any kind of transaction directly or indirectly. Here indirect lobbying means compensating anyone who does the lobbying on behalf of crowd funding portals. Further transacting or holding funds on behalf of investors is an act which is prohibited for crowd funding portals.

Another important restriction is not allowing the higher officials related to crowd funding portals invest in the projects displayed on their interface.