peer to peer lending

Ways to raise money via peer to peer lending

Peer to peer lending is a unique technique to raise money and collect funds. Peer to peer lending involves people who are in need for money and those who are willing to lend. Peer to peer lending is a simple yet efficient technique to raise money. In peer to peer lending, a common rate of interest is fixed and both lender and borrower are mutually conscious of the same. Peer to peer lending is again unique in this feature as both the parties mutually consent upon the interest rate and unlike traditional ways of money lending where a pre-decided or forced rate of interest is enforced upon the lender. Peer to peer lending also provides another unique and interesting dimension, where in online peer lending platforms the present borrowers and lenders can settle lending and the issues associated online, enjoying the comforts of their homes.

But a fund raiser often gets anxious with questions about peer to peer lending. The person more often gets stuck between many things emerging in his mind which can successfully be presented on a peer to peer lending platform, to garner funds for the cause for which the funds are sought for. We present below certain ways that can easily draw attention of lenders in a peer lending environment.

Ways to attract peer to peer lending prospects

  1. Knowledge: Knowledge of the borrower is over necessary and is of prime importance when it comes to peer lending. A fund seeker must be through with the profile of his borrower. Lending sites are a good medium for such profile or background checking. A borrower should go through minutes of the borrower’s profile and get a braised of the needs and interests which a borrower is looking for.
  2. Self-profile: The profile of a borrower needs to be quite lucrative for getting looked at by lenders in a peer to peer lending model. He who is looking to collect funds should not have a bad track record with previous loans and their repayments made. Nowadays a CIBIL score maintained for an individual keeps track of all past loan history of a person. This score of the borrower should be high.
  3. Agreement: The terms and conditions of the loan agreement should be clear to the borrower as well as the lender. Any breach of contract terms is intolerable and results in decreased trust on the part of both the parties to continue relationships.

Well these few points should be clear on the art of the fund raiser before stepping into peer to peer lending for fund raising.


Some easy tips for raising successful grants

Doing work in a short and smart manner is the need of time; no matter what field you are working in.The same is preferable when working for raising grants. In the world of busy bees not many people do the kind of work like raising grants for a cause, and they too want to do so in non-complicated ways.

Getting results from grants collection method is next to a cakewalk when dealing with easy fundraising ideas. During general fundraising the person and group preparing for the grants collection has to put in much more effort, spend more resources and give more time to the process of fundraising. But, when working with easy fundraising ideas the effort required is less, number of resources reduced and the activity would take off in less time probably over a single weekend.

A few easy ideas for collecting grants

Yard Sale

This grants collection idea can be explored in two ways; online and offline. A yard sale on a large scale is an easy way to start an easy fundraiser. Often known by various names such as Saturday Sale, Garage Sale, Holiday Sale etc. it is one of the most common type of grants raiser. The most important thing to consider here is the location of the sale. The most interested individuals in a yard sale are children who often find things of their choice on a relatively lower price. Hence, the location of the sale should be in proximity of a place where probability of finding students is high; such as School.Like any other sale,preparation is necessary here also.Grouping similar items, placing price tags are few preparations to do.

Printer cartridge recycling program

A grants collection idea with almost zero investment. Recycling companies can provide a reasonable sum up to$20 per cartridge on used printer cartridges. All you need is to find a suitable place for the set up and find businesses which are ready to involve in the good work of recycling.

Seasonal sale

Christmas is the right time for grants collection through a sale which can only be held during this season. It could also start from the festive season of Halloween and continue till the New Year with stocks changing as per the festival. The items used for grants collection could be anything from decorative items to consumables.

An advertisement in the local newspaper would even boost the sale by a considerable margin.Another way to advertise would be putting up signboards near public gathering places. The above mentioned sales not only provide the necessary method for grants collection but also have another bright side. A yard sale helps you clean your house of unwanted items, a printer cartridge recycle aids to good environment, and a seasonal sale spreads happiness in the festive season.

Hence, it can be concluded that grants collection through an easy fundraiser is not really a hard string to pull. More elements of fun could be added if these fundraiser are implemented with your group of friends.

Kick Starter

Fundraising by kids: Some Kick Starter ideas

People today, are all well aware of the importance of fundraising and inculcating it in their child through a kick starter. Anyone could face a situation in life where fundraising would play as their saviour. A lot of adults especially parents who have gone through the phase of fundraising in their life feel the need to inculcate the art in their kids’ right from a tender age. This could only be achieved by a kid’s proof way which would serve as the kick starter to guide them to fundraise.  A kick starter is needed for kids to get into fundraise because it not only makes them well aware with the term practically, but also helps them to grow as a person.

Teaching any art to kids is an art in itself, hence the ways behind the teaching them basics of fundraising must be a kick starter in itself. The kick starter way should be such that that it boosts the kids with positive energy towards the concept of fundraising

Some kick starter ideas for the purpose

Cake Fest: Parents can bake some cake, pastries or muffins for the purpose of implementing a bake sale. This bake sale conducted by the kids in supervision of seniors can be a great kickstarter for teaching the kids about fundraising.

Car wash: A classic piece of fundraiser, car wash activity is just the idea to bank upon. It not only serves as a kick starter fundraising activity for your kid but also teaches them that no work is small.

Treasure Hunt: A fun way of engaging your kid to his first fundraiser, treasure hunt is a sure shot kick starter for indulging him into the idea of fundraising. There is no dearth of enthusiasm and zeal throughout the day when treasure hunt is the idea for fundraising.

The kiddo triathlon: Indeed, sports and fundraising go side by side. A triathlon set up for toddlers managed by a group of kids in supervision of elders can be a kick starter lesson of how sports fund raising are organised. Again, this is a kind of event where your child can enjoy to the fullest.

Wall painting: A way of fundraising to get the community kids together and also make the community walls clean and beautiful. This idea is yet again a fun filled idea, a capable kick starter to inform your child about the basics of fundraising.

The guessing game: Guessing the number of sweets in a jar is yet another game kids like. Including the idea of fundraising in it has ample potential to be a Kick starter lesson in this regard.

Fundraising is an important life lesson; let your kid get-set go and learn with the above ideas the art of raising funds.


Fundraising companies with Crowdfunder

Crowdfunding has changed the way of financing budding companies; in fact the ease of gathering funds online has simplified this financing. In lieu of sites like MyEfunder and Crowdfunder, entrepreneurs turning to Venture capital firms , banks and angel investors for gathering financial for their idea is soon going to be a thing of past.

The crowdfunding platforms like Crowdfunder and MyEfunder gaining momentum in the arena of financing start-ups  is the result of the ease these platforms provide to their clients. Crowdfunding is a way to raise finance for the company, through group funds. The concept of crowdfunding can be easily understood by studying sites like Crowdfunder and Kickstarter on a closer note.

The concept of crowdfunding is basically sectionalised in two kinds; equity based crowdfunding and rewards based crowdfunding. The former gives the funders shares in the start-up, while the later gives them rewards from the start-up in the form of products, services or even cash.

What do sites like MyEfunder and Crowdfunder do in this regard?

With the concept of crowdfunding, well-known crowdfunding platforms like Crowdfunder build the bridge in between the Start-up and the funders. There is no dearth of ideas nor of the people who are ready to fund them, but one finding the other is definitely a problem. Sites like Crowdfunder know the address of both, thereby help promote the budding idea to various funders. Top breed sites in this regard like Crowdfunder and Indiegogo have a sound and user-friendly online platforms to support funding for companies. Websites of Crowdfunder and MyEfunder are easy to understand and handle.

Taking things altogether

Another advantage of Crowdfunder and MyEfunder is that they are they gateway to not only crowdfunding but also to other fundraising sources such as angel investors and venture capital firms. This facility on Crowdfunder ensures that the start-up would get exposure to all kinds of funding sources and might end up gaining funds from one or more sources of funds.

Earning of crowdfunding sites

These crowdfunding sites are themselves registered companies and earning for them is through the commission from the people who campaign for their start-ups. With variety of sites in this field there is more than one method of earning from this commission. In particular, Crowdfunder allows you to create a free user profile, but for displaying the idea to gather funds it mandates you to have a membership plan and pay for it.

Platforms like Crowd funder and MyEfunder are not only ways to garner funds, but also a way to research about latest trends going on in the market, thereby shaping way for future ideas to evolve. They give a live view of the market, right on your computer screen and wings to your budding company without much toiling.

Best crowdfunding sites

Best crowdfunding sites for funding Dreams

The world is full of dreamers, out of those a few dream with eyes open and a very little percentage of them are able to live their dream. This articles lists out best crowdfunding sites in view of, the discussion of the need of money to fuel the dreams.

No doubt there can be multiple ways to fund your dream and of those ways crowdfunding stands a class apart. The online fund market is full of crowdfunding sites; sorting out best crowdfunding sites from them is quite a tedious job for a commoner and more confusing than that is choosing one of those best crowdfunding sites , which might actually be the flag-bearer of your dream. Here we discuss the fuelling of a dream through best crowdfunding sites available in the market.

Best crowdfunding sites to choose from

  1. Kickstarter:

The hottest amongst the best crowdfunding sites, it has acted as the torch bearer for a huge 61 thousand projects. If there is a creative flair in your project then this is certainly for you. However, it refrains from accepting charity projects.

  1. MyEfunder:

The newest addition to the list of best crowdfunding sites, MyEfunder is nothing less than the experienced players. It takes interest in a variety of projects ranging from charity fundraising to start-up projects. To be more precise, it readily funds creative as well as non-creative projects. It also facilitates crowdfunding for clients from the US or outside. One of the best crowdfunding sites with super friendly tone, MyEfunder allows free sign up, and does not charge fees for its services of starting a campaign. Things are easy to grasp and promote when it comes to the technical friendliness of MyEfunder platform.

  1. Indiegogo:

Second to none amongst the best crowdfunding sites, Indiegogo empowers its clients to get fundraising independence. It shows interest in funding all kinds of projects.

  1. GoFundMe:

The headgear of best crowdfunding sites for raising funds for charity and causes. This sites is solely for donation whether personal or community.

  1. PledgeMusic:

Slightly different from traditional crowdfunding sites, this is the rocker in the list of best crowd funding sites. It solely aims at funding new talents in the music industry.

  1. Crowdfunder:

The King from the list of best crowd funding sites, Crowdfunder is a miracle funding platform for start-ups. It not only gathers general crowd fund, but businesses listed here easily attract angel investors and venture capitals.

  1. Appbackr:

Genuine mobile app developers can easily get funds backing from this crowdfunding website.

Working with crowdfunding sites for the realization of your dreams is definitely far better than the dropping  the dream for lack of funds. This articles draws you yet another step closer to the realisation of your dreams, by listing out the best crowdfunding sites from amongst hundreds.

crowd funding sites

Ideas to pursue on crowd funding sites

Fund raising events for a cause be it personal, professional or charity; has been a popular source amongst fund gatherers world over. These events are a good source of fund raising and the ideas for organizing these events can readily be availed from numerous crowd funding sites. Crowd funding sites in addition to acting as sources for ideas are also a rich source for advertisements for fund raising events.

But now a fund raiser may get quite intimidated about which ideas to pursue on crowd funding sites for greater fund raising. We present in these articles few creative ideas to pursue on crowd funding sites.

Creative ideas on crowd funding sites

Ideas are numerous when it comes to fund raising but when it comes to crowd funding sites some specific works can attract a lot of seers. Crowdfunding sites can be a hub for raising a fund, provided that the ideas are quite lucrative enough. We present some creative and interesting ideas for presentation via crowd funding sites.

  1. Graphic Design: Graphic design projects can be good idea on crowd funding sites to gather a good amount of funds. Graphic designs are being used by firms to generate logos, emblems, placards, posters and the like for representing the ideas of the firm. Even teams resort to graphic design as a means to represent their ideology. Graphic design can thus be a good idea to start with on a crowdfunding sites.
  2. Apparel Design: Apparel design can again be a good creative idea for fund generation via crowdfunding sites. Apparel designs can serve as stepping stones for unleashing the real designer in oneself. Apparels and outfits with creative designs sell like hot cakes and so do the designs. This can be a good option to start with for fund raising with crowd funding sites.
  3. Writing: Creative writing is in hot pursuit these days. Crowdfunding sites are flooded with queries seeking a good writer to cater to various needs ranging from contents of websites, blogs and information along with questionnaires. A creative person with good skills of creative writing can employ this idea on crowd funding sites to raise funds.
  4. Online lectures: Online lectures to students can draw a good amount of funds for a fund raiser. Crowd funding sites can be utilized to deliver lectures to students and gather a significant amount of fund required for a cause. Moreover, online lectures are a good medium for students to gather knowledge while enjoying the comfort of their homes and this idea is an instant hit.
  5. Auctions: Posting advertisements related to auctions of items on crowdfunding sites can attract the attention of users worldwide. Items once used and now lying useless can be collected and put up for auction online over crowd funding sites can be a sure eye catcher for seekers of those. Auctions can further raise the amount of funds to be collected to greater heights.
charity events

Charity Events related Ideas

Charity events are those events which are meant for gathering funds for some charity to be made.  Charity events can be termed as fund raising events for a noble cause of helping some needy people by collection of funds from such events. Moreover, charity events can be helpful in more ways than just simple generation of funds.  Charity events can be a source of generating items and articles too. The items collected can also serve the purpose intended out of the charity events conducted.

But when it comes to ideas for charity events, few amongst us may get boggled up in choosing ideas for these events. So, in this article we present some innovative ideas which can be adopted for holding charity events.

Charity events ideas

Some of the creative charity events which can be conducted to raise funds are described below:

  1. Donations: Charity events like donations can be arranged as a step to gather funds for a noble charitable cause. Donations can be collected on a daily, weekly or monthly basis depending upon time availability and engagement of fund raisers.
  2. Carols: Carol singing can be a good activity for earning funds for charity. Carol singing can be taken up on an individual level and/or a group level. Singing carols can serve the dual purpose of charity fund raising as well as a good social service. Funds collected by performing a carol can be utilised for charity purposes.
  3. Music: Holding a music concert or shows of the kind can be a good event for raising charity. Entrants may be charged a few bucks and being a popular event this type of charity events can pour in a lot of funds necessary for holding charity.
  4. Food: Food items selling like breakfast, lunch or dinner or even cake selling can be a good idea for collection of funds for events. Food sells quite easily and events involving selling of foods can be an instant hit for fund raisers. This event can be undertaken on a timely basis depending upon the availability and suitability of volunteers.
  5. Flowers: Flower selling can be a very aromatic way to collect funds for a noble cause. Flowers are a good medium to spread smiles upon the faces of persons. Flowers can be thus utilised to spread smiles amongst people and also to gather some funds to support the charity cause undertaken.

Thus, these are few of the many events which can be undertaken by an individual or a group looking for charity to undertake and help out the poor and the needy ones through the funds earned through these charity events ideas.

crowd funding

Quick ideas for crowd funding

The following article shares some great ideas for quick crowd funding. Many times there are situations for immediate funding like for a local charity, or to help someone with his bills, etc. and the person getting involved will have to be a little creative. The more we think creatively, the more people would enjoy participating. There are several ways for crowd funding, but, here are some quick ideas to do so.

So, if you have some situations which need quick fund raising then the following ways of crowd funding will be helpful for you to pile up some real cash.

  1. Crowd funding by cooking:

Many people have a great hobby of cooking. So, if you have this hobby, it will surely aid you. With this hobby you can cook some easy but tasty snacks and sell them by with a stand or by going from house to house. To save time you should bake an item which can be cooked easily in large quantities.

  1. Crowd funding by art:

If you are a creative person, you can surely try doing some art and craft work. Paintings can be sold in local towns and cities. Craft work done can be sold by going from house to house. This method is only useful in the case in which the person desiring the funds is creative.

  1. Crowd funding by giving a musical performance:

It is a great method to flaunt with your musical skills. For example: – If you are a guitarist or a singer you can go at a public place with some of your friends or mates and give a mini concert. People love hearing to great music. In the end, I would surely suggest that this method is very helpful for quick crowd funding if you know music.

  1. Crowd funding by public service:

You can ask your neighbours or in your community about washing their cars or helping them in their gardening work. But, washing cars is an easy and quick method for gaining money. However, gardening or cleaning or painting at someone’s house is also helpful for quick crowd funding.

  1. Crowd funding by selling items:

You can search in your house for items which are not very useful to you. Items like some old bicycle or some old chain saw, etc. can be collected over and with the help of a garden or a backyard you can sell these items in a single day or two day sale at a low cost.

So, these were some great and quick ideas for crowd funding. Hope that with all these above ideas you can surely fulfil your needs of fundraising.

angel investors

How to start a fund raiser with Angel Investors?

Angel investors are a group or even an individual; acting as a business assistant or who provides business assistance in terms of financial aid, business suggestions or promotion via an established network with other investors, suppliers, workers etc. A person seeking investment can surely reap rich rewards from the experience, monetary resources or the wide network angel investors carry along with them.Angel investors thus can be regarded as real assets for a starter business. Every business can gain a lot from the rich and diverse treasure which these angel investors possess.

But, when it comes to fund raising event, can these angel investors be of any help? The answer to this question is a definite Yes. Angel investors can be persuaded into being attached to a fund raising event as well. But it calls for lucrative and interesting ideas on the part of a fund raiser to keep angel investors interested. We present below five techniques to lure angel investors into being attracted to a fund raiser idea.

Techniques to attract Angel investors for a fund raiser

  1. Definite strategy and business plan: Angel investors can be lured into a fund raiser if they feel there is a definite and proper strategy and a business plan involved in the event. Preparation and presentation of the business plan is thus very crucial. An efficient business plan devised can surely attract the attention of the angels.
  2. Profit Potential: Another important aspect to draw attention of Angels towards any fund raiser is to make them realize the potential profit to be drawn out of a fund raising event. The profit can be in terms of monetary gains or in terms of advertisement derived. Needless to say, that profit capabilities once realized would draw the instant attention of the Angels towards a fund raising idea.
  3. Market and Target Customers: A true businessman in the head, angel investors know the vitality of a proper market and a sound customer base for any business. A good fund raiser idea should also have targeted customer base and a market for consumption. Angels can easily be drawn into a fund raiser idea if they realize that a good customer with a sound market can be catered to by putting into effect a particular fund raising idea.
  4. Sales Strategy: An Angel before any kind of investment should be clear about the sales strategy of a fund raiser idea. Proper planning with regards to sales need to put into effect. Angels should be made properly acquainted with the strategy. An Angel is more likely to reward a fund raising idea with his involvement, if the idea has a clear sales strategy.
  5. Capital Requirement: For starting the idea, an Angel should be apprised of the capital requirements for the idea. An Angel should have a clear picture of the costs to be incurred, the available funds if any and his requirement in a clear fashion.

Fun ideas for raising crowdfund

The concept of collection of crowdfund for a cause is well known to one and all today. Fundraising ideas for crowdfund collection is not a big deal these days; they are omnipresent and in abundance.

However, to crowdfund your cause successfully, the fundraising idea involved should be fun and engaging. By instilling the idea of fun in the crowdfund event, you can make the event quite interesting and attractive for the crowd to flock in.

There could be multiple ideas which could help raise some real cash without making the occasion tiresome at the end of the day.

List of some fun ideas for crowdfund

  1. Bingo: This game of luck is loved by one and all especially when it comes to winning prizes. A game of bingo can easily be setup in a large room with tables. Bingo self-made cards could be used. This event for raising crowdfunds is definitely an enjoyable one especially for a group of children and families. Fees charged are the source of funds and winners are awarded with small non-monetary prizes.
  2. Car Exhibition: A must visit for men from all class; a car show is a hit idea for generating crowdfund. People with great car collections can set up a show or rally easily. Others can get help from the classic car owners of the community. However, if there are no classic car owners you can start the show with ruff and tuff vehicles such as lowered trucks, mud-loving jeeps etc.
  3. Murder mystery: A thrilling show enacted on the stage could very well act as a source to generate crowdfund; all you need is a set of actors, costumes, script and accessories. It is a fun experience for the participants in the play and the audience as well.
  4. Sale of plants: A way of raising crowdfund in which you would be automatically fulfilling your duties towards Mother Earth, apart from working for your cause. However, this fundraiser requires time and patience as it takes some time to grow some plants. The sale of these plants leads to collection of crowdfund in a wonderful manner.
  5. Chilli culinary competition: Go ahead with a chilli cook-off. This idea of accumulating crowdfund is fun as well as engaging. Participation fees will do for the collection and a fun panel to judge will be needed. The best chilli will do for the fun part. Comic timings and subtle jokes would help this fundraiser to be great fun and enjoyable.
  6. Read-a-thon: A reading time can be suitable fundraiser, where the participants could be encouraged to bring in sponsors and can win fun prizes on the basis of their reading performances.

Crowdfund can of course be generated via numerous fundraisers, but the fun quotient of the idea keeps the fundraiser engaging till the ends of the day, thereby making it more productive and worth.