crowdfunding platforms

Involvement of Crowdfunding Platforms in fundraising ideas for School

With growing demands of education, it is difficult to pace up with times ahead. Schools thus raise funds and think of different activities to meet their fundraising goals.

Most of the usual methods used in schools to raise funds may not attract large funds for immediate needs. It is profitable to an extent but lack the return on investment to fulfil the needs of the school. There is a need to explore and make use of modern technology for effective fundraising.

With changing times and technology, fundraising has taken a strategic approach. You can raise funds using the internet through social media and other methods. One of the ways of raising funds over the internet is using the crowdfunding platforms.

Starting to raise funds through crowdfunding platforms

Crowdfunding is an activity to raise funds via the internet from a large number of people. It is an alternate way of raising funds to the conventional fundraising activities. Crowdfunding concepts have many crowdfunding platforms to fulfill various fundraising goals.

Choose the right crowdfunding platforms to suite your need. Be inspirational and clear in your goal. The crowdfunding platforms know their market well and help you tap the right source.

One of the top crowdfunding platforms is Myefunder. Myefunder is one of those crowdfunding platforms which uses social media to reach a wide range of audience. They do so by reaching them on Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook Pinterest and LinkedIn for updates and pictures.

The crowdfunding platforms fundraise through donation, equity-based investors and reward based methods. Refer their blog for more insights on crowdfunding on WordPress.

A combination of original ideas and the internet will accelerate the fundraising activities.

Funding ideas for school

  1. Use Art: Exhibit artwork, paintings, and clay items made by students. Run all day events like fancy show, fashion show with older students.
  2. Fest for fundraising: Put up different stalls. A combination of games, sweets, popcorn, drinks are a good attraction.
  3. Nursery area: Putting up a stall of different types of plants is a good idea too. You can sell plants from different local nurseries.
  4. Book sale: Ask students, teachers, and neighbors to donate their old books. A variety of books will attract more people to your stand. Advertise them through posters, flyers, or word of mouth.
  5. Pottery:  Pottery making is one of the many fun activities to raise funds. You can have students design their own pottery and sell it to the locals.
  6. Arrange flea market: Encourage friends and families to sell home made items in the market.
  7. Theme gift auction: Make small theme based gifts from different business groups and auction. You can top it with movie coupons, shopping coupons, book coupons or a gift voucher. Receive funds through a payment gateway and link it to your school website

These ideas are very well supported by crowdfunding platforms like Myefunder. These crowdfunding platforms can make the fundraising idea a hit like never before. Crowdfunding platforms have changed the face of raising funds. The crowdfunding Industry has opened up new avenues for fundraisers .It has boosted the original method of fundraising.

crowdfunding Canada

School fundraising: A peak- a-boo in Crowdfunding Canada

Fundraising is an art, the earlier its foundation is laid, the better. The idea of school fundraising is not naive to western countries like USA and Canada. Children from a very tender age are involved in activities of fundraising for school in order to support additional programs of enrichment for them e.g. booster clubs, hobby clubs or parents-teacher organizations.These school fund raising are done through crowdfunding. Canada, USA and alike countries already teach their children school fundraising ideas so as to prepare them for any off the track situation in their future.

Fundraising for school is both a practice of collection of funds through crowdfunding and life lesson for students, hence, the mentors and teachers play a very crucial role throughout the process. Primary school children have to be taken care and taught in a very gentle manner so the teachings about crowdfunding Canada to the country’s children should be such that it would relate to their nearby surrounding in an explanation that they could grasp.

Crowdfunding Canada: A few basic categories of school funding

The most primitive school fundraising ideas in crowdfunding Canada for school enrichment programs is the Door-to-door fundraising. It involves movement of the fund collector from door-to-door asking for funds for a cause; in this case the cause could bean enrichment program being conducted for the student.However, after the murder of an 11-year old child while practising unsupervised door-to door fundraising, unsupervised fundraising is strictly condemned and discouraged by the supporters of crowdfunding Canada.

Another category of school fundraising idea keenly followed since the 20th century, for crowdfunding Canada is Product fundraisers. It involves the purchase of products in bulk amounts and then resale to the general public, more precisely to the supporters of the fundraising program.This idea of crowdfunding Canada schools can be primarily of three types

  • Pre-sales fundraising
  • Product in hand fundraising
  • Online fundraising, (the most common these days)

The do it yourself fundraiser are typical crowdfunding Canada school category in which the school directly involves with local business men or local people to grant donations for their affiliate programs. These donations could be anything they would like to offer like a limousine ride, or a dinner etc. The crowdfunding Canada procedure involves auctions and raffles on the above received donations. While auctioning involves a process of bidding,raffles are done through lucky draw from chits.

Scrip funding is another kind of idea for school fundraising in crowdfunding Canada.Under this kind the retailers of gift cards offer them at substantially low prices to the institution in need, which is then sold by the institution on a regular price to the crowd. This helps the institution garner funds

Crowdfunding Canada Schools can be great fun if ideas are implemented with creativity and passion. The thing that matters most is the dedication towards the reason for which the funds have to be collected.

what is equity

What is equity and how is it related to crowdfunding startups?

Finance is one of the biggest hurdles, an entrepreneur has to face while setting up the foundation of his start-up. Some of them are able to bridge the financial gap through bank loans, some through connections to investors, but still a majority of them are in a fix for accumulating finance for their new set-up.

To their rescue comes the concept of crowdfunding; to be more precise equity crowdfunding. The question here in your mind might be what is equity crowdfunding? What do sites like Kickstarter and Myefunder do in this context? But before that, let us first understand what is equity?

What is Equity?

Equity has different meanings in finance and accounting, but here we would answer the question what is equity with common reference to both. Finance equity is the difference between the asset value and liabilities of the organization and in accounting it refers to shareholder’s equity when the financial equity is divided amongst the shareholders.

Equity  Crowdfunding

After clearing the air about what is equity, let’s focus on the question what is equity crowdfunding? Well, it is an alternative way of funding start-ups and small businesses, in which broad groups or individual investors interested in the idea or prospects of the start-ups can inject funds in it , in exchange of ownership of shares of the company. As the business bears fruit with time, the investors are in direct profit with shares of the company in their hand.

The Crowdfunding Platforms

The questions of what is equity and what is equity crowdfunding have already been answered; now moving on to the third question what is equity crowdfunding platform all about? Indeed, equity crowdfunding helps a budding business grow, but the probability that the entrepreneur would dream of contacts of people interested to fund their idea, is almost negligible (until the entrepreneur is of the race of super humans). To this situation crowdfunding sites like come to the rescue. These platforms are the link between the entrepreneur and investor.  Crowdfunding websites provide opportunities for both the parties to grow and flourish. It is not only the initial funding which can take place on the crowdfunding platforms of Kickstarter and ,  but also the investment required for subsequent growth of the company i.e. follow-on investment.

In the crowd of increasing start-ups it is quite difficult to reach that unique idea for establishing a successful business, but if analysed deeply a proper source of funding is indeed a crucial issue for the start-up. This article, surely must have given answers to inquisitive minds about the questions “What is equity?” “What is equity crowdfunding?” and “What do equity crowdfunding platforms like Myefunder do?”

An interested entrepreneur in need of funds for his start-up can go to the depths of this process of investment by directly visiting the webpage of the crowdfunding sites and further by contacting agents of crowdfunding platforms like

crowdfunding websites

Fundraising for a Cause and the role of crowdfunding websites in it.

When it comes to helping a cause, the name Non-Profit organization is the first which comes to your mind. It is well known to us that a good NGO devoted for a particular cause would leave no stone unturned to help realize a cause- be it in terms of financial assistance or any other assistance. However, when it comes to gathering funds for the cause, crowdfunding websites play an important role.

Other than NGO operation, fundraising for a cause can also be for a personal cause of illness, or need. However, common to both can be a crowdfund facilitated via crowdfunding websites.

Fundraising for a cause demands the person to get emotionally attached to the cause for all positive reasons. Let’s have a look at the common aspects of accumulating funds for a cause, both individual and for an organization, more precisely with the involvement of crowdfunding websites

Preparation for the fundraising

As an individual it is you who has to decide whether you want to work for the cause or not, but in order to gather funds for a non-profit organization, discussion with the organization on the course to be followed while fundraising is important. The course includes everything from the fundraising ideas, staff involved, inclusion of crowdfunding websites and the procedure followed for the transference of funds. Another important aspect is the taxation involved on the collected sum. Last but not the least, whether it is an individual cause or NGO, it is important to keep a written record of all the processes and funds involved.

Formulation of core plan

The core fundraising plan is the part on which you have to sweat the most. From coming up with a fundraising idea to giving it a proper track, gathering resources and advertising for the day everything requires both your mental and physical hard work. Your fundraising plan should be planned with preparations of public survey such that it connects to the masses, resulting in making the most out of your effort. It should be further kept in mind that if the next is enacted then personnel from crowdfunding websites can also help in making the core plan

Involvement of crowdfunding websites

To make your ‘fundraising for the cause’ a success to the fullest, it is important to attach the idea with crowdfunding websites. The crowdfunding websites offer your fundraising plan an elevated platform which helps it to garner more popularity amongst the masses, thereby, generating fund for your cause like never before.

Motivation for the fundraising

Above all mentioned aspects, is the motivational conscience for the cause. Belief in your cause is the inspiration behind the whole setup of ‘fundraising for a cause’. In the course of fundraising you could take help from external agents like crowdfunding websites, but the successful accumulation of crowdfund in the whole process defines how closely you feel for the cause and how far would you go to see it flourish?

A successful fundraising brings to light a person’s innate qualities that he can bring positive changes to the society, he can or cannot take the help of crowdfunding websites in this process An individual, accomplished in fundraising for a cause can think of taking a step forward by setting up a NGO for a cause for which he feels from the core of his heart.

He is a gentle soul who spends self for the sake of others, and it is crowdfunding websites which assist him in raising the count of his good deeds.

crowdfunding sites

Inclusion of Crowdfunding sites while Fundraising Projects

Crowdfunding of projects is a big hit amongst both, profit and non-profit organizations seeking funds for their projects. An important aspect of crowdfunding is the birth of an idea for fundraising; to implement it is another ordeal. Various crowdfunding sites have emerged in recent years to implement the ideas for facilitating the injection of funds to the project.  However, a point to be noted is that these crowdfunding sites work in different manner for kinds of fundraising projects.

The modern times have seen manifold increase in the type of fundraising projects ranging from school fundraising projects to business fundraising projects. The steps to be followed for implementing the fundraising ideas for all might differ slightly, but one thing is for sure, that throughout the process if they are connected to crowdfunding sites,things would definitely fall in place.

Let’s have a look at the common procedure followed while fundraising for projects, apart from enrolling on crowdfunding sites:

Identify the purpose

Getting a clear picture of the motive behind implementing a fundraising idea is the first thing which must be done. If the purpose is gathered clearly, then making a path to reach it is the only step left.

The idea for fundraising

Especially, deemed for fundraising projects of school, individual or charity, an idea for a fundraising event could be anything ranging from a tea stall to ball dance. However, profit project fundraisers, could also build temporary stalls for community survey and give information about the new things they are going to bring for the society.

Be crisp on the Estimate

Yes, budgeting is very much important for any fundraising project to take flight. An estimate helps you to spend proper amount on things of priority, for e.g. inclusion of crowdfunding sites is important, but your budget might tell you which of the crowdfunding sites is best suited for you.

Attaching crowdfunding sites to your project

After selecting the fundraising idea and estimating the budget, approaching crowdfunding sites like for generating funds for your site is always a plus point. They help in wide spreading the idea of your project and garnering attention of the crowd, thereby generating funds for your cause or venture.

Implementation of the idea

Implementing the idea includes choosing a leader to avoid confusion, setting up staff for different sections of marketing, sales and service and finally letting the show begin after a few sessions of practice. Moreover, personnel from crowdfunding sites could also help you in implementation.

Being Grateful

A “thank you” is the phrase which lightens up the heaviest of souls. Thanks-giving to all those who helped making your project a success is the best way to finish a fundraising project including the crowdfunding sites, so that the next time you meet them it would be with a smile,both on their faces and their hearts.

An idea for funding projects might be the progeny of a single brain, but its successful implementation is a result of healthy team work and inclusion of crowdfunding sites.

Happy fundraising for your project!!!


Fundraising for Individuals

Fundraising, for a majority of years has been the terminology for a group or organization which does it for a cause or venture, but in the recent years the terminology has been adopted in the individual arena also.

Fundraising for an individual is on the go these days as it is seen as an effective way to fulfill immediate, urgent needs of an individual like funds for serious illness , funds for a gap year or any other sort of serious cause. To the delight of the person in need, fundraising for individual cause is also backed by crowdfunding platforms like Gofundme and These crowdfunding specialists have a firm grip over the market and have the essential qualities to garner fund from individuals or groups. However, it is important to know how you can direct Gofundme to “go fund me”.

Finding the correct “go fund me” company

The details of the crowdfunding platforms which can help can be easily searched through the internet, but the question of their authenticity should be checked always. They should be checked for their registration details of with the government. Companies like Gofundme and Myefunder are known for their authenticity in the field of fundraising for personal cause.

Moving to a crowdfunding site is not the only thing; you have to make yourself an inspiration. A crowdfunding company could follow your words “go fund me” only if they get the realization of how far can you go to fulfill your agenda. For this there are few tasks that you can do by yourself,

  • Choose a physical challenge, like swimming 200 lengths or walking 300 kms; such an activity may definitely gather the support of platforms like Gofundme for you and your cause.
  • Being productive: Producing things at home and selling them right away would give you the profit, but if the same idea is implemented using Gofundme then the profit would very early turn out to be the amount you need.
  • Restrain from thinks you like: This practice is not much common, but indeed it can be fruitful if you do it in collaboration of a company to which you can say “go fund me”. These companies can then garner the support from the crowd for your cause. Gofundme and are some well known companies which can help in this regard.
  • Being creative: For those who can create with their talent can be easily endorsed by Gofundme for showcasing their talent, or using it to create things and sell. Getting the helping hand of a crowdfunding site would surely raise the TRP of your creative abilities.

Not signing off from the original ways, concept of fundraising for individuals has simply added an add-on in the form of crowdfunding companies like Gofundme and Myefunder. These companies bear the load of gathering crowd for the sponsorship of an individual’s cause on the only condition that the individual would perform.

So if you or someone you care for, are struggling to fight any cause, you scan imply showcase your abilities and direct suitable crowdfunding company with the phrase “go fund me”.


Why go for Crowdfunding?

Today, a lot of people think to launch their own indigenous project, but only quite a few are successful in doing so ; most of them are trolled back to drop the idea in lieu of lack of funds. The traditional funding of businesses is the story of past; here we bring to you why an alternative approach of funding a business, project, venture or social cause.

The idea known by the name of crowdfunding is not an alien to people today, but why it stands out of the alternative funding herd is the point of interest in this article. A lot of crowdfunding platforms like Indiegogo, have raised the bar of funding by introducing the idea of online fundraising. Let’s have a look on why the project initiators are all going gaga over the mechanism of crowdfunding.

  1. Two in one job: The online fundraising via Indiegogo or is not a mere collection of funds for your project, but the interest of funders gives you an insight of how your product is going to fair in a live market.
  2. Easy to go with: Sweating involved in getting funding through loans and other means is known to all interested and a major portions of it comes from the paperwork involved. In case of an online fundraising through crowdfunding platforms like Indiegogo and it is a hassle free process.
  3. Getting yourself identified: Once, your projects starts getting positive reviews from the funding fraternity, get ready to handle your fan following. Website like Indiegogo, involved in online fundraising offer facilities to build a community consisting of people supporting the idea and having similar interests.
  4. Minimizing the risks involved: Since the crowdfunding platforms like Indiegogo are easy ways to predict the validity of the project, hence it could be deemed that online fundraising gives an informal certificate of reduced risk in the venture. This scrutiny allows you to take a deep breadth and play safe.
  5. Increase in the number of success: The increase in the number of supports to the project follows with the revelation that a number of people feel attached to the venture and are keen on knowing its each and every update. It is the after effect of the online fundraising that two persons sitting at different geographical locations might feel elated at the success of a common project.
  6. Inherent nature: One of the main reasons to opt for online fundraising through Indiegogo and is the concept of crowdfunding itself. Being different from traditional methods, crowdfunding gives you an upper hand owing to the fact that here you can target the audience specific to your requirement. You get a survey platform, a testing environment and a bunch of supporters’ right in front of your computer screen.

Crowdfunding platforms like Indiegogo, through their online fundraising concepts have brought revolution in the field of start-ups and fund collection for charity. They have vested the power in the hands of user itself; to be the maker or breaker of their concept. The stronger, the better the idea, more chances of it to get successful!!!


Crowdfunding: What does it mean?

Entrepreneurship these days has scaled new heights; thousands of innovative minds with no dearth of start-up ideas and planned steps are only concerned about the finances for implementation of the idea. However, intellectuals have left no stone unturned in innovating sources of capital funding, and crowdfunding is deemed as one of the alternative ways to finance a project, venture or even a cause.

The idea of crowdfunding involves the innovator or project initiator, crowdsourcing from people or groups who support the idea and a platform which facilitates proper communication and coordination between the two. The following articles give great insights to what actually crowdfunding links to.

The originator:

The mastermind behind the project can choice out of two types of primary crowdsourcing, namely reward based crowdfunding and equity crowdfunding.

Applicable in businesses ranging from software development, research to motion picture promotion, rewards based crowdfunding is done in trade of a future product that would be developed by the company. This saves the shares of the company from distribution to the crowdsourcing individual or group. On the contrary equity crowdfunding mainly deals with sharing of the equity of the budding project among the people involved in crowdsourcing.

The Investor:

It is the crowd sourcing of the project, which is required for building its walls. The funders here are an intelligent crowd, where an individual can choose from a pool of products and services to buy. An individual can, according to his choice act as a funder to a social cause. Depending upon the choice of the project funded in (rewards type or equity type), an individual can be deemed as a stakeholder or not. In the case of both rewards based and equity based crowd funding the crowd takes keen interest to promote the projects for their success lies in the success of the project. A wise funder not only does the initial funding but is laboriously attached with the project and at the end of the day yields up to his expectations.

The facilitator:

Crowdfunding platforms are indeed the matchmaker of the project initiator and the crowdsourcing group. They identify potential companies and publish their shares on their online platform for potential crowdsourcing funders to find them. A few notable crowdfunding platforms are , crowdcube etc., however, these companies function with different ideologies and practices followed by these websites are not the same. Some might focus on small investors while some gain the confidence of the funder to make huge investments, but to summarize, there basic role is of a relational manager between the two.

The point is simple; crowdfunding is very different from traditional project funding techniques, which were mainly meant for the one who had surplus either to invest or to take financial loan. Crowdsourcing not only transforms lives of more than a couple of people but also bestows the society with gifts of innovation and invention. The following crowdfunding platform’s blog and would help both seekers and funders to get direction to their motivation.

What is Crowdfunding

What is Crowdfunding

What is Crowdfunding

A simple concept which has turned the financial world upside down is crowdfunding. The basic idea is that a number of individuals together, using the internet and put together finances to support a particular cause, project or a business organization. Although the idea seems ordinary, the end result is nothing short of a revolution. But if you are someone who is setting up a new crowdfunding campaign, the common question is what comes next in the process. You need to draw up a strategy to make your campaign well known. Here are a few tips regarding that.

  • Give them a story:

It’s not enough to let your donors know for what you need the funding. Give them a detailed story of everything behind the cause. You can consider having the story told in a blog so it can reach out to people who don’t visit your site. Pictures and videos posted along with them prove to be very effective.

  • Extend your social media outreach:

Create accounts in various social networks in the name of your campaign. Ask your organization members and its supporters to share your fundraising campaign through their pages. Create online events through your page (for example, help baby Mary raise fund for her operation).

  • Giving incentives:

If you are running a crowdfunding campaign as a college student raising money for college expenses, showing your gratitude for their generous donation is a must. It does not have to be an expensive gift. Even a gift basket, self-made card, or a thank you email would suffice. The donors will find it motivating. Also, posting a picture of your latest grades or transcripts to show that people’s hard earned money is going to the right place and not just being blown away.

  • Engage with donors in real life:

You can pour in all your efforts on the internet trying to raise funds. But nothing works better than interacting with the donors personally. Don’t forget that your family, friends and neighbors are the very first potential donors to your cause or project. Family gatherings, small backyard parties, inviting your colleagues over for a get together are very good ideas.

  • Press coverage is a must:

Although social networks are a huge deal, getting press coverage is necessary. You can get articles published in university and local newspapers. This will have a major impact drawing crowds from the student community.

  • Quantitative deadline strategy:

This involves setting up a deadline for the goal (example: $100 away from our $3000 goal and only 5 days to go) is the #1 crowdfunding site and has huge community support and gives crystal and clear idea on crowd funding. Please follow, like and share us and our content on all social media.