crowdfunding real estates

Crowdfunding Real Estates – Different Methods Used

Real estate is ever growing and profiting. As long as there is an increase in population, the need to dwell is going to increase, and thus you will need more buildings and apartments. Everyone wants to try their hands on real estate now days, as it is one of the profit giving field and risk factors are pretty calculable. And this is where the crowdfunding real estates scores.

Crowdfunding is an entirely new way of financing. The concept of crowdfunding is that you can invest in a particular thing, and along with you there will be many investors. Crowdfunding helps the companies or individuals who are in a mission, but couldn’t gather the capital. Through crowdfunding a group of investors invest and the needy companies/sponsors can make good use of it. Both investor and sponsor are benefited by this.  Read more about crowdfunding here: .

In crowdfunding real estates, money gets invested in real assets like apartments, buildings and shopping malls. There are many platforms for crowdfunding real estate.

Some top crowdfunding real estates sites:

  • Realty Mogul
  • Fundrise
  • Ground breaker
  • Crowd street
  • Ground floor
  • iFunding
  • Crowd baron
  • RealCrowd
  • RealtyShares
  • Patch of Land
  • Equity Net
  • Peer Realty
  • Peer Street
  • Real Circle

Types of crowdfunding real estates:

There are three types of crowdfunding for real-estate. They are direct investing, indirect investing and Software as a service.

Direct Investing

This model of crowdfunding real estates allows investors to invest in real estate directly with a real estate firm. Here the crowdfunding firm acts only as an intermediate between the investor and the real estate sponsor.

The advantage of these crowdfunding real estates is that, the investors are co-investing with the sponsors and there is no brokerage. The benefit for the sponsor is that, they get direct access to the capital and they also have a direct contact with the investor.

CrowdStreet and Real Crowd are few among the direct crowdfunding real estates sites.

Indirect investing

In this model of crowdfunding real estates the accredited investors invest through a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) created by the crowdfunding firm. Added fees and brokerage are yielded by the crowdfunding firm here.

The advantage to sponsor in this type is that, they receive a single check and they only have to manage one SPV throughout. Here the risk of loss to the investor is more, because they don’t know on whom they are investing, and their profit is calculated on how good the crowdfunding firm does.

Realty Mogul and iFunding works using the indirect investment of Crowdfunding real estates.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

In this model of crowdfunding real estates, the sponsors integrate a SaaS technology platform with their existing website, through which investors can make investments. This is more or less like the direct investing.

The CrowdStreet and CrowdEngine are examples of SaaS crowdfunding real estates type.

It is estimated that the crowdfunding real estates may grow to a trillion dollar business by this year. Those who want to invest and make returns, but is doubtful about where to start with, can try their luck with the low risky crowdfunding real estates.

Benefits of crowdfunding

Benefits of Crowdfunding – How it changes our life?

Crowdfunding, an upcoming and rapidly growing phenomena of raising capital by startups and individuals for their ideas, product prototypes etc. One of the major benefits of crowdfunding is that it is crowd sourced capital and it enables you to showcase your idea to the world in order for people to each invest in your idea or startup.

Benefits of crowdfunding are numerous such as a startup gets to turn its investors into very own loyal customers of the services/products that are being offered which helps in the long run. A few other benefits of crowdfunding are discussed in detail.

Benefits of Crowdfunding – Social Acceptance and Validation:

Crowdfunding gives a massive opportunity for the individual/startup, who is looking forward to raise crowd soured capital, to understand how the target audience or the society reacts to their idea or product and whether it is being accepted by the masses or not. It works as a reality check or a validation point wherein it can be ensured whether the target audience needs such a service or product in the market or not. It gives a fair idea about the longevity of the idea in the near future.

Benefits of Crowdfunding – Ease of Access for Startups:

Unlike other models of raising capital for their startup, crowdfunding is easily accessible by them in order to raise capital around the world from anyone who is interested to invest through various crowdfunding portals. Crowdfunding has basically given the power to all upcoming individuals/startups to raise money from a structure like an IPO but in the electronic form and without the complicating hassle of an actual IPO. It is one of the benefits of crowdfunding that gave startups a pedestal to showcase and raise money from the world.

Benefits of Crowdfunding – Somethings in life are still free:

One of the important benefits of crowdfunding which is enjoyed by startups is it is free. Yes, the startup can easily raise capital without having to pay heavy application or funding fees. Crowdfunding gives an easy way to startup as we all know they bootstrapped on capital and this phenomena gives them a way to save as much money as they can to reach out to their potential investors and raise capital for their ideas.

Not only this, startup also enjoy the benefits of crowdfunding in terms of free marketing and PR. Usually, a startup would have to set aside a separate marketing and PR budget in order to reach out to the target audience to create a buzz, but crowdfunding gives them free marketing in the market along with possibilities to raise capital from investors/customers.


These benefits of crowdfunding put it into a growing concept where it is leaving behind other methods of raising money for startup and becoming a popular one. It has known to grown over a period of past 5 years and the way startup can achieve great benefits of crowdfunding, it seems to have even a brighter future in the coming years. We would love to hear how you think you can attain the benefits of crowdfunding.

crowdfunding 2016

Crowdfunding 2016 – What to Expect?

Introduction to Crowdfunding

Almost five years ago, crowdfunding online was a concept in its early adoption stage wherein it reported to about a size of $880 Million in 2010. Soon it picked up its pace and grew to a value of almost $16 Billion in 2014 with an expected figure of over $34 Billion by the end of 2015. Crowdfunding as a phenomena has been growing drastically giving an opportunity to new companies and startups to not just raise capital but showcase their product prototypes and convey the right message across to their target audience.

Taking the growth spree into mind, Crowdfunding 2016 aims to be standing at an industry of about more than $65 Billion which aims at capturing a plethora of market share when compared to VC.

Crowdfunding 2016 goes head-to-head against VC 2016

As per the market statistics, it has been noted that while Venture Capital grows at an average rate of almost $10 Billion to $15 Billion over a year, crowdfunding has been at a rampant growth rate of almost double year-on-year. Although, equity crowdfunding can be related to Venture Capital and it won’t be wrong to say that VC is a part or type of crowdfunding but Crowdfunding as a concept offers much more options for individuals or companies to raise capital using donations, rewards and other schemes. It is also a matter of fact that when we look at Crowdfunding 2016, scalability is very important as the Crowdfunding platforms are open to scalability depending on their structure and model whereas on the other hand Venture Capitalists cannot scale which puts them behind the concept of crowdfunding.

Platforms play a key role in Crowdfunding 2016

Over a period of time, various platforms like Kickstarter, MyEfunder, Indiegogo, Crowdfunder etc. have emerged as the strong backbone of the crowdfunding industry. It is believed that these portal will ensure more and more ideas to become a part of Crowdfunding 2016. These platforms enable the interested parties to:

  • Reach directly to their target audience
  • Showcase ideas and products at mass scale
  • Help generate funds from target audience
  • Get mentorship support from industry leaders

Crowdfunding 2016 impacted by New Regulations

As with every other upcoming concept happens, new regulations are being formulated around Crowdfunding 2016 in order to ensure investor security as well as transparency by regulation authorities around the world. This empowers the equity investors and will also open newer avenues for the startups in order to raise money from anyone in Crowdfunding 2016.


Eventually, as we see an industry which was originally VC dominant is being completely taken over by Crowdfunding and it will make easier and accessible capital raising for startups from all kinds of industrial backgrounds, more lucrative in Crowdfunding 2016. Also, investors from all over the world would want to be a part of the Crowdfunding 2016 with the levels of growth and opportunity in picture.

Share your opinion on how Crowdfunding 2016 would shape up as the year proceeds.

top crowdfunding campaigns 2015

Top Crowdfunding Campaigns 2015 – A Glorious Year

Crowdfunding has reached an altogether great height in the bygone year 2015. The top crowdfunding campaigns 2015 have grown to such a stature like never before. Investors had shown great liking for top crowdfunding campaigns 2015. The investments made towards these top crowdfunding campaigns 2015 were huge and beyond any comparison whatsoever. We take a closer look into the top crowdfunding campaigns 2015 to get a clearer picture of the event and review other success stories deeply.

Success stories of top crowdfunding campaigns 2015

As already pointed out, the top crowd funding campaigns 2015 have garnered great amounts of funds for a variety of causes. Some of the top crowd funding campaigns 2015 are described below.

  1. Star Citizen: A marvellous initiative of video gaming right there at the top crowdfunding campaigns 2015, the Star Citizen has already garnered $ 65,300,000 since its inception in December 2015. This campaign started over online platform Kick starter, has been recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records for the whopping amount of funds collected. The current value of this campaign is $ 105,189,806.
  2. Elio Motors: Elio motors launched this campaign in 2013 to garner funds for designing a three wheeled vehicle. The proposed vehicle is expected to hit a top 84 MPG. This campaign received a great response in 2015, to lend it a place in the top crowdfunding campaigns 2015 elite list. As of now his campaign has raised a whopping $ 25, 615,760 as funds with both refundable and non-refundable reservations.
  3. Pebble Time: Pebble Time is an online campaign started over Kickstarter and is amongst the top crowdfunding campaigns 2015 elite list. This campaign is the fundraising imitative for the third generation of the watch, Pebble Watch. Targeted for $ 500,000, the campaign has already garnered $ 20,338,986.
  4. Prison Architect: Prison Architect is another member of the top crowdfunding campaigns 2015 list. Launched in October 2015, this campaign has already amassed a value of $ 19,000,000 as funds from crowd funding. An instant hit amount funders, this project is fund collection spree to develop a prison construction and management simulation game by Introversion software.
  5. Ethereum: Ethereum is a decentralized publishing platform which features user-created digital contracts and Turing-complete language of contract programming. This campaign also features in the top crowdfunding campaigns 2015 list and is currently valued at $ 18,439,086 by fundraising since its inception in September 2015.

Well, crowdfunding has clearly reached a new level and the success of the above described top crowd funding campaigns 2015 has highlighted this fact. Crowd funders are happy investing in them and fundraisers have taken pride in them. New fundraisers are certainly buoyed by the success levels achieved by these campaigns in 2015.

crowd funding

Crowd Funding Ideas for Kids

Presented before you are some great, easy, valuable and interesting ideas for crowd funding which can be done by kids. Truly speaking there are many ideas for crowd funding but I will tell you some great ideas which can be easily done by kids. Crowd funding ideas should be interesting and fun otherwise people would not enjoy giving their wealth. By using the following ideas I am quite sure that you will surely pile up some real cash. The purpose of your crowd funding should be a little polite, so that when people see your purpose you gain a little of their precious sympathy.

  1. Crowd funding by cooking – If you have a hobby of cooking, it will surely help you in one or the other way. Like if you know how to make cookies or biscuits, bake them and try baking them by applying minimum effort. Once they are ready, go from house to house and try selling most of them thereby gaining more money.
  2. Crowd funding by music – Some people are good musicians and this is a skill that should be respected and used. If you want to do crowd funding then you will have to use this skill. For instance, if a kid is a good guitarist and the other a singer and they need quick funds, they can choose a crowded public place where they will get enough attention and can give a music concert with their need of funding displayed.
  3. Crowd funding by physical doing – If you live in a place where people know you and most of them have a vehicle which needs to be washed, so one can easily make up some funds. This idea for crowd funding is great and easy but the only thing is that the one who needs fund should be open minded. Kids can also try asking some of the neighbours for cleaning up their houses for some money.
  4. Crowd funding through gardening – It is a great activity to follow only and if one is capable of doing an artwork in garden or something like that. For doing so one needs a little of accessories to raise funds. You can hit some of the houses of the neighbours or some bungalow society and ask them for the job with the need of fundraising.
  5. Crowd funding by sale – It is sure that one always have things which is of no use and can be sold out to someone who needs it. You can collect some great items from you house and prepare them in order with a price tag and give out a great backyard sale. Mostly people love this type of sale and enjoy buying things. This is a great method of crowd funding and to maintain your profit you should surely keep revising the advertisement price tags of your backyard sale.
fundraising ideas

Fundraising ideas for school

Fundraising ideas are those which are pursued by fundraisers to garner funds for a cause. Fundraising ideas attract the attention of investors to invest funds. Fundraising ideas can be of many types but varied depending on the type of investors being sought for. School fundraising ideas are those ideas which can be implanted in schools to raise funds for a cause.

School fundraising ideas can with ease be implanted to target the students attending the schools to raise funds in good amounts. Also school fundraising ideas are aimed at drawing larger participation from school kids to boosts volunteering and voluntary school fundraising. We present certain creative and lucrative school fundraising ideas to pursue for easy school fundraising.

Some creative fundraising ideas for schools

Fundraisers across the world pursue various fundraising ideas for fundraising for a cause. But it is not entirely necessary that all fund raising ideas be successful in all contexts. A good fundraising idea for school fundraising but it may not work out in a similar manner at colleges. Likewise, a good college fundraising idea may not work out well for school fundraising. To avoid this and to boost up chances of garnering good amount of funds to support a cause, we present below certain effective and creative school fund raising ideas.

  1. Book sale: Organizing a book sale for students of school can be good one amongst many school fund raising ideas. Book sale can be organized by collecting used and old books by volunteers and selling them for a price to interested students. The collected amount can serve as funds for supporting a cause for which fundraising is being pursued.
  2. Bake Sale: Organizing a bake sale for school students can draw good amounts as funds. Baked items are liked by school students and sell for a good sum. Baked items like cakes, cookies, pizzas and the like can be prepared by volunteers and sold off to school students for a price which amount to the requisite funds for supporting a cause.
  3. School Athletics: Organizing a school athletic meet involving students for a small participation fees can be a good one amongst other school fund raising ideas. Such a meet can draw huge participation from enthusiastic school students. Such an event can draw a good amount as funds for supporting a cause.
  4. Theatre Shows: A theatre show involving school students can again be a good one amongst other school fundraising ideas. School students can be drawn in good numbers to raise a substantial amount of funds for supporting a cause.
  5. Fun events: Fun event involving school students can draw a good amount of participation and selling the tickets for these events can draw substantial amounts as funds for a cause. Such an event can be another good idea amongst other school fundraising ideas.
charity event ideas

Charity Event Ideas – Raise funds creatively

Charity fundraising for garnering funds for a charitable cause with charity event idea is a fun way to raise funds. Fundraisers from across the globe, flock in great numbers to launch their charity event ideas over fundraising websites to raise funds for their cause. Fundraisers make use of the unique exposure provided, to the charity event ideas, by the online platforms of fundraising websites to popularize the ideas far and wide.

Fundraising websites are frequented by investors of all kinds on the lookout for charity event ideas desirous of funding. Fundraisers are aptly benefited by these unique platforms of fundraising websites which their charity event ideas receive. But choosing the right and charity event idea is the key to success. Fundraising charity event ideas hold the key to raise the bar and generate immense amounts of funds for a cause. We present some very creative charity event ideas for fundraisers to explore and adopt for fundraising.

Some charity event ideas for charity fundraising

Charity fundraising as highlight before over platforms both online and offline is a sure shot way to gather funds quickly. But selecting the right charity event idea for charity fundraising can be critical in the process of garnering funds for a charity cause. Not every idea which strikes our minds can be expected to draw a large sum of funds for supporting the charity cause. We present some creative charity event ideas which can rightly be adopted on behalf of fundraisers for garnering good amount of funds to support their charity cause.

  1. Book resale: Fundraisers intending to generate good sum as funds can surely have a look into the book resale idea. One of the very interesting charity event idea, book resale event can be organized in our localities or in schools or colleges and the books for the resale can be collected by the volunteers themselves from their collection of old and lesser read books stock.
  2. Musical event: organizing a musical event or show can be a good one amongst other charity event ideas for fundraisers to pursue. A musical event is likely to draw a large crowd of music lovers which can contribute largely to the funds being sought for charity vide the tickets sold.
  3. Dance night: Dance shows like music shows are good crowd drawers. Organizing a dance night in our localities and showcasing the talent of dancers in and around us can be a great one amongst other charity event ideas. Participants as well as audience can be a charged a small amount of fare for participation and entertainment. The funds collected as fares from the common folk can serve as the requisite amount for supporting a charity fundraising ideas being hotly sought for.

These are some very creative charity event ideas for charity fundraising.


Kickstarter tips and ways to raise Fund

Raising funds over online fundraising websites like Kickstarter, has been an effective and easy fundraising technique adopted in the modern era. Fundraisers from all over the world have been profitably raising funds using websites like Kickstarter. The ease of use and easier means to start a fundraising idea and launch it over websites like Kickstarter readily attracts fundraisers to them as a means for launching their fundraising idea.

The added advantage, of online websites like Kickstarter, of global exposure to fundraising ideas also is another jewel in the crown of these websites. But many fundraisers are preoccupied with the question, ‘How to start a fundraiser over websites?’ Fundraisers often ponder over the right means of starting a fundraiser over websites like Kickstarter.We present some tips and ways to start a fundraiser over online platforms provided by websites like Kickstarter.

Tips and ways to launch a fundraiser over websites like Kickstarter

Some very helpful tips and ways to start a fundraiser over websites like Kickstarter, to be adopted by fundraisers for generating maximised funds for a cause are described below.

  1. Research the idea: Not every idea intended at generating funds can be or should be launched over websites like Kickstarter. A fundraiser should do a good amount of research about previously launched and successful fundraising ideas on the website. This would help a fundraiser draw a clear picture about what steps to follow and what steps to reject before formally launching the project in order to avoid a mess.
  2. Goals and targets: Every fundraiser, before the launch of a fundraising idea should clearly set in mind clear goals and targets to achieve from a fundraising idea. An idea to pursue aimed at generating funds for a cause over websites like Kickstarter, should only be pursued to achieve fruitful results and aimed at maximising the amount of funds raised. Any idea wherein funds raised are lesser should be summarily rejected. Any fundraiser which demands larger inputs both in terms of effort and manpower or monetary measures should again be avoided in order to achieve higher returns on inputs and maximise profits altogether.
  3. Popularising: The platforms provided by websites like this can be utilised to popularise an idea of fundraising. Efforts should be made on behalf of fundraisers to make an idea popular by making a lucrative presentation of the same before launching. A lucrative presentation in all likelihood makes a fundraising idea easily attractive for investors and fundraisers and makes the idea easily separable from the rest of the lot.

These are few of the tips and ways to effectively start a new fundraising idea over websites like Kickstarter by fundraisers to help them gain more and maximise the amount of funds raised for a cause.


Crowdfund and unique fundraising ideas

Crowdfund, a term well established in today’s world, has drawn a lot of attraction and participation from people all over the globe. Crowdfund and unique fundraising ideas clubbed together provide fundraisers with a mouthwatering prospect to garner funds for a cause. Although newer a concept as compared to traditional methods of fundraising employed from ages, crowdfund has gained larger popularity owing to its widespread nature.

This feature helps fundraisers to popularize and advertise their fundraising ideas far and wide and gives them an opportunity to raises larger amount as funds or supporting their cause. Crowdfund platform provides a launchpad for fundraisers to kick start their fundraising activity by resorting to unique, creative and fun filled fundraising ideas. Some of these ideas pursued widely upon crowdfund platforms for fundraising activities are looked into some depth in the following lines.

Some unique fundraising ideas over crowdfund platforms

Some very creative, fun filled and unique fundraising ideas hotly pursued over crowdfunding platforms, which when utilized by fundraisers in an effective manner, lead to generation of abundant sum as funds for a cause. Some of these ideas are described in details below.

  1. Auctioning funds: Underutilized articles lying idle in our cupboards or drawers. These items are seldom utilized by us and simply are treated to be of no use at all. But wait, starting an auction of these items over a crowdfund platform can generate a good sum as funds. Volunteers can flock together pouring all available items from their respective homes and contribute largely to greater funds being raised.
  2. Cooking up funds: Cooking favourite items like cakes, pastries, pizzas and the like and selling those for generating funds for supporting a cause can be a good fundraising idea. Popularizing the food sell can be done over a crowdfund platform and mass participation can be generated. Participation can be both in terms of eaters and cookers alike, who can stitch together a great partnership to generate money as funds for a cause.
  3. Ramp up your funds: Organizing a crowdfund fashion show with volunteers at the fore and popularizing it over crowdfund platforms can generate a good amount as funds for a cause. Fashion shows can flock good crowds from together and enjoy the show altogether. Fashion shows are a crowd catcher and have the distinguished feature of getting everyone entertained thoroughly up to the brim.

These are some of the creative ideas of fundraising which can aptly fit well into the scheme of fundraising for a cause by fundraisers. These ideas when managed well can raise a substantial amount of funds by fundraisers. Crowdfund platforms hold a district characteristics of helping fundraisers pursue with their fundraising ideas without any obstruction whatsoever.

crowdfunding France

Crowdfunding France – Several ways to raise money

Fundraising has started to spread its reach far and wide spreading across continents of the world since long. Crowdfunding France has been a hit like elsewhere in the rest of the world. Crowdfunding France has been evident of the success of many fundraising projects. Fundraisers are attaching themselves to crowdfunding France initiative owing to ease of its usage and also the great platforms crowdfunding France offers them.

Fundraisers get bowled over by the never before exposure received by their events over crowdfunding France platform. But many a time, fundraisers get all but confused brooding over the ways to raise funds vide crowdfunding France platforms. We present some of the very interesting and creative ideas for fundraisers to pursue over a crowdfunding France platform.

Some creative ways to raise money over crowdfunding France platforms

Crowdfunding France is a unique platform which is often utilized by fundraisers to raise funds for supporting a cause. The fundraisers are readily drawn to this unique platform but get often stuck up in choosing the right fundraising projects and ideas to pursue over it. We describe some interesting fundraising ideas below which can be easily launched over a crowdfunding France platform.

  1. French toast: Selling of French toast to raise funds can be one very good and creative idea for fundraising. This event can aptly be advertised over crowdfunding France platforms. This fundraising idea can attract a lot of investors flocking in from far and wide to buy these toasts and contribute indirectly to fundraising for supporting a genuine cause.
  2. Article auctions: Many of us are stuffed with loads full of idle articles, often under-utilized and underrated. These articles can be collected by fundraisers and volunteers and be put up for auctions. Auctioning helps them gather funds for their event. Popularizing such an even can be done over any of the many platforms of the crowd funding France initiative.
  3. Musical: Organizing a musical gala event comprising of soulful songs and super hit numbers drawing a large number of people together, can be an effective and fruitful idea for fundraising. Music touches the heart of millions in a quick manner. Launching a musical over crowd funding France platforms can attract even greater amount of participation. Generation of funds can be from the amount generated vide sell of tickets.
  4. Dance night: Similar to a musical, dance shows and events can draw large crowds. Launching a dance event can help popularize the event amongst the masses. Ticket selling for the dance event can raise the requisite amount of funds to support a cause. These events can certainly be launched over crowd funding France platforms to further boost the chances of greater fundraising from them.