crowdfunding sites

Crowdfunding Sites for Charity and Cause Fundraisers

Crowdfunding sites suit all kind of fundraiser these days, including fundraising for charity or cause. However, the point to be noted here is the specialization of these crowdfunding sites. There are crowdfunding sites which work for various genres of fundraising, also there are sites which work only for a particular kind of fundraising. The specialized crowdfunding sites have an obvious edge over the commoners, in convergence of work, but the common crowdfunding sites make it up in other fields like pricing and ease of access.

This blog discusses some of the prominent crowdfunding site in the field of fundraising for a charity or cause.

Crowdfunding sites to be considered by Non-Profits:

  1. FirstGiving

This is a pioneer crowdfunding site which not only helps the non-profits to raise funds for their cause but also, encourages and enables individuals to raise funds for their cause. Tools are provided through which funds can be raised in simple ways on this platform to assist individuals and from peer to peer fundraising events for non-profits. Processing charges of 7.5% apply which is inclusive of all.

  1. MyEfunder

Not one of the specialized crowdfunding sites but in no way less than any of those, MyEfunder provides the all tools and features to make fundraising for a cause a success, both for individuals and Non-Profits. The website is really easy to understand and use, and provides ample of options to sort donation types. With a fundraising fees which is not too much on the pocket of the fundraiser and donors, makes it quite a favourable one.

  1. FundRazr

A fundraising platform which has the trust of PayPal as it being the co-founder. It facilitates campaigning for a cause on the social media circuit through FundRazr pages. These pages can be established by individuals, groups, or even non-profits. The mode of donations could be anything ranging from credit cards, debit cards or even via PayPal.

  1. JustGive

One of the most widely used crowdfunding sites worldwide, JustGive is the home to 1.8 million charities, which find success in reaching their goal on the site. A minimal 4.5% processing fees on each donations is their way of earning, but it is at par with the standard rates. Another feature of this platform which impresses is that it allows downloading transaction details in various formats.


It is not only the features and pricing of crowdfunding sites which have a positive impact, but also the blogs of these crowdfunding sites. These blogs provide information about the recent trends and news in the field of fundraising. Hence, referring and researching about crowdfunding sites before starting a fundraiser is always a wise decision.

peer to peer lending

Peer to Peer Lending – Easy Ideas and Complete Guide

Peer to peer lending and fundraising have long been connected in a strong relationship. Peer to peer lending makes the whole phenomenon of fundraising something quite easy and fun filled.  Easy fundraising ideas and garnering funds to support a cause easily for sure attract peer to peer lending investors from far and wide. But before a fundraiser ventures into this lending model for investment, he should be well aware of the rules governing such an investment and fundraising scheme. We present in some details some key things to look into before moving forward with peer to peer lending.

Things to keep in mind in peer to peer lending model

Few things hold the key in any investment model for starters. With an age full of peer to peer lending investors on the lookout for interesting, innovative and creative fundraising ideas; efforts should be made consciously on behalf of the fundraisers to live up to the expectations being sought for. But choosing the right option while selecting amongst many investors of the peer to peer lending model, one as to patiently weigh down the pros and cons and make the correct selection considering he following key aspects.

  1. Eligibility criteria: The first and foremost consideration for a fundraiser to select the best peer to peer lending investor is to look into the fact that what amount of funds an investor is ready to put into a fundraising project. The greater this amount, the better for a fundraiser. This lending model based funding from an investor is certainly the chief aspect to consider before selection of an investor for fundraising for a cause.
  2. Procedure: Well we all prefer easier procedure for investment. Fundraisers should also prefer such an investors in the peer to peer lending model for an investment. Easier procedure for an investment is most preferred for hassle free and effort free fundraising.
  3. Penalties: A lot of investors in the peer to peer lending model for fundraising attach the column of a penalty before investment. A smart fundraiser should be aware of all these and choose such an investor who has the lowest value of penalty attached. This can be of much help in the long run and for the interest of the funds being collected.
  4. Support: A good support from the investors in a peer to peer lending model for fundraising is another aspect to consider before selecting an investor in this model. An investor who also provides due support to make a fundraising event a greater success should always be preferred. Any fundraiser looking for an investor should also consider the support aspect into greater consideration.
online fundraising

Fundraising companies over online fundraising platforms

Fundraising has become a famous concept these days. With its growing popularity worldwide, fundraising has leapt beyond traditional fundraisers to fundraising companies. With growing popularity, fundraising companies aim to spread awareness and their brand image via online fundraising activities.

Fundraising companies make effective use of online fundraising platforms to popularize their ideals on social welfare over these. Fundraising companies make use of the unique reachability of online fund raising platforms to raise awareness amongst the masses about the ideologies followed by them.

The fundraising companies make use of the online fundraising platforms to develop interest among the common folk about the socially burning issues which otherwise lay ignored and unattended. Buoyed by these facts we present some basics into launching an online fundraising campaign. Fundraising companies should keep these few things in mind before launching a campaign over online fund raising platforms.

Few things to keep in mind for fundraising companies to start a campaign over online fundraising platforms

Before starting a campaign over online fundraising platforms, fundraising companies should be following some basic procedure for appropriate and effective results. The mere ignorance of these may render inappropriate and garbled outcome and lead to failure of the campaign altogether. These little but important things help fundraising companies meet their intended results from a campaign and help spread their ideals far and wide for the common folk to understand and ponder upon vide the medium provided by the influential and mass followed online fundraising platforms. These things are described in the following lines in some details.

  1. Advertisements: Fundraising companies intending to spread awareness over online fundraising platforms about their existence and being, should utilize the unique platform provided by the online fundraising platforms should clearly highlight their brand, logo, ideals and cause behind a campaign in greater details.
  2. Staff strength: Staff strength of the fundraising companies should be put to use totally to a campaign. Staff fundraising ideas should individually be garnered under the umbrella-ship of the fundraising company. Staff strength should be exploited in fundraising and can be monitored over the online fund raising platforms.
  3. Prizes: Prizes can be aptly decided and kept to promote healthy competition amongst staffers to boost further mobility to an online fundraising campaign. A prize not only boosts participation but also motivates staff members to look towards better ideas to generate funds and further increase in the level of involvement on behalf of the staffers.

These are some basics things, on behalf of fundraising companies, to make a serious note of, before launching a campaign of fundraising based on their ideals and ideologies over an online fundraising platform. This boosts the odds in favor of their chances of garnering funds for a cause.

fundraising website

Fundraising website and crowdsourcing websites

Fundraising website is a modern day concept of garnering funds to supports cause. Crowdsourcing websites are very unique platforms upon which investors meet prospective fundraisers. Fundraising website presents a fundraiser with unique possibilities which help him raise funds from investors from the world over.

Fundraising website serve as a medium acting between interested investors and fundraisers bridging the erstwhile existing gap of communication prevailing. Fundraising website and crowdsourcing platforms form the core of fundraising these days. Bygone are the days when fundraisers had to work hard only to get their fundraising event popularized and then even harder to raise the requisite funds in the absence of any fundraising website.

With the advent and subsequent rise in stature of fundraising website, fundraisers can easily advertise their fundraising event to masses and easily work out the necessary funds. Fundraisers can totally indulge in making the event a grand success. Fundraising website with its reach, accessibility and ease of operation allow a fundraiser to purely work out strategies necessary to make the particular event, an event to remember and cherish and generate substantial amount of funds. But certain things which should be kept in mind by fundraisers before launching any event on an online fund raising website are presented below.

Few things to keep in mind before moving over to a fundraising website

Few things to keep in mind on behalf of a fundraiser before choosing a particular fund raising website for launching a fundraising event over it.

  1. Popularity: The popularity quotient of a fund raising website is perhaps the first thing to look out for before selecting one from the many crowdsourcing websites prevalent these days. Fundraisers looking for launching the fundraising event over on fundraising website should do a bit of research into this important aspect in the backdrop.
  2. Investors: Fundraisers seeking investment galore should opt for launching their event over that particular fund raising website only, which has the largest connections with investors and Angel investors. These investors hold the prospect for generating greater degree of funding for the fundraising event. This should be a prime selection criteria on behalf of a fundraiser on the lookout for a good fundraising website for fund generation.
  3. Terms and Conditions: Every fund raising website has its own terms and conditions governing fundraisers and investors alike. A fundraiser should carefully scan through very bit of the terms and conditions of a particular fundraising website before its finalization. A fundraiser must be aware of all issues and laws before launching a fundraising event over any of the crowd sourcing websites.

Keeping these points in mind, a fundraiser should decide the best suited fund raising website for his event launch.

crowdfunding platform

Crowdfunding Platform – Fundraising Event Ideas

Fundraising has become an event liked by people from all walks of life to realize their funding requirements and these fundraising events gain even more with the help of a crowdfunding platform. Crowdfunding platforms are a great launching pad for fundraisers to promote and popularize their fundraising event. Crowd funding platform is the perfect pal to assist a fundraiser. With its unique and great reachability, a crowdfunding platforms ensures that a fundraising event gets advertised as much as possible.

A crowdfunding website has in store reachability unbound spreading across geographical barriers and political barriers alike. A fundraiser needs no more than this unique feature possessed by a crowdfunding platform, for its advertisement. A crowdfunding platform aids a fundraiser in ways more than one, a crowdfunding platform serves as a mediator between investors from different locations and fundraisers also from different parts of the world. Across a crowdfunding platform both the parties get an opportunity to understand each other better and discuss a fundraising event in totality and clarity. Some fundraising ideas to promote over a crowdfunding platform are described below.

Some fundraising ideas over a crowdfunding platform

Fundraising ideas can be promoted over a crowdfunding platform and can help a fundraiser raise the requisite amount of funds for a cause. Some fundraising ideas which can be promoted over a crowdfunding platform easily are-

  1. Online Donations: Donations can be a good way to garner funds for a cause over a crowdfunding platform. Donations in both monetary and as goodies can help the requirements for a fundraiser event. The only thing to keep a note of is to properly present the event to persuade people over the online crowdfunding website for donations. The more lucrative the presentation, the more donations pouring in from all over.
  2. Online auctions: Holding an online auction over a crowdfunding website can surely be an idea to raise funds for a cause. Auctions can be of items ranging of practically anything like daily use articles or articles seldom put to use and lying idle. These items can fetch a good amount of funds upon auctioning. The sum raised can serve the purpose for which fundraising is being carried out.
  3. Fun-filled events: Fun-filled events like a concert of sorts can certainly gather a lot of participation and to promote such a concert over a crowdfunding website can help extend the reach of the news of the event far and wide. Entry fares can be levied on interested folks which can serve the purpose as funds required for a cause. If properly organized, these events can serve in a big way in terms of funds raised.
online fundraising sites

Online Fundraising Sites – High School fundraising ideas

High school fundraising has been popularising over the years and online fundraising sites are evident of this growing popularity amongst fundraisers. Fundraisers have resorted to many different ideas over online fundraising sites to pursue as high school fundraising ideas.  High school fundraising ideas are quite simple and effective and their effectiveness in garnering funds over online fundraising sites is clearly evident by the response they receive from the investors from world over. High school fundraising ideas can be fun to execute and promote over online fundraising sites to increase the amount of funds being raised. Some very unique fundraising ideas to be executed in high schools and promoted over online fundraising sites are described below.

Some very unique high school fundraising ideas to promote over online fundraising sites.

Some of the very unique and creative fun filled high school fundraising ideas which can be pursued over online fundraising sites to generate funds for supporting a cause are presented and described below.

  1. Fruit and vegetable sale:  Fruits and vegetables are good sources of essential nutrients for the body and mind. Selling of fruits and vegetables for high school fundraising can be a very good idea to pursue over online fundraising sites to support a cause. This idea can be executed by high school students themselves in their own localities and funds required for initial investment can be sought for over online fundraising sites from investors worldwide. Selling of these nutritious items can certainly reap rich rewards and funds from investors.
  2. Photos for fundraising: High school class photographs can be sold off to students to earn funds for a cause. Promoting this idea over online fundraising site can further help in popularising the idea and help generate even greater amount of funds for a cause. High school photo selling idea can be an instant hit for raising funds for a cause.
  3. Donation seeking: Donation seeking is perhaps the oldest amongst fundraising ideas. Online fundraising sites may be availed by high school fundraisers to garner funds and help promote the idea behind the fundraiser. Donations can be drawn from interested donors from worldwide using these online fundraising sites with pretty ease.
  4. Auctioning: One very good high school idea to pursue for fundraising is auctions. Holding an auction with lesser utilised items to help raise funds for a cause and promoting the event over online fundraising site can be very effective indeed.
  5. Marathon: High school marathon involving school students and a fundraising cause can be a good idea to raise funds for a cause. Promoting the idea of the marathon involving high school fundraising students and spreading the word over online fundraising site can spread awareness and help raise funds for a cause.
crowd source funding

Crowd Source Funding – Platforms and their requirements

Crowd source funding platforms like Kickstarter, Gofundme, Indiegogo and the like, have long been associated with fundraisers and fundraising events. These crowd source funding platforms are liked by fundraisers looking to garner funds for supporting their cause. Fundraiser events looking for wide exposure are readily attracted over to these crowd source funding platforms for meeting their funding requirements easily and in a profound manner, aptly befitting the requirements of the fundraisers. We describe in some details the requirements required on behalf of fundraisers to get started on their fundraising activities over crowd source funding platforms.

Some requirements before starting a fundraiser over crowd source funding platforms.

As described above, crowd source funding platforms are top shots for fundraisers to gather funds from the crowd, willing to invest in some really good ones. But before starting a fundraiser campaign over crowd source funding platforms, the following requirements must be fulfilled to stay a cut over the rest and draw the attention of investors in a better way.

  1. The clear idea: Before launching a fundraiser event over crowd source funding platforms, fundraisers should be clear about the goal or the aims and objectives behind starting an event. A fundraiser cannot be initiated without the clear knowledge about the event and its objectives. Investors can be drawn near towards funding an event if they are presented with the clear objective behind the fundraiser.
  2. The implementation: Coming to another very grave aspect of immense importance before starting a fundraiser over crowd source platforms, is having clarity of its implementation. A lot of effort goes into the successful implementation of any idea for achieving greater level of success. For any fundraiser to achieve greater amount of success over crowd source funding platforms, proper care should be taken to imbibe a perfect implementation plan for achieving greater degree of success in raising greater funds.
  3. Research your way: A certain degree of research should always be put into an event before its launch over crowd source funding platforms to gather funds from interested investors. The modern day investors are always on the lookout for events which have a good amount of research put into. Events with a good and solid researched background are more likely to gather the attention of investors for attracting their investment in garnering funds for a cause.
  4. Reward to give: Attaching a certain degree of reward with an event before launching it over crowdsource funding platforms for investors to get attracted. Rewards are always luring the investors and drawing investments from them. Rewards can be shares from the funds raised or in terms of certain goodies in return to their investment made into a fundraiser event.

These are some requirements to be taken into consideration before launching a fundraiser event over crowd source funding platforms.

school fundraising ideas

School Fundraising Ideas – Innovative and Unique Methods

School fundraising ideas are unique ideas which can be pursued in schools by volunteers to raise funds for a cause. School fundraising ideas can be easily set up and practiced over in school to raise funds. Some unique school fundraising ideas are described below.

Some creative and unique school fundraising ideas:

Some very creative and unique school fundraising ideas to be pursued in schools are:

  1. Photo memoirs: School classroom photographs are memoirs to treasure and to cherish forever. Classroom photographs snapped by professionals can be sold off to parents of the students for a price. The price fetched can act as funds for which the school fundraising ideas are being pursued for.
  2. Arts exhibition: Students and especially school kids have a liking for arts and crafts. A very unique amongst school fundraising ideas is to hold an exhibition of these articles. The selling of these artefacts can gather a good sum for which fundraising is sought.
  3. Wish cards: One of the very creative of school fundraising ideas is to prepare and sell off greeting cards for special occasions like New Year, Christmas and the like. The selling of the cards can be carried out at schools and students can be traced to buy these. Selling the cards to students to garner the requisite amount of funds for a cause can surely help in fundraising.
  4. Quiz shows: Organizing a quiz show for the school students can be a very good one amongst various school fundraising ideas. Quiz shows are a hit amongst school students and attract them in large numbers. Charging the students a small participation fees can serve as funds required for a cause.
  5. Bake big: Baked items are liked by school students, they are very fond of these. Selling baked items to them to garner funds can be one very good ideas amongst school fundraising ideas. The sold baked items can help collect the funds required.
  6. Concert night: School students are fond of music and concerts and are easily drawn to them. Amongst school fundraising idea, concerts can gather larger funds by drawing school students. Students often demand recurrence of the event if properly organized. These concerts can thus be an instant hit and tickets can easily get sold for raising the requisite funds for the cause.
  7. Playwright: A famous play of some very famous writer can be organized in a theatre for students and can be a good one amongst school fundraising idea. School students feel very attracted towards these plays and charging a minimum amount as entry ticket can help gather funds for a cause.

These are some unique school fundraising ideas which can be employed to garner funds to meet the requirements for a fundraising cause.

Crowd funding sites

Crowd funding sites for Quick Fundraising ideas

Your next fundraising idea might be an efficient one and able to garner funds on a quick note, and it could even be made quicker with the inclusion of crowd funding sites in your next venture. However, attention should be paid while choosing crowd funding sites, for the matter of fact that a wrong decision might cause you more than you reap. This is not a reason to lament over and it does not mean that with all crowd funding sites you might end up the same hopeless way. To de-tangle your confusion we bring to you a few simple steps, which could elevate you up a level for making wise decisions while choosing from the heap of crowd funding sites available in the market, for assisting your quick fundraising ideas.

Choosing crowd funding sites

  1. Skin matters: The skin of crowd funding sites, i.e., its appearance plays an important role in alluring the donors. The ease of presentation of any project is an attention seeker in itself. Crowd funding sites like MyEfunder, KickStarter and alike have an extra edge in this regard. They help garner support for the fundraiser, from their first impression.
  2. Clear understanding and smooth navigation: An ease of navigation and simple in understanding crowdfunding site always embarks into the minds on donors. Also it simplifies the difficulties of setting up a fundraising page.
  3. Financial dealings: Two kinds of finances basically lie in this section; one, the fees taken by the crowd funding sites for establishing a page, second, the donation. Crowdfunding sites which offer fundraising pages for a reasonable amount are likely to be chosen but at the end it, it’s all about the collection of money and funds.Hence a hassle free, non-confusing, and simple and more than one ways of collection is a must for crowd funding sites. A very important aspect to mention here is security of the transacted money. In this regard, some crowd funding sites even have their own payment portals rather than collaborating with a third party site.
  4. Outreach: For a successful fundraising over crowdfunding sites, another important thing to consider before choosing is the site’s marketing capabilities, its reach to all platforms where potential funders could be found and directed to your fundraising page.Another important feature of some avid crowdfunding sites is the facility given to a cause supporter to replicate original page and tunnel the funds collected to the original one.
  5. The crowd: The use of the site for transaction is an important feature to look for. It is good if the site having all above features also has an average amount of incoming traffic.

Choosing from crowd funding sites, keeping in mind the above mentioned factors could lead to a wise decision.


Crowdfunder – Raising money efficiently for everyone

Fundraisers are events aimed at raising funds for supporting a cause. But launching a fundraiser can sometimes be challenging enough. But platforms like Crowdfunder, more often than not help overcome these challenging times. Crowdfunder is an online fundraising platform which helps raise substantial amounts for a cause. Crowdfunder, by its sheer expertise in helping fundraisers has been amongst the favourites for fundraising startups. Crowdfunder and its unique features help start a fundraiser with minimum effort and difficulty. Crowdfunder sets a benchmark for effective and hassle-free fundraising. Online platforms like crowdfunder are popular amongst investors; Angel and seed investors alike. We present some tips which can be followed to get started with a fundraiser event on crowdfunder platforms to generate larger funds for a cause.

Tips to start a fundraiser on Crowdfunder

Fundraisers on this platform stands a good chance of being noticed by a large pool of investors waiting to find some deserving events. Crowdfunder has always been a great Launchpad for supporting fundraising events. But there are certain important points to make note of or in other words, some essential tips that can be followed to make a fundraiser an instant hit over Crowdfunder platform. These tips are enumerated below as the three steps to a successful fundraiser and described in some depth.

  1. Plan a fundraiser: The step to any fundraiser should be proper planning. Planning out steps of action for a type of fundraiser event should be done prior to its launch. Resources required for supporting such fundraisers may be enlisted. Resources at ready disposal should summarily be checked and rechecked to avoid last minute nuisances that may creep up. Volunteers, if required should be arranged well in advance and they should be properly briefed about the fundraising event and the whole idea behind the fundraiser.
  2. Get registered: Now the second and also a very important step towards a successful fundraiser is to get a registered account on Crowdfunder, to avail its services. An account helps maintain a unique individuality for the fundraiser and its starters upon the platform. After the registration is done successfully, one can explore the vast ocean of opportunities available on the platform.
  3. Reach out: Reach out for interested investors and try to persuade them by presenting an attractive image for the fundraiser, an image of some substance and soul; which an investor gets readily sucked into investing. Try out different investors for different sums which suit the investors without overburdening them. But a point to keep in mind is that one must not indulge in pressuring rather we should focus on persuading. One should not get disheartened from minor failures and keep trying for major gains in terms of funds garnered for a fundraiser.