fund raising ideas

How to fundraise money? Some noble fund raising ideas!

Fundraising is an act of collection of funds from common people for a noble cause. Fundraising can be performed singly or even in a group. Fundraising events for a cause is a good platform for starters to kick start some charity based noble work. But when it comes to fund raising ideas, there are times when one gets all jumbled up figuring out what to do and what not. Many people go through this phase where lack of effective and practical fund raising ideas, deter them from carrying on with a good work. To ease out all these, we present some interesting yet practical fund raising ideas for the benefit of all those who are in all readiness for performing a noble task out of the funds raised.

Some very interesting fund raising ideas

Fund raising ideas can be anything right from donating things, organizing fund raising ideas events, contests and a lot of other creative ideas. We enumerate five of the simple yet interesting fund raising ideas below.

  1. Fund raising meals: The volunteers for a fund raising cause can come together and organize a meal selling stall. The volunteers can themselves arrange for the meals from their homes and then off them to people and in turn to raise funds to support their cause. This idea from amongst a wide variety of fund raising ideas can generate a substantial amount of fund if executed well enough.
  2. Spell-a-thon event: Funds for a cause can be generated by organizing a spell-a-thon event wherein people are encouraged to correctly gaze the spellings of words, with each correct spelling earning an assured sum. The more correct spellings more would be the funds raised. Entry for the event should be chargeable and this would rather help in collecting more funds for the cause for which fund raising ideas are organized.
  3. Babysitting: In today’s fast paced modern era, babies are often needed to be day-cared. A babysitting service by volunteers can thus be organized wherein the volunteers can babysit toddlers and raise the requisite funds for the noble cause.
  4. Odd jobs and errands: Volunteers can be encouraged to do odd jobs for people and run errands for them. For these services offered, the volunteers can charge a small sum which can add up to be a substantial amount for a noble cause. This unique of many fund raising ideas can be of immense help for the people who are serviced and also for the cause for which the whole idea was arranged.
  5. Match day benefits: Soccer or a hockey or a cricket match can be organized on a local play field and entry to this event can be charged to gather heaps of money for meeting the fund requirements for a noble cause. Sports and matches draw attention of young and old alike and can be an instant hit as one of the, most entertaining of fund raising ideas.
Ways to raise money

Charity fundraising ideas and ways to raise money for charity

Charity is the most generous work one can do out of the concept of fundraising. However, when talked about charity fundraising the first thing to come in mind is ways to raise money for charity.

There can be of course, millions of ways to raise money for charity, but choosing one of the best suited ways to raise money for charity from amongst the millions is the object of question for many.

Here, we try to sort out the dilemma of many by listing out some of the ways to raise money for charity.

Some ways to raise money for charity

  1. Jewellery sale: Sale of jewellery is one of the alluring ways to raise money for charity. Working with a wholesale jewellery company to sell their goods at your home is a good way to receive a portion of sale. This idea is a sure way to catch the attention of all classes of women and out of them the upper class one would not hesitate to spend their penny on jewellery.
  2. Paintball Arena: Ask someone for any open place which they can lend you for some days. Set up a paintball zone in that place and charge entry fees for the game. This is one of the ways to raise money for charity which attracts people of all age groups.
  3. Yard Sales: Go through the unused items in your closet and organise a yard sale. This could easily earn you a few bucks which you could donate to charity.
  4. Zombie Walk: Not only fundraising but also awareness about the cause of charity is important. More the awareness, more would be the ways to raise money for charity. An organised Zombie walk where you could invite the general public is a perfect and fun way to spread the cause of your charity fundraising.
  5. Yoga Class: A generous yoga instructor would never say no if asked to hold a yoga class for charity purpose. You could spread the word of yoga class and charge entry fees on participation. This entry fees could be well treated as one of the ways to raise money for charity.
  6. Tupperware Party: Similar in concept to a jewellery sale Tupperware party can be used as one of the ways to raise money for charity.

You can definitely choose any one of the above ideas for your charities fundraising or even improve upon them, but before seeking donations for charity, it is important to spread the consciousness about the cause of the charity. It helps more and more individuals get linked to the cause. This helps in making the implemented ways to raise money for charity a success.

online fundraising sites

Fundraising event ideas executed via Online Fundraising Sites

Fundraising events have attained widespread popularity in the world today, and there is no dearth of fundraising event ideas for any kind of fundraisers. The main focus behind any kind of fundraiser is to generate the interest of crowd to the cause. The more interesting the event idea, the more generous the donations are likely to flow in. However, another aspect more prominent these days is the linkage of the fundraiser to online fundraising sites.

Common fundraising ideas and involvement of online fundraising sites

Various organisations such as restaurants, sports retailers offer their products and services at a relatively lower price for fundraising events. These organisations could be easily contacted through online fundraising sites.

Individual donations are also a popular kind of fundraising event. The donations could be anything from clothing to meals which could be used to aid living of the poor. Such donations usually do not require any assistance from online fundraising sites. Interestingly, with changing times, participation of online fundraising sites in this arena has proved to be more fruitful.

Another way to gather funds for the cause is auction or raffles, which can be done on products donated by local shops and restaurants. These ideas could be implemented by online fundraising sites on a macro level through the internationally acclaimed chains of restaurants like McDonalds, KFC etc.

Some specific fundraising event ideas

Beach party: It is a sure shot way to make a fundraising event happening as well as entertaining. A rented and decorated swimming pool would be a perfect place to start with. The snacks and drinks arrangement could be done by volunteers and friends. Entrance charges would provide for the funds needed. The idea of your beach party could be made even popular by posting  on the local section of online fundraising sites.

Car Wash: You and some of your friends could achieve your fundraising goal by washing cars. For this you have to make a proper price chart according to the services offered. If you are continuing the service for a few days then you could even advertise on online fundraising sites.

Community fasting: Ask your local community to give up fast foods or junk foods for a day or two and donate the saved amount for the fundraiser. This is a dual benefit program which helps both the person who receives funds and the one who donates it (by reducing the intake of extra calories). To spread this kind idea you can take help of online fundraising sites.

Halloween haunted house: Similar in concept to a beach party but customised in a spooky way. A haunted house is a perfect fundraising event for the Halloween season. All you need is a space and a few volunteers. The space could be your haunted house and you could decorate it with all kinds of creepy and creative things and drawings. Also volunteers dressed in scary costumes would add extra horror to your haunted house. An entry amount for the house is the source of funds. Further, it can also be advertised on online fundraising sites.

These are only a few ideas for fundraising events; you can implement your own creative ideas following similar footsteps. However it is important to note that online fundraising sites increase the valuation of your fundraising events.

crowdfunding platform

Everything you need to know about a Crowdfunding Platform

Introduction to a Crowdfunding Platform

During the past decade crowdfunding has become a  popular tool among emerging startups and businesses as an alternative source to raise finance for their venture. Even though this method is at its beginning stages, the future of crowdfunding remains bright. Augmenting the growth of this novel method and facilitating the link between the fundraisers and funders are the internet based sites popularly categorized as a crowdfunding platform. As you proceed through this article you will gain more insight to the world of a crowdfunding platform.


Unlike a one-on-one interactions between the capital seeker and the funder, a crowdfunding platform connects a large number of people to back a particular project which they find suitable enough. There are numerous platforms categorized as crowdfunding platform operational in the market, but most of them can be classified into two categories, on the basis of the types of services they provide, which include investment based and donation based. In the first case, the funders either get equity or some other monetary benefits for investing in a project whereas in the latter case the funder may get rewards like first access to the project, inclusion of their name in the project, etc. for their donation.


Different types of crowdfunding platform follow different business model to price their services. Either they charge some percentage of the total funds raised or they initially charge the person for listing the project on their platform. Further, a crowdfunding platform may also charge the consumers for handling payments and providing other third party services

Market Development

Right now, most of the crowdfunding activities are limited to US and Europe which account for 80% of the total number of crowdfunding platforms worldwide with Europe consisting of 60% and America 20%. The most prominent crowdfunding platform among those is Indiegogo. Slowly and gradually these crowdfunding platforms are finding enough potential in the markets of developing countries like India.

Recent Trends

Many startups are further utilizing a crowdfunding platform to generate publicity for their ideas which has made these platforms an effective marketing tool. If a project is attracting a lot of interest on the crowdfunding platform, it may catch the attention of other offline sources of funding.


With the dearth of capital for many MSE’s and startups due to the lack of access to venture capitalist’s funds, or non-eligibility of bank loans, crowdfunding is becoming a major source of raising capital and the concept of crowdfunding platform provides an easy access to funds which are surely expected to grow further in the near future.

raising money for charity

A few tips on raising money for Charity

A lot of people practice the good act of donating to charity, but there are a few who strive to raise money for charity.

Raising money for charity is an art which requires a great deal of effort and hard work, but people with a passion for raising money for charity go on selflessly. However, the initial phases of raising money for charity might be quite difficult to think.

We now proceed with certain tips which you could make use of while raising money for charity

  • Raising money for charity, but with passion

Raising money for charity is not a machine’s work; hence you should feel committed to the cause that you are working for. Therefore, raising money for charity must be done out of interest and you should contact the charity for which you feel passionate about. A lot of websites could provide you with the list of non-profit organisations which work for the cause you are interested in.

  • Volunteer

A lot of charity organisations post the vacancy for volunteering their cause with different roles. You could easily get a volunteering opportunity of raising money for a charity once you contact these non-profit organisations.

  • Making efforts on a personal level

After getting the opportunity to raise funds with the charity of your choice it is important to raise the funds in a manner, in which you would for your personal benefits. The idea that your efforts are going to make someone’s life better should always be kept in mind and fuel your endeavour, making it a success.

  • Reach the crowd

This can be achieved via various platforms; online and offline. Before you start communicating with the medium give time to the analysis of the attributes of the person on the other end, lest they may not even pay heed to open your mail. For people like them you could try different ideas like handwritten notes for raising money for charity.

  • Ask for help

Ask those near and dear to you to help your cause not only through their pocket, but also by participating in volunteer work. Two heads are always better than one and who knows your seeking help might build an army for raising money for charity.

  • Take help of a professional player

Yes, there are professionals and organisation which are highly experienced in raising money for charity. Seeking their help might provide you an upper edge for your charity fundraising. You can share your views with them on the cause and they would provide assistance resulting increase in the conversion ratio of your efforts.

People don’t have to have a qualification or degree for raising money for charity. As we all know where there is a will, there is a way; indeed, it is the cause that drives them to do so.

ideas for fundraising

Creative Ideas for Fundraising

The concept of fundraising has evolved a lot from traditional ideas for fundraising. People, including both adults and children are being more and more creative these days when it comes to creating ideas for fundraising.The creativeness adopted in a fundraiser is very helpful to maintain the sheen of fundraising throughout the years. A fundraising idea is considered to be the backbone of a fundraising event. The creative ideas for fundraising are further more important to prevent the fundraising event from being predictable. This increases inquisitiveness amongst the crowd and ensures more and more participation in the event.

A few creative ideas for fundraising

  • Flower sellingTeam up with local florists, or better a wholesaler to sell potted flowers, bouquets or individual flowers. Selling them at place of work or school especially on special days and holidays could be one of those simple yet spectacular ideas for fundraising. It not only earns a good sum for the fundraiser but spending a day amongst flowers would keep you fresh till the end of it.
  • Guessing number game: This method could be implemented by taking some time off from work or school. This is kind of guessing game is played with colleagues or classmates and they are charged for every guess. The guess might be of anything kept inside the jar, and to make it more interesting a candy for every correct guess would do.
  • Famous Sports party at Monday night, of course for a purpose: Monday the most frightening day for office-goes could be enjoyed well at night (especially by men) by these sports ideas for fundraising. Refreshment while the game is on would be lucrative for almost all and funds could be raised by charging a suitable amount of entry fees.
  • Ornament sale on festivals: The fervour of Christmas season could be well enjoyed by fundraising. This is done by selling ornamental decorations for Christmas. These could be handmade by some needy people or if you have a team of yours, nothing could be much better.
  • Funds from taste buds: Nothing is better than a good wine. Collaborate with a local restaurant to donate wine samples. Stalls of these samples, where charges are applicable on tasting wine can be one of the creative ideas for fundraising.
  • The curse collection: These ideas for fundraising are implemented over a period of time, say a week. Every time someone curses anyone they are asked to put donations in the box. This idea also gives a side effect which is equally good; people might stop cursing.
  • Teachers’ vs. other staff game: Students could well organise and manage a sports game between these two sects of their school. Visitors would be charged entry fees to witness the game. This is one of those ideas of fundraising which kind of give a break from normal hectic schedule for everyone related to the school

Creative ideas for fundraising are definitely going to make the fundraiser a successful one. Above are a few ideas for fundraising which could be tried. However, they are not the only ones. Any new, interesting ideas, implemented wisely could be deemed as creative ideas for fundraising.

crowdfunding Australia

Fundraising activities : A sample case of Regulation in crowdfunding Australia

Fundraising has been a major source of income for non-profit organizations to sustain the cause for which they strive. There are substantially a large number of non-profit organizations and it won’t be a surprise if some of those use the funds for personal gains. To curb these off track activities it is important for nations to formulate rules in this regard. Here we catch up with regulations rules for crowdfunding Australia, more precisely Western Australia.

Pieces of legislation which regulate crowdfunding Australia

  1. The charitable collections Act of 1946:

It regulates the crowdfunding Australia by keeping a check over an organization which raises funds for charitable purpose. It is mandatory for such an organization to hold a license under this category.

  1. The Gaming and Wagering Commission Act of 1987:

There are many ideas for crowdfunding Australia causes which are enacted through raffles,auctions, bingo and gambling. This law checks these ways of raising funds in crowdfunding Australia, thereby sorting out unethical practices from ethical ones. These include providing help to the needy, be it unemployed, kindergarten, ill or hospitals.

  1. The Street Collections (Regulation) Act of 1940:

This act regulates whatever street fundraising activity which is done for crowdfunding Australia causes. Any kind of street collection comes under the purview of this legislation.

  1. The Liquor control Act of 1988:

Indeed, there are fundraising activities for crowdfunding Australia causes which involve selling of liquor for the fundraisers. This act regulates them.

With the above regulation acts on work,activities for crowdfunding Australia causes have become a regulated venture. In lack of these acts crowdfunding activities would have become a way to fill personal pockets.

Some Loopholes from which association benefit

As seen from the description of these acts, they cover various aspects of crowdfunding Australia, but there are certain points which do not come under its purview for example fundraising for school and sport activities. These are not considered in the genre of proper charitable funding as these might be organized by some association of teachers and parents to purchase needed resources for proper studies at school. Interestingly if the same associations raise funds for the homeless needy, then they must follow the mandate of holding a charity license according to the charitable collection act 1946.

As we see there are various rules which govern activities of crowdfunding Australia, but still there are loopholes, from which the defaulters could gain advantage. Hence, timely revision and addition of laws pertaining to crowdfunding Australia must be looked upon by the government.

Also, other countries where crowdfunding is more common have diligently enacted laws which curb frauds in this field. Countries where the practice of crowdfunding for charity is gaining pace, should take the matter of regulations on a serious note, thereby restraining fraud at a very early stage.

fundraising website

Implementing Sports fundraising Ideas using a fundraising website

Fundraising for sports has gained importance the recent years, owing to increasing cost of playing sports. The registration fees and budget to participate in any league is touching the sky these days. Interested players have no way left but to go for fundraising for paying the fees of these events and catering the cost of the equipments required. However, proper fundraising idea is equally important to achieve the goal of the requirements and collaboration with a fundraising website would definitely help you achieve it.

The link between fundraiser and fundraising website

A fundraising website is the need of the hour while garnering funds for your sports program, but without a fundraising idea nothing would work. Let us first of all have look at the best ideas one can implement while fundraising for sports.

  1. Discount Scratch Cards

It is a card which includes discount coupons for both local and national restaurants. These coupons are a hit among the fund raising fraternity and people desperately wait for the time of the year when children are out to sell them. This type of fundraising can be done in collaboration to restaurant owners but linking a fundraising website to it s always a plus point. A fundraising website could facilitate the approval of all kinds of restraint and retailers.

  1. Customized branded socks

A sports team can easily apply this fundraising idea in collaboration with a fundraising website as branded socks are quite a favourite of school children and can be readily bought by the parents on their demand. A fundraising website can help you promote the sale, making the fundraiser a huge success.

  1. Rent a player

This fundraising idea accounts for no investment and all returns. The sports team could organize a one day fundraising event in which it could offer their members on rent to the locals for helping out them in their daily chores like mowing the lawn, taking their pet for a walk, help cleaning and washing the car and garage etc. A fundraising website can even help here by promoting the idea online so that on the event day a maximum of families can benefit from the service provided and you could get favourable returns.

  1. Temporary tattoo or candy bars

Getting tattooed is the coolest thing that child would like to have and candy bars are everybody’s favourite for sure. Organizing a fundraising event in which temporary tattoos or candy bars are sold for $1 is a definite hit formula. Again to spread the word about the event a fundraising website can be of great help.

For successful fundraising for sports, a practical approach to the event is important and so is the association of a fundraising website with it. The more useful products and services offered in the event. The more successful it becomes, and this fact goes hand in hand with the publicity of the event, and hence presence of a fundraising website during the fundraiser is of utmost importance.

For more information on how a fundraising website can help for fundraising for sports click here.