crowdfunding platforms

Fundraising activities with Crowdfunding Platforms

Crowd funding events can be a good source to raise funds for a cause. Fundraising for a cause can serve as a sure-shot means to garner the requisite amount of funds needed for a charitable cause. Crowdfunding platforms can help in promoting and advertising fundraising events. Owing to greater and boundless reach of an online platform, crowdfunding platforms can help promote a fundraising activity to reach distances never explored before. We look into some creative fundraising ideas into greater depth in the trailing lines which can be started over crowdfunding platforms as a launching pad.

Activities to get, set and go on crowdfunding platforms

Fundraising ideas to kick start gathering of funds for a cause on crowdfunding platforms are plenty and galore. These ideas are aimed at reaching to the masses vide the outreach provided by these marvellous crowdfunding platforms. We present them in some details below.

  1. Dance the way: Dance shows are a great crowd gatherer and a good idea to kick starting a fundraising event for a cause. Volunteers can be engaged to perform dance numbers and organize the event in a gala way. Crowdfunding platforms can be used to spread the word of the show far and wide. Selling of tickets over these platforms and also offline can generate funds which serve as the requisite amount for the cause.
  2. Match the needs: Organizing a charity sports match between groups of volunteers and arranging for audiences vide crowdfunding platform can generate a good amount of fund to support a cause. Charity soccer match or basketball match or the like can attract a lot of attraction from sports enthusiasts. Promoting a charity match over crowdfunding platforms can help spread even better awareness, boosting audiences and in turn generating greater funds collected to support a cause.
  3. Ramp walk the hill: Organizing a fashion show involving volunteers with creative dressing from the volunteers themselves and promoting the event over crowdfunding platforms can help generate funds for a cause. Charging of entry fares for the event can be used as funds for funding a cause.
  4. Teach and gather: Volunteers can engage into teaching kids and generate funds through charging small amount of tuition fees from the students. Interested students requiring guidance in studies can be attracted vide crowdfunding platform and parents and guardians can be contacted through them. Sparing time for teaching can help the needy children in their studies and also generate much needed funds for supporting a cause.
  5. Baking Delight: Baking cakes, cookies, pastries or doughnuts and selling them for a price online over crowdfunding platforms can be an instant hit amongst baked-dish enthusiasts. These items can fetch a good sum for supporting a cause and be a good way to raise funds.

These are few ideas involving volunteers for supporting noble cause using crowdfunding platforms.


Crowd funding and fundraising for a cause using Gofundme

Crowd funding and fundraising for a cause has gathered hype over the recent years. Fundraising for a cause can be performed in more ways than one. But online platforms like Gofundme, have grown into prominence quite magnificently over the years. Fundraising for a cause is one of the most popular ideas amongst people with new ideas to garner funds in supporting a noble cause. Online platforms like Gofundme are very efficient in helping fundraisers gather funds. Fundraising for a cause and innovative ideas for fund raising, can act as a startup for a noble and charitable cause altogether. We present some creative ideas for fundraising for a cause which can be started over Gofundme platform. Crowd funding ideas on Gofundme

  1. Auctioning: Auctioning can be a good way to garner funds for a cause. We are all have items laying around the house that we no longer use or need, why not auction them off for a good cause? Auctioning these items for a price can help gather many charitable funds. Gofundme is a good platform to orient such an auction. An auction can be advertised well on Gofundme and large sales can be expected due to a wide reach of this online platform in varied regions. This can help generate large sums of money as funds for the cause.
  2. Meal Seller: Preparing and selling off meals and food items like cakes, pastries and sweets can be a good way to raise funds. Organizing a meal seller event and launching it over Gofundme to reach the masses can be a certain hit. As internet has a wide reach nowadays, online platform like Gofundme can surely help support a fundraising cause in a big way.
  3. Community Service: Identifying and performing unique community jobs like car washes and the like can be organized and advertised over platforms like Gofundme. Volunteers can be urged to join hands to the fore for engaging themselves and being a part of the fundraising cause. Schedules and list of services can be properly advertised and awareness can be readily spread far and wide.
  4. Cultural events: Fun and cultural events like dances, concerts and talent shows can be a good means for gathering funds for a cause. Entry fees to these events, although nominal in stature can be an instant fundraiser. Advertisements over platforms like Gofundme can generate instant attention amongst people. Generating funds from fun events and cultural events can surely help generate the requisite funds for a cause.
  5. Match Skills: Organizing a charity event like a football or a cricket match can help generate good amounts of funds for a cause. Tickets for the viewers can be sold over platforms like Gofundme to maximize reach amongst the people. The cause for the charity event can also be advertised over the platform to generate greater impact amongst interested people and generate maximized funds.

These are some of the events which can be started over crowd funding platforms like Gofundme and greater returns in terms of funds raised can be achieved and garnered.

Crowdfunding Sites

Fundraising for Individuals paced by crowdfunding sites

The need for fundraising for an individual can arise at any point of time in life, hence clearing the air about a successful fundraising is important. The idea of crowdfunding sites in this context should also be imbibed along with the concept of fundraising for individuals.

Fundraising for individuals comprise of various reasons for raising funds for the needs of a helpless individual. These reasons could be of a variety of kinds like raising funds for payment of school or college fees, funds for treatment of illness, funds for establishing a set up for a handicapped person to earn his living etc.

Everybody is well aware of the role crowdfunding sites offer in the field of funding projects. Interestingly there are crowdfunding sites which assist to the needs of fundraising for any cause be it individual or any other kind. This articles discusses the impact of crowdfunding sites when fundraising for an individual. As we traverse through this article we come to know that this impact is more of a positive nature.

Accelerating individual Fundraising through crowdfunding sites

The market of crowdfunding sites could be easily scanned through the internet to find the correct kind of site for fundraising for an individual. MyEfunder is one of those crowdfunding sites which help raising funds for an individual.

However, suitable crowdfunding sites are not the first prerequisite of individual fundraising, the first requirement is the reason for the fundraising for which the individual is raising funds. It has to be something concrete, something that the person is really in need of, and not some superficial one.

A fundraising event is the next thing to watch out in the process. It can be of a wide variety depending upon various factors such as location, need of the individual, capabilities and thought process of the individual etc. A fundraising event can be anything ranging from a simple collection box to a fun fair, however in case of an individual, options are limited as the organiser is an individual.

Involvement of crowdfunding sites adds another dimension to the process of fundraising for an individual. It helps overcome the limitations of individual fundraising by propagating the individual cause through a wider area of funders. Crowdfunding sites like MyEfunder facilitate listing individual causes on their platforms thereby garnering funds for them from every nook and corner.

These crowdfunding sites list the events organised by the individual for the collection of funds, hence the event should be such that it would attract the funders at the very first look. It could be a physical challenge, a creative one or may be an act of simple sacrifice. Reaching to the masses is the objective of crowd funding sites; for this purpose they should be chosen in a wise manner. The act of choosing involves the inspection of the previous track record of crowdfunding sites for similar kind of fundraising as yours.

The main aspect of the fundraising is the deep emotion attached with the cause, other things are secondary.


Crowdfunding – The need of the hour for Entrepreneurs

With more and more alternative ideas for financing projects, entrepreneurship is scaling new heights. Crowdfunding is one such alternative scheme for raising funds for indigenous projects, in fact it is termed as one of the best available option in the market. This article gives a brief introduction to the concept of crowdfunding followed by why crowdfunding should be a preferred way to finance projects?

Crowdfunding – A Quick Introduction

Crowdfunding- as evident from its name,means funds from a crowd or a group of people. These people fund the projects in some trade-off. This Trade-off classifies crowdfunding in to two kinds: Rewards based crowd funding and Equity based crowdfunding.

A Rewards based crowd funding is the one in which the funder enjoys the products and services of the company in return for the funds offered.

An Equity based crowd funding is the one in which the investors gets shares of the company in return to the invested sum of money.

The terms and conditions could be well settled by the parties in any way they find best suited. It could be either of the two categories or a mix of both.

Crowdfunding – A wise option for funding

The idea of crowdfunding is simple but the complex part is to propagate the idea of the start-up amongst the lot of potential funders. The latter is facilitated by mediators known by the name of crowd funding platforms. Working through these platforms for crowd funding,the project could be one of the wisest decisions in the course and following points will elaborate the idea.

  1. Funding projects made easy: A budding entrepreneur might be well aware of the tedious processes followed and conditions applied when dealing with bank loans. In crowdfunding through platforms, there are very minimal processes involved and that too in a paperless, time saving manner.
  2. A self-introspection tool: A crowd funding idea implemented vide platforms provide popularity index of the idea implemented in the start-up and gives a vague picture of its future performance. Owing to the performance of the project in gathering support over the platform it can be reshaped.
  3. Lower are the risks involved: The kind of response over a crowd funding platform can be deemed as market survey and hence, can be considered as an indicator of risks involved with project. This helps to prepare better, well before the launch.
  4. Worldwide Success: Since there is a vast propagation of idea through a crowd funding platform, a lot of people get connected to it as they become a part by funding the project. The success of the project thus becomes a success for many.

This articles definitely clears some air about the roundabouts of crowdfunding thereby giving a deeper insight to the concept and its more than one functionality.

What is crowd funding?

What is crowd funding and its prerequisites?

Many of us have come across crowd funding often and most certainly the question, “What is crowd funding?” have popped-up to tweak our thoughts. Answers to, “What is crowd funding? are many, but the most simplest of those being, crowd funding is the process of collecting funds through collective efforts of family members, friends and members of a group; working together for a common cause or goal.

The question, what is crowd funding? can also be understood as a method to raise funds for charity or as an investment for starting a new venture or business.

To understand what is crowd funding and its merits in a little better manner, we try to bring to light the prerequisites of crowd funding in the following paragraphs.

Understanding what is crowd funding and some of its prerequisites

The benefits of crowd funding are galore, but trying to understand what is crowd funding cannot be complete without understanding its prerequisites. We enlist some of them below:

  1. Streamlining: Focusing upon a goal and concentrating upon the ways to achieve them through properly navigating through innovative crowd funding ideas can streamline the efforts put into. Streamlining efforts can in turn pacify achievement of the goal. Self understanding what is crowd funding and the carrying out the goals for the exercise and putting to fore streamlined efforts to realize them is certainly the first prerequisite.
  2. Advertising: Proper advertising about what is crowd funding and crowd funding ideas can go a long way in spreading awareness amongst the masses. Moreover, advertising the goal behind the whole effort for raising funds should also be carried out. Making people understand what is crowd funding and its benefits in realizing a dream is certainly an important prerequisite.
  3. Ideas: Ideas to raise funds from fundraising activities are a lot, but selecting the best ones to serve one’s purpose or goal can be a challenging task altogether. So thus, keeping a cool head upon one’s shoulders and analysing through one’s resources and ready disposability of manpower for carrying out a particular idea to bring out the best returns in terms of funds collected, is indispensible and an important prerequisite.
  4. Roadmap: Understanding what is crowd funding and its ideals need a certain concrete and definite roadmap or plan or business model to be put into action. But undercooked or under prepared plans can easily backfire. One needs to prepare a concrete and definite roadmap for the course of actions to be undertaken to maximize funds to be raised.
  5. Action: Understanding the ideals of what is crowd funding and putting forward serious and sincere efforts towards realizing the goals set, is by far the most important step to raise funds. Thus, choosing the right partners for the whole operation, keeping in mind the objectives and demands for the fund raising event can be a crucial step to maximize funds collected.

These are some basic prerequisites before implementing a crowd funding idea successfully.

School fundraising ideas

High School Fundraising Ideas

Fundraiser events are very prominent sources of fundraising for a cause. School fundraising ideas are some creative and innovative ideas of fundraising for school students. Charity is a good habit and fund raising for charity is in practice for long now. Promoting fundraising amongst school students vide school fundraising ideas is pretty newer a concept. School fundraising ideas not only help promote fundraising but also instill a charitable attitude in the students. School fundraising ideas serve another good cause of gathering funds for supporting the school fees of the poorer students. Thus in order to inculcate a fundraising attitude amongst students, school fundraising ideas can go a long way.

Creative High School Fundraising Ideas

Some creative high school fundraising ideas that can be adopted for fundraising are described below.

  1. Greeting Card Sale: Greeting cards are a good medium to spread happiness on occasions of joyous festivities and fervor. High school fundraising ideas can incorporate these joyous occasions of festivities and celebrations for fundraising. Students can be encouraged to form groups and design beautiful greeting cards which can be sold for a price. The volunteer student groups can go on a door-to-door selling spree and collect funds for the cause.
  2. Bake the take: Cakes and cookies are a good delight to have. An innovative among many high school fundraising ideas, baking can be joyous and mouthwatering one. Students can be encouraged to have a baking spree and sell the baked items for a small price in community crossroads or at temporary stalls set up at their own schools for children to buy. These baked items would sell off in no time and some good sum of money can be collected by this idea.
  3. Quizzes and debates: The high school students can organize quizzes and debates for junior students and charge a nominal entry fees from each. Competitive events like these can draw a lot of attraction from younger students. Holding quizzes and debates as part of high school fundraising ideas can draw a lot of participation and in turn lead to collection of greater funds for a noble fundraising cause.
  4. Talent at the fore: Holding talent shows in school for junior students by high school students can be amongst best of high school fundraising ideas. Talents like music, song or dance are very widely pursued by kids. Talent shows, showcasing events highlighting the talents of young kids is likely to be an instant hit. Charging entry fees for such events can generate a good sum to support a fundraising cause.
  5. Teacher games: Teacher game shows can be a good event for fundraising. Holding a game of cricket, soccer or hockey for charity fundraising and attaching a small entry fees to these events can be a good source for fundraising for a noble cause.

These are some creative, innovative and fun-filled high school fundraising ideas for fundraising for a noble cause.

what is crowd funding?

What are crowd funding and some fundraiser events.

What is crowd funding? This question might pop up into one’s mind and especially of those who are seeking funds to support a cause chased by them. In this article we try to answer the question what is crowd funding?  And present some fundraiser events too for the readers.

Fundraising from fundraiser events are good sources to gather funds to support a cause. But many people are not aware of these events and are puzzled by the question what is crowd funding? The first step in answering the question, ‘what is crowd funding?’ is by looking into fundraising events and ideas in detail.

What is crowd funding and ideas associated?

Crowd funding ideas are abundant. We present some great, innovative and creative ideas for answering the basic question, ‘what is crowd funding?’ in some detail.

  1. Fundraiser Musical: A musical show or a concert of sorts is a good idea for raising funds. A musical show with entry only fees could be a great hit for fundraising. Music is an art liked by many and there is nothing like some good music to soothe and relax. A fundraising musical can be organized by fundraisers for collecting funds to support a cause and advertising such events well can spread further awareness about what crowd funding is and fundraisers in some more details.
  2. Food and Drinks: Good food stands no competition to attract people in masses. In relation to what is crowd funding and some great fundraiser ideas, food and drinks can play big role. An event selling good, yummy and mouthwatering food and drink items on stalls temporarily for the event can be an instant hit. Delicacies like home baked cakes, sweets, cookies and the like would sell off in the matter of sometime and would also generate a good sum required for the fundraising cause.
  3. Community service fundraiser: Community service like performing jobs like car wash, running errands and the like performed by a group of fundraising people or volunteers can be good means to raise some good amount of funds. Also advertisements spreading awareness about what is crowd funding and fundraising events can also help in the noble cause.
  4. Auctioning the fundraiser way: We all are stuffed with articles which we seldom put to use. These articles collected and produced for an auction can really solve our fundraising needs. Auctioning not only provides an option for reuse of the idle articles gathered around us, but also can generate funds for the noble cause for fundraising. Also advertising and promoting the idea about what is crowd funding and fundraising ideas alongside the auctioning can boost up funds collected.
  5. Fun events: Fun events for kids and adults can be entertainment. Events like toddler race, car race, musical chair and the like can be enjoyable and fund raising at the same time. Volunteers for a fund raising cause can put more of such entertaining ideas together and stitch together a variety of such events for fundraising.

These ideas should have eased various queries about what is crowd funding and have given more insight into fundraiser events.

crowd source funding

Mistakes during charity fundraising through crowd source funding

Charity can done by anyone at any time and by any means. Crowd source funding can be just another way to raise funds for charity. A crowd source funding can raise funds for the cause in a manner comparable to no other means.

Requisites of charity fundraising

Motivation is the basis of all fundraising whether personal cause or other. Until and unless the fundraiser is excited about the cause, he could not gather funds by any means including crowd source funding.Another requisite for crowd source funding for charity is an event idea; some of the ideas might be Angel hug, Treasure hunt, Talking puppets, Block Party, Darts Tournament, Collection Boxes, Hiking, Musical Recital, Xmas Ball etc. Entry fees on these crowd source funding events are the main source of funds collected.

Common mistakes while crowd source funding

Mistakes are always unwanted, be it any field. An error in the field of crowd source funding takes you away from your targeted monetary goal of fundraising charity. Hence it is very important to know about the most common blunders which might be preventing you from reaching your target.

  1. Uneven use of potential: An underutilised potential of the people involved in organising the crowd source funding event is the biggest threat to a successful charity fundraising. On a general note a charity event organising group is a small one; hence the members should stretch their efforts up to end limits in terms of both time and skills. This also leads to easy functioning of the group without overburdening a particular member or staff, thereby creating a relaxed atmosphere resulting in ample productivity.
  2. The portfolio missing organisation: Like any other organisation it is of utmost importance to create your portfolio. A genuine, to the point portfolio is a necessary element for crowd source funding It gives the supporters of the cause a lasting impression of your charity fundraising, thereby increasing inputs.
  3. Catching only the big fish:Definitely there should be a dedicated person for the funds collection from the high profile donors, but the whole organisation running after them is a fool’s behaviour. The target audience for a modest charity organisation would be of course a modest one. Smaller donations on huge scale lead to a vast range of supporters. However, if the charity organisation is itself a high profile one , then high profile donation are sure to flow in,
  4. Impersonal behaviour: Giving a personal touch to the crowd source funding activity can do wonders for your fundraiser. The personal touch should also reflect in your way of asking for funds from the crowd. Note that they are more likely to donate if they take you as a friend in need.
  5. Improper planning: ‘There is nothing like on the spot performance’, this is a fact. Whether partial or whole, some planning is must for any occasion. For crowd source funding events, beforehand planning and preparation are a must; otherwise you would end up making a mockery of yourself and of the cause at the venue. To stick to the plan it is important to jolt down the plan points and distribute copies of it to the members of the organisation.
crowdfunding India

Some ways to fundraise through Crowdfunding India

Crowd funding is the process of collection of funds for a personal or a social cause. Under the article, ‘Crowdfunding India,’ we present this globally hit ideology for raising funds in the Indian scenario.  Funds can help someone fight through dearth or help someone realize his dreams.Crowd funding India offers a host of opportunities for all those who are looking for funds for a cause. Crowdfunding India offer good prospects for seekers of funds from funders interested in creative ideas, for supporting a cause which they pursue. Crowdfunding India events for raising funds can be advertised and started both offline and online platforms. Both these employ good advertising skills to attract the attention of funders with investments at ready disposal.

But it all starts with lucrative and creative ideas to be pursued. Ideas for crowdfunding India can be broadly divided into social and Personal. Social crowd funding ideas include those ideas and events aimed at supporting a cause related to social disaster recovery or social awareness related issues and even those which involve helping a poor and needy with grants for their well-being. Personal level crowdfunding India events are those which involve gathering of funds to start some innovative ideas and support a cause on a personal front. We present below some of these ideas for our readers to explore.

Some creative ideas for crowdfunding India events

Crowdfunding India events are aimed at attracting the attention of funders of India. Some innovative, creative and lucrative ideas which can be pursed in relation to raising funds from crowdfunding India events are:

  1. Helping someone in need: Being such a big  country in stature, many people across India are in need of funds for undergoing treatment for their ailments. Organising fund raising for such people to help them relieve their pains and sufferings. Crowdfunding India events that generate funds for such charity programs can easily be advertised both in online and offline medias and reach the length and breadth of the country across a large section of people.
  2. Film for a cause: Social awareness video films and cinema are a rich medium to create awareness amongst the masses. Films made on burning social issues can draw large funding from prospective funders on crowdfunding India platforms. These films serve a dual purpose for budding and talented individuals looking to start their own careers in films through direction and acting. Also, these films raise generous funds for creating awareness in the society on sensitive and burning issues.
  3. Fun events: Crowdfunding India events aimed at providing the thrills and spills of excitement amongst the people attract the instantaneous attention of both fun-loving people and funders alike. Thrilling events can include events like car races, adventure sports etc. These events are ‘entry-fee only,’ which generate the necessary funds.

These ideas and many more alike are good sources to raise funds through crowdfunding India events.

Crowd sourcing

Unique ideas for crowd sourcing: A twist to original methods

Crowd sourcing can be looked upon as a way to raise funds and indeed it is. Almost everyone is familiar with the concept that an idea for an event is involved, when the crowd sourcing is invoked. There have been many ideas for crowd sourcing and without any hint of doubt, more and more ideas will evolve with the passage of time.

The trick of successful crowd sourcing lies in the uniqueness of the idea involved, this is so because the repetition of ideas is not only tiresome for the organisers but also for the donors. This results in a decreasing graph of funds year by year if the same idea is implemented every year.

Some unique ideas for crowd sourcing:

  1. Volunteer donation: With a twist in the general notion of volunteering, this idea asks for a donation to get involved in volunteering work while crowd sourcing funds for a charity. It might seem useless but indeed it is not. With more and more successful people out there with a heart of gold, there would be no shortage of volunteers for the crowd sourcing event; even with an applicable fees.
  2. Speak up, directly for the cause: A crowd sourcing event where people are asked to donate, by directly citing the genuine reason for the funds collection can prove to be a far better option than beating around the bush with some other idea. However, it should be noted that direct donation ideas must be carried out in midst of a crowd capable to feel for the need of crowd sourcing for the cause.
  3. Reach through the mail: This type of unique crowd sourcing idea works with top donors of the cause. Get in touch with them through email, but don’t blatantly state your cause in the first one, rather break this news to them in two or three mails and with a positive tone. The last of the mails being regarding the need of money should probably be sent through physical mail in the letter box. Accompanying it can be an empty envelope for the return favour.
  4. Raffle with a free ticket: Yes, You are reading it right; this is a tweaked version of a raffle where the tickets are given free of cost. However, the catch is what happens with the person who wins the luck draw. It might be an activity which could make it slightly uncomfortable for the winner to stand on stage; such as a donkey ride, or wearing a wig etc. the winner would then end up giving the ticket back to the organisers with some donation so as to miss their name from the next lucky draw.

A simple crowd sourcing idea with a small twist can turn to be a unique one and often more engrossing than the original. For experimenting you can try these on a small scale and then move on to a larger picture.