crowd sourcing

Fun fundraising ideas involving crowd sourcing platforms

Fundraising for a cause is by no means a new subject and involving crowd sourcing platforms for fundraising is neither. But have you ever thought that fundraising can be fun too, over the famed crowd sourcing platforms as well. If not then, think again; fundraising ideas can be fun too and crowd sourcing platforms can indeed help in making them funny, in a great way. Some quirky and funny fundraising ideas, which can be aptly pursued over crowd sourcing platforms to raise funds to support a cause, are described below.

Some fun fundraising ideas to pursue over crowd sourcing platforms

  1. Treasure Hunt: Treasure hunts organised by volunteers to generate funds for a cause is likely to raise a good sum of money. A fun event like treasure hunting can draw a good amount of participation and these treasures can be anything like chocolates, candies or goodie baskets. These items can be bought from the participation amount collected from interested individuals. Crowd sourcing platforms can be utilised to spread awareness for the event and advertised well to over the same, spreading awareness for the cause behind it. This can surely be one such fund boosting fund raising ideas.
  2. Dyeing Spree: Dyeing clothes in colours and selling them for a price can be a fun way to fundraise as well. Dyed clothes attract many and moreover spreading awareness for the cause being pursued can also be done alongside. Crowd sourcing platforms can be chosen as well as a medium to spread awareness, launching the event and for selling off the clothes as well.
  3. Talent Shows: Talent shows can be organised over time by volunteers and can be launched over crowd sourcing platforms. Talent shows can draw huge participation and serve the dual purpose of showcasing the talent hidden in some to prospective onlookers and secondly the entry tickets can serve the purpose of generating funds required to support a cause.
  4. Bike racing: A bike race can be organised to raise funds for a cause. Bike racing events can be launched over crowd sourcing websites for mass attention. Entry fees can be charged for the event where talented bikers may showcase their talents to generate funds.
  5. Auctioning: Auctioning articles seldom used can be a fun idea for fundraising. Participation can be increased to greater numbers by popularising the idea over crowd sourcing platforms. People can be encouraged to donate freely and generously by spreading awareness for the cause for which the auctioning is being carried out. Articles can be collected and sold off for a price which can generate the requisite amount of funds being sought.

These are some fun fundraising ideas which can be pursued over crowd sourcing platforms to raise a substantial sum for supporting a cause.

crowdfunding Australia

Crowdfunding Australia – How to fundraise money

Crowd funding is the method for raising funds from interested donors for meeting the needs of an individual, firm or organization. Crowdfunding Australia is the generalized term coined for encapsulating all the crowdfunding Australia activities currently active ‘down under.’ Already a huge success in Australia, Crowdfunding Australia boasts of garnered funds to support quite a few projects and charity fund raising events.

Crowdfunding Australia seems an instant hit amongst the people of Australia. But drawing attention from the masses and seeking investments and donations can be a tough nut to crack and many of us are stuck up into the very starting of a campaign and knowing not about the prerequisites of them. To ease out all stresses and iron out all bumps which may arise, we present in some details the three keys to launch a successful project in lieu with crowdfunding Australia standards.

Keys to fundraise from crowdfunding Australia successfully

First things first, before we go into some depth about knowing the prerequisites or keys to a successful campaign or project over crowdfunding Australia platforms, one must have a clear idea about the cause or the motive behind the fundraising activity. Once a motive is clearly identified then the following keys would certainly help in making a project or campaign a real success over crowdfunding Australia.

  1. Narrate: The idea for fundraising or the cause behind a fundraising activity should be clearly narrated before the common folk. This can be done vide the means of online crowdfunding Australia platforms in a creative and effective way. Moreover, it can be popularized amongst the masses vide the common medium of offline advertising as well. The whole idea is to get the idea amongst the masses as widely circulated as possible. The more people know the story the more funds are likely to be collected.
  2. Shy Not: We in general are shy to reach out to people for asking help and seeking funds. But shy not and speak loud and clear over platforms provided by crowdfunding Australia. These platforms are indeed ideals for reaching out to the general public without any shyness and hiccups whatsoever. The real mantra for success over these crowd funding Australia platforms is simple, ‘Shy not to Gain more.’
  3. Zip, zap, zoom: Once there, you have to just kick start working on your mission simply start a campaign over crowd funding Australia platforms and get ready to collect funds by the events proposed from the interested people.

Crowdfunding Australia has certainly provided us with means to express our feelings openly and freely and surely it has taken a huge step helping people gather funds to traverse the road towards success a bit freely indeed.

raising money for charity

Raising money for Charity using Crowdfunding sites

Crowdfunding has been a major source of fundraising. This type of fundraising could be for both profits and non-profits. The discussion here is about raising money for charity through crowdfunding. Raising money for charity for Non-Profits have come a long way from traditional means to online fundraising through crowdfunding platforms. These crowdfunding platforms provide the necessary local and global exposure to raise money for charity. These are online sites which assist to the work of raising money for charity in a dedicated manner. Crowdfunding sites like CauseVox, MyEFunder, GoFundme etc. provide the necessary assistance to raising money for charity.

Basic Features of Crowdfunding Sites

Although, every crowdfunding site work in their own manner to help raise money for charity; still they have a few common features which help non-profits establish an online fundraising event. They allow the interested organization or individual to set up pages for the cause which they support, and its other supporters to replicate these pages so that more and more funds could be collected for the cause. To keep a check over any fraud that might arise while raising fund for charity, these crowdfunding sites provide their own credit card processing portals for incoming donations. Some of these crowdfunding sites work well enough to promote any tangible event organized for raising money for charity, others plainly support and promote the cause on which the non-profit aims at.

When a crowdfunding site cannot help raising money for charity

Everything has its pros and cons, certainly crowdfunding sites boost the capability of Non-Profits for raising money or charity, but they should not be considered as the ultimate thing to fundraising. They too have limitations which should be clearly understood by people intending for raising money for charity. Crowdfunding sites give a sound help to boost your campaign for fundraising, but expecting money inflow merely by posting the cause over them is a huge and most common mistake. The initial efforts put by you should be to accumulate the interest of your friends and family into the cause and then you might expect funds from strangers and slowly from people worldwide for your charity reason.

Before choosing a crowdfunding platform for raising money for charity, research is important.This research should be done in all aspects of a crowdfunding sites. One should visit them; compare their features, the investment involved, the risks involved, their past reviews and historical data as well as the current projects that are listed with them and how they fair in collecting funds through that site. Taking these measures would ensure that you have chosen a correct way of raising fund for charity.

Fundraising Ideas

Philanthropy with some charity fundraising ideas

It is often heard or seen that people with enormous fortune, especially celebrities helping the needy or derived through alms and money. However, with some reasonable charity fundraising ideas a common man can do there bit for the society and the needy.

Charity starts at home, an emotional attachment to charity being the seed of it all, followed by charity fundraising ideas. Choosing from amongst the lot of charity fundraising ideas is not a hard nut to crack, but sometimes implementing could be, however the latter is not a major concern if funding for charity is all that you are concerned about.

Philanthropy fundraising ideas for charity

Fundraising for charity and fundraising ideas for philanthropy has existed for many years and can be traced from ancient times. Philanthropic fundraising ideas for charity and their records can be found in ancient Greece and Rome. Philanthropic fundraising ideas finds mention in various religions like Islam, Buddhism, Christianity and the like; wherein philanthropic  funds were raised for building places of worship and also to help the poor and the needy. Some, fundraising ideas on a purely non-profit oriented charity for philanthropic reasons are described below.

  1. Collecting donations: The old yet time tested way to gather funds for charity events is through collection of funds from people for a philanthropic cause. The cause behind charity fundraising can be well popularised through online platforms like Kickstarter, Myefunder, GofundMe, Crowdfunder and the like. Also the traditional way of going door to door spreading awareness about a cause and seeking funds for a charitable cause can certainly help volunteers raise a good sum.
  2. Selling Candy Bars and Cookies: Preparing and selling food items like yummy candy bars or cookies, cakes or pastries and spreading the message of philanthropic charity fundraising can be one of the best ideas for fundraising. Food items attract one and all alike and thus can raise a good sum of money for charity fund seekers. Philanthropic charity fundraising can gain a lot from selling food items for non-profit charity fundraising.
  3. Tickets for sports events: Sports events draw huge crowds and participation from common folks. Philanthropic charity fundraising ideas like sports events tickets sell-off can raise funds in greater numbers for volunteers. Volunteers can arrange for sports events and sell off tickets online over crowd funding platforms or can set-up stalls for selling the tickets for raising funds for a cause.

These are some of the fundraising ideas which can be employed by volunteers to garner funds for a charity cause derived out of philanthropic emotions. Crowd funding websites can certainly help in popularising these ideas big time to widen the reach of the charity ideas across the world.

ways to raise money

Some unique ways to raise money for charity

Fundraising has been employed since long to garner funds for a charity work. Ways to raise money are plenty in number, but effective ways to raise money are the need of the hour when it comes to charitable causes. Attracting attention of individuals and raising awareness should be the main goals before employing one of the many ways to raise money for charity. A good idea or way should be oriented clearly and focused on its objective of raising money for charity and we must keep this aspect in our minds before giving a nod for one amongst the many ways to raise money. We present some ways to raise money for charity below.

Unique ways to raise money for charity

Employing creative and unique ideas and ways to raise money for charity can be a tricky decision to make and justify. We present some unique and creative ways for readers to select from many different ways to raise money for charity events.

  1. Baking idea: An easy way to reach a person’s thoughts is through one’s stomach, goes the famous saying. This holds true even for ways to raise money for charity. Volunteers and friends and families can prepare some interesting baked items like cakes, pastries, doughnuts, pizzas and the like and sell them off for a price which serves as the necessary money for charity.
  2. Sports and games: Charity sports and games events are good way to raise money for a cause. Sports and games events are crowd pullers and draw huge amount of participation from sport lovers worldwide. The participation tickets can generate funds for charity. The massive participation from these events  can certainly garner a lot of sum for charity purposes.
  3. Community Services: Engaging in some community services like street cleaning, street lighting, tree planting, weed removal and the like can serve the dual purpose of both community cleaning drive and charity fund raising at the same time. Collecting a sum for community services from local authorities can certainly help in fundraising, more than many other way to raise money.
  4. Cultural events: Presenting and performing cultural events like songs, dances or plays can be good change from the normal course of life for the local residents. Performance delivered for the tickets sold can help garner the requisite sum for charity events and certainly be one of the good ways to raise money.
  5. Auctioning: Auctioning articles seldom used by volunteers, their families and friends for a handsome price can certainly help in raising funds for a charitable cause. Auctions can really be adopted as a realistic way to raise money for charity.
Crowdfunding websites

Fundraising projects through crowdfunding websites and Frequent Mistakes

Fundraising for projects especially start-ups are going through crowdfunding websites to raise capital funds. However, data from significant crowdfunding websites like Myefunder and KickStarter reveal that a lesser percentage of the budding companies which apply for funds through these crowdfunding websites are able to reach their goal.

A start-up is dream of its owner, a flop show of the project on the crowdfunding websites might pierce the dream to its core. Hence, a campaign should be fool proof and well planned enough to get the project going.

Here, we glance through the most common mistakes which should be avoided when fundraising through crowdfunding websites.

Mistakes while raising funds through crowdfunding websites

  1. Being Slow and steady:

Slow and steady might be a good strategy to work but not good enough to reach the goal of a fundraiser on crowdfunding websites. The strategy should be such that more than a quarter of funds should be accumulated within the first three days. For this, it is important to increase the donor support on your project during the initial days. Hence, one should try to get contribution on crowdfunding websites from family, relatives, friends and acquaintances. This keeps your project trending and under the limelight attracting other donors.

  1. Assuming online world as a genie:

This notion, though developed amongst a lot, is a myth. Your project being online through the crowdfunding websites is not a potion for your project to work; you have to put ample efforts to get your project going. There has to be a spark in the project idea which connects it with the masses and deals with something that people would like to add to their real world.Also you have to be attentive while promoting your project to a particular community based on interest on the crowdfunding website.

  1. Not paying heed to asking:

Asking a donation for your project would never harm it in any manner. People spend a lot of time and mind over ways to advertise their project on crowdfunding website, but while doing so they forget one of the most basic aspects of fundraising which is asking for donation. However, on crowdfunding websites the donations are simply not collected using a virtual basket, but by explaining the need of your project to the society and surroundings.

  1. Thinking that the start is all :

No it is not so; it is important to keep track of all happenings of fundraising process through the crowdfunding website. This not only helps to check progress level of your goal amount but also lets you redefine your strategies to raise funds on crowdfunding website.

These are some mistakes to avoid while raising funds through crowdfunding websites, lest the online show of the project might be a flop in garnering funds.

ideas for fundraising

Some Sports Ideas for Fundraising

Sports can draw the attention of young and old alike. Sports are events which can pump adrenaline into the arteries and generate excitement and enthusiasm unlike any other event. Ideas for fundraising involving sports thus can attract a big participation. Fundraising for a cause can certainly benefit a lot from ideas for fundraising involving sports as the core. But a fundraiser often gets confused over selecting one between numerous ideas for fundraising. We try and bring out some very special, exciting and profitable ideas for fundraising, involving sports events.

Some interesting sports ideas for fundraising

Sports ideas for fundraising are an instant hit amongst sports enthusiasts. Fund seekers can readily put to use this ardent craze for sports to generate funds. Some enthusiasm booster sports ideas for fundraising are described below.

  1. Baseball match-up: A charity fundraising baseball match between participating volunteers can be a good one amongst ideas for fundraising. Crowds throng to be a part of such an event and witness the sport with all enthusiasm. Galleries light up and stands fill up for such an event. Participation tickets can raise the requisite funds for cause. Baseball match thus can certainly‘home run’ your fundraising needs.
  2. Cricket is the catch: A cricket match organised for raising funds can also be a good one amongst other ideas for fundraising. A pure cricket loving fan’s delight, charity cricket matches can ideally generate huge participation funds. A charity cricket match can certainly ‘bold out’ needs and help remove dearth of funds altogether.
  3. Basketball match: A basketball match organised to raise funds can one of the great ideas for fundraising. A basketball can be adrenaline pumping an event. Passionate basketball lovers flock together in numbers to witness such a match. A good basketball match gives much delight to its lovers. Whooping sums can be generated out of a charity basketball match. A ‘basket’ of delight in all its rights, a basketball match can undoubtedly raise a good sum of funds.
  4. Football Spectacle: A football match is quite popular amongst sports enthusiasts. A football charity match is all likelihood one of the best idea for fundraising. A football match is expected to draw huge crowd and generate a lot of funds to support a cause. A football match with massive fan-following is likely to help achieve the ‘goal’ of fundraising.
  5. Hockey roller-coaster: A closely contested hockey match can be a humdinger of an event. A sheer delightful amongst other ideas for fundraising, can help generate a good amount of funds. A hockey match in all its spirit can ‘shootout’ the needs for raising funds for a cause.

These are some exciting prospects for fundraising for a cause involving pulsating sports to generate funds in greater amounts in all likelihood.


Creative Fundraising Ideas with Crowdsourcing Websites

Fundraising off lately involving crowdsourcing websites is the latest trend to garner funds to support a cause. Crowdsourcing websites, simply owing to their extravagant reachability and popularity amongst donors and investors from the world over, are a favourite amongst fund seekers. Creative ideas are always relished by donors over crowdsourcing websites. Thus, choosing the right ideas to showcase upon crowdsourcing websites to attract the attention of investors can be a tricky one indeed. We present some creative ideas below to help overcome this tricky situation.

Creative fundraising ideas over crowdsourcing websites

Creative ideas are always sought after by investors and this is no different over crowdsourcing websites. Some creative ideas which can be pursed upon to fundraise over crowdsourcing websites are described below.

  1. Bracelet Sell-a-thon: Volunteers looking to collect funds for a cause can arrange the selling off silicon bracelets and arrange for the funds sought for. This idea can be well advertised over crowdsourcing websites to look for prospective buyers intending to buy them for a price which can serve as funds for the cause.
  2. Collection of Items: Collecting items from interested people intending to help by donating them can be advertised over crowd sourcing platforms. These items can serve directly as charity items or can be sold off for a price to help gather funds for a known cause.
  3. Flag Making: Volunteers can make arrangements to make flags and sell them off to local residents for a small price to garner the requisite amount of funds for supporting a cause. These flags prepared can also be sold online over crowd sourcing websites to extend the prospective buyer’s list. This idea can be a good crowd eye catcher and a good way to garner funds or a cause.
  4. Spellathon Challenge: Volunteers can arrange to organize a spellathon challenge event and spread the word over crowdsourcing websites. Spellings and spellathons can attract a large number of people together and help raise funds required. Online advertisements can further contribute to heightened participation and boost the chances of gathering a larger amount of funds to support a cause.
  5. Smoothied Way: Volunteers can prepare smoothies and sell them off for a price to gather funds. Smoothies on a warm day can attract a lot of interested buyers and generate a large sum of money to support a cause. Advertisements for the smoothie sell off can be made over crowd sourcing websites to involve more participants both on the buying as well as selling fronts. Interested volunteers can flock together and contribute to larger smoothie making and selling ideas.

These were some off the league, creative ideas which could be implemented to raise funds over crowdsourcing websites. Which ideas will you try? Comment below and let us know!


Types of grants-making organizations for Charity Events

Grants are donations made by donors to support a cause. Charity events can be a good way for the collection of grants from interested donors. But before starting to prepare for charity events, we must have certain basic ideas to garner grants from interested donors in a better way. These basic ideas about donors and grants will go a long way in helping collect funds for charity events and pave the way or a greater amount of contribution coming in from donors from far and wide regions. We present before our readers different types of grants-making organizations, to help select the best suited amongst them, to kick start charity events on a full throttle.

Types of grants-making organizations

Charity events are certainly nobler ways to support the needy, but generating grants from donors can be a challenging task altogether. We describe, in the trailing paragraphs, different types of grant-making organization to help our readers select the particular type amongst them which may be interested in donating towards their charity events.

  1. Private type: Private organizations are independent of any control by others around. Private donors can either be individuals looking to lend support or a business institution lending support to charity events in the form of grants. A private organization is often interested in offering support to a social cause especially when charity events are aimed at relieving the pains and sufferings of fellow individuals marred by natural calamities and disasters. A private organization is, more often than not, on the lookout to roll out its support to charity events organized for a social cause.
  2. Venture type: Ventures, joint in nature are formed by the coming together of corporate houses working towards a common goal. These ventures can be often seen engaging themselves with charity events. These ventures set up trusts wherein grants are sanctioned to channelize them towards communal services aimed at the betterment of the community status. These trusts, run by the ventures, establish schools, colleges, hospitals, rehabilitation centres and the like to fulfill their social and communal responsibilities.
  3. Self-operational type: Self operational type organizations are those which involve in donating grants for charity events organized and advertised by themselves. These organizations, along with volunteers make arrangements for charity events and help the needy people with generated funds from the charity events.

These are the important types of organizations making donations generously and offering help in the form of grants and help the needy with them. Charity events and their organizers looking for funds can readily approach the suitable type of organization to garner funds for holding the event for a noble cause. These organizations can be approached with proper attitude, plan and description of the charity event, to allow them to donate readily and easily.

Angel Investors

Financing Start-ups: Through crowdfunding and Angel Investors

Traditional means of funding such as bank and co-operative loans are generally avoided by entrepreneurs as they have their own limitations. Crowdfunding and Angel Investors though not a naive way of finance, still are considered as a suitable option to traditional funding. Interestingly, mix of crowdfunding with Angel investors is considered to be a new way of funding.

The Know How’s of Crowdfunding

Meaning of the word ‘crowdfunding’ is as lucid as it can be i.e., raising funds from the crowd. It takes a lot of money to kick start a start-up, but when the expense is shared amongst the masses, financial burden is distributed hence lessened. These fund investors become a part of the budding company and are paid off in either the rewards way or equity way. The only concern of funding investor is eased by crowdfunding platforms these days.

The Know How’s of Angel Investors

Angel investors are financially abundant individuals who provide the required capital for a start-up to function. These funds provided by Angel investor are transacted with shares of the company or convertible debts. People deemed as Angel investors are often retired people from Top level management or entrepreneurs. They are basically in search of gains beyond green paper. The prime motive of Angel investor include being aware of latest happenings in the field of businesses and guiding others through their experience.Angel Investors fill the gap between seed funding (from relatives) and venture capital firm funding. Seed funding are not capable of rising money more than a few hundred thousand dollars and venture capital often believe in a greater sum of investment. Hence, Angel investors perfectly fit in to the picture in between the two.

The mix of Angel Investors with Crowdfunding

The idea of funding start-ups has gained sufficient momentum in the recent years; hence it has led to emergence of a number of crowdfunding platforms. Some of the eminent crowdfunding platforms house both crowd funders and Angel Investors. With this advancement there has been hardly any difference in between the two on these crowdfunding sites. A fund seeker can showcase his projects over a crowdfunding platform, the investor registered with these platforms could see various options of new start-up from the categories in which they want to invest and choose one from the list.

Apart from the pros there are a few risks involved with the investment from Angel investor. The most prominent amongst them is the demand of high investment returns by the Angel investor. Hence, less confident entrepreneurs find it difficult to get their project financed from Angel investors.

However, the best part is that, finances could be gained from Angel investor at a very early stage of ventures, which is something banks can’t provide.