4 Important Tips to Remember while Crowdfunding Donations

Crowdfunding is that boon to the world economy that helps many to solve a lot of issues. Business ventures surely profit a lot from crowdfunding. The investors and backers also get great profits. Amidst this logic of profit and loss in crowdfunding, there is also a concept of crowdfunding donations. Yes. If you belong to that part of the society that works for community welfare, then crowdfunding has something which would interest you too. Crowdfunding donations is an extremely reasonable and logical idea. It provides you with a much larger audience to connect with. You can appeal to more and more people and successfully raise a lot of funds for donations. Here are some tips which can be handy when you have to go for crowdfunding donations.

#The First Donations!

Backers who are interested in crowdfunding donations usually follow the crowd. They invest in the campaigns where other people have already invested. This is a kind of psychological barrier people have where they think that the one being funded the most is a genuine one. Thus, you cannot expect people to check your campaign, find no or fewer donations, but still, invest in your campaign. Therefore, you have to ensure that the first few donations are made by the people you know. You have to approach close friends or people you personally know to be interested in such stuff.

#Your “good” has to be “better”!

There are a lot of people around the globe working for community welfare. Many of them are doing really good things for the betterment of the society. Then why should people help you? While crowdfunding donations, this is a very important question you need to ask yourself. You need to add that extra bit in your campaign which would make it stand out. You have to make your good work look better to the people.

#Your donors are your investors!

If you have noticed, I have used the term investors in this article instead of donors even for crowdfunding donations. Because the fact is that you have to treat them both equally. As at the end of the day, be it your investors or donors, they are the people who would be responsible for the success of your campaign. Thus, you have to treat them just like your investors.

#Spread the word to the people close to you!

While crowdfunding donations, people often miss out on their family, friends and social group. If you are working for a specific cause for which you are crowdfunding donations, then it is quite obvious that it is something you connect to. Let the people around you, close to you know more about it. Since they know you personally, they would be more interested in your ideas than some strangers. Share the details of your campaign on your personal social media account. This will surely help you in crowdfunding donations a lot.

Crowdfunding donations is a wonderful idea. If implemented properly, it can bring a lot of success.

Crowdfunding Definition – The Different Perspectives

Definition is defined as a statement of the exact meaning of a given word. You must be having some knowledge about crowdfunding. But have you ever thought what is the crowdfunding definition. Well, to be honest, they are a lot! Seriously a lot. Different people have given a crowdfunding definition on the basis of their own understanding. Knowing different of them, would help you understand the topic better. You can gain some good knowledge about the topic. So here are some different definitions of crowdfunding and some substantiation for them.

#Crowdfunding Definition 1

“The practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.”

This is the dictionary definition of crowdfunding. Quite simple to understand, but this definition mainly focuses on the crowdfunding done by the internet. Though it is the most popular way of crowdfunding, there are other offline alternatives too available. Though the good part of this crowdfunding definition is that it says funding projects and ventures. It does not limit the aspect to businesses alone.

#Crowdfunding Definition 2

“Crowdfunding is the use of small amounts of capital from a large number of individuals to finance a new business venture. ”

This crowdfunding definition is quite a simple and easy to understand one. As mentioned, funds are collected from crowds, or masses. Each person from the crowd invests small amounts. But due to the size of the crowd, the amount collected becomes quite large. The only minus of this definition is that it is limiting the concept of crowdfunding to business ventures.

#Crowdfunding Definition 3

“Crowdfunding is a method of raising capital through the collective effort of friends, family, customers, and individual investors.”

This crowdfunding definition basically focuses on the offline part of crowdfunding. It emphasises on how a person can collect money without using a website or the internet in general. It concentrates on how individual and group efforts can raise funds for any venture or project.

#Crowdfunding Definition 4

“Crowdfunding is a financing method that involves funding a project with relatively modest contributions from a large group of individuals, rather than seeking substantial sums from a small number of investors.”

This crowdfunding definition is quite an interesting one. Since it focuses on the difference between the regular fundraising methods and crowdfunding. Thus, making it simpler for a beginner to understand. It says that in crowdfunding, many people contribute small amounts. While in other methods, large amounts are contributed by a few people.

#Crowdfunding Definition 5

“Crowdfunding is asking a crowd of people to donate a defined amount of money for a specific cause or project in exchange for various rewards.”

The important addition this definition does in the crowdfunding concept is the concept of rewards. Since Crowdfunding mainly revolves around the concept of rewards, it cannot be ignored. When people invest in a project or venture, the project developers provide them with some rewards.

Each crowdfunding definition has something to add. Each one has something more to teach you.

5 Websites for Crowdfunding Research Projects

Research! It is for those who are passionate. For those who are in love. In love with their subject. In love with their work. But many a times, some passionate, talented and dedicated people too aren’t able to conduct some proper research. Ever wondered why? Well the answer is pretty simple. Due to the absence of enough capital resources. Isn’t that saddening? I know right. Well though we have a problem, we do have a solution too. And the solution is crowdfunding research projects. Yes, crowdfunding research projects is very well and very easily possible. Here are some websites you can use for crowdfunding research projects.


Experiment.com specializes in crowdfunding scientific research projects. They say, “If it helps unlock new knowledge, then we can fund it. We have the technology.” All you have to do as a researcher is post the project you want to get crowdfunded. Investors will visit the website. And if they agree for crowdfunding research project, they get to see the results on each step of the research. Experiment.com has successfully crowdfunded research projects of many different disciplines. They include physics, biology, economics and more.


Matt Salzberg is the co-founder of Petridish.org. It is the rescue platform for those projects which couldn’t be crowdfunded from government or scientific backers. It does not follow the equity based crowdfunding for research. However, the backers do get to visit the research labs from time to time.


A very popular name in the business world for crowdfunding! Indiegogo is a huge crowdfunding platforms having various projects. They don’t have a dedicated science category on their website. But you project might fit in the health, environment or animals category available with them. They have both the investment models with them. You can either go for the fixed funding model (all or nothing) or you can go for their flexible funding model.


Though not a dedicated platform, RocketHub does support crowdfunding research projects. It has a “science” category through which you can raise money for your project. The plus of this website is that it does not follow the “all or nothing”. Though you can set a target. But you need to reach it for sure. Even if you don’t reach your target, you can keep the money you have accumulated.


Consano is another great website for crowdfunding research projects. They list a huge range of projects on their website. They provide some specific details about the projects to the backers. After researching and analyzing, backers invest in the projects they find good.

Consano has an inspiring story attached to its history. It was founded by Molly Lindquist who was a cancer survivor. She has a specific interest in helping innovative researchers fund their projects.

Crowdfunding research projects is a really amazing idea. Use it for your for crowdfunding research project you are interested in.

5 Simple yet Game Changing Crowdfunding Ideas

Crowdfunding is such a hyped-up thins isn’t it? It seems like the business world has found a magical potion. And anyone and everyone wants to benefit from it. There are websites, articles, inspirations and a lot more stuff related to crowdfunding. With this thing creating so much, you must have thought of trying it. But have you ever thought of the HOW PART? There are a lot of campaigns going one. What are your crowdfunding ideas which would help you succeed? Don’t worry if you don’t have anything in mind. Here are some really simple crowdfunding ideas which are absolute game changers.

#Begin it all with a Story!

Have you ever heard, read or seen some stories which are so very compelling? Some stories, which just directly connect to your heart! That is what you need. Link you idea with a story. A story of your own. Make it so much compelling and emotional that people can immediately connect to it. That is one of the best game changing crowdfunding ideas. You are gonna grab some good attention really quick.

#Have a properly devised plan!

You are gonna find tonnes of different crowdfunding ideas on the internet. It is your responsibility to sort and filter all these crowdfunding ideas depending upon your project. Then, you have to devise a proper plan, which will help you succeed. Remember, planning is the most important aspect of any crowdfunding campaign. Though you can divert a bit from your plan if required. But the base line of your project should be crystal clear!

#Sync the plan with the budget!

Once you are done planning using all the crowdfunding ideas, the next important aspect is the budget. For crowdfunding you business, you have to invest some amount in your campaign. This money has to be used for marketing, rewards for investors, campaigns, etc. After you have your campaign plan ready, you need to sync it with your budget. Since it is not sure that you are going to be successful. Therefore, invest an amount which is okay to be risked. Fix it before hand and never ever cross it.

#Plan an effective breakdown!

Assume that a random stranger comes to you. He/she asks you for $50 as an investment in his/her startup. You might risk the amount and invest in the project. But what if someone comes to you and asks for $500 or %5,000. You might have to think a lot before investing. And most probably, you reply would be negative. This simple rule works with crowdfunding too. You target audience is the middle class and it should be affordable for them. So break down your project into some parts. And then begin your campaign. That is the most efficient of all the crowdfunding ideas.

 #Social Media – The greatest tool!

Social media is the biggest marketing platform today. Though if you are using advertisements, you will have to pay for it. But for blogging or instagramming or creating a Facebook page? You don’t need any money. This is surely the best of all the crowdfunding ideas. Use it like there is no tomorrow.

Those were some crowdfunding ideas. Use them, generate your own crowdfunding ideas and succeed!

Are Crowdfunding Events beneficial at all?

Crowdfunding is a vast ocean. No matter how experienced you are in this field, you still have something more to learn. But books and internet, cannot teach you all of it. Some things are learnt by experience. While some other things, they are learnt from the experience of others. But who is gonna come to you and share their experiences? No one right! But don’t you worry. There is a solution for this. And that is Crowdfunding Events! Yes, crowdfunding events. They are beneficial for sure. How? Let me tell you.

#Learn from Stories!

As I said earlier, you get to learn from the experiences of others. People share their stories. Both successful and unsuccessful. That is the reason you should attend crowdfunding events. You get to listen to experts and the experienced as well. You don’t get that chance daily, do you? So the next time you get an invitation to one of those crowdfunding events, do not miss it.

#Stay Updated!

Crowdfunding is an ever active business. It grows every single day. Like literally. Many new things are constantly added to daily. There are new trends, new business models and much more. If you are person involved with crowdfunding in any way. You need to know about all these. And the best place to know these? crowdfunding events duh! Though you can do the same by reading some news articles. But actually attending such an event and knowing about these in detail! That is a different story.

#Find your investors and backers!

Crowdfunding events are attended by many big investors and backers. That is another big advantage of attending them. You get to meet them personally. You get to talk to them. And you can even share your project details with them while they are there. And maybe convince them too to fund your project. Wouldn’t that be an easy and amazing job? I know right!

#Know the rules and regulations!

As the trends, the rules and regulations of crowdfunding too are ever changing. More often than not, some new rules are added, while some old ones are discarded. You need to know the latest of these. As you don’t want to land into a legal trouble. Attending crowdfunding events would help you through this as well. You can know the latest rules and regulations and accordingly, keep up with them.

 #Learn from the Marketing Lessons!

You can witness many marketing lessons at crowdfunding events. There are sessions which would help you with campaigning, marketing and what not. You get to learn the tips for launching a successful campaigns. You can study some successful campaigning models. And maybe use them for your campaign.

#Know the different funding options!

Crowdfunding has been in a lot of limelight recently. But that doesn’t mean that it is the only way of fundraising. Some crowdfunding events even tell you about the various options available. Like maybe scholarships or loans.

Crowdfunding events have a lot in house for you to learn. Don’t miss any opportunity of attending those.

5 Crowdfunding Advantages for Businesses

Crowdfunding is not the only fund raising method. There a lot more ways through which we can raise funds for a business. Then what are the crowdfunding advantages that make it so popular? You too must have thought of it. The answer is here.Though there are many other fund raising methods. But the crowdfunding advantages make it unique. You yield a lot more than you invest. Here are all the crowdfunding advantages which would convince you to use crowdfunding.

#No debts. No mess!

The biggest of the crowdfunding advantages is that you don’t need to incur debts. Neither do you need to mortgage anything to get some money. All you need to do is launch an appropriate campaign. make it successful and raise money. As simple as that.  Isn’t it like just amazing?

#Crowdfunding + extra marketing!

For holding a successful crowdfunding campaign, you need to do a lot of marketing. Only then you would gain some popularity. And popularity is on of the basic requirements for crowdfunding. While you publicize you brand for the campaign, you are invariably even marketing you brand.

Even if some people don’t become your investors, they might be your potential customers. Thus, your brand has created a popularity base even before it is launched. This one is too one of the most efficient of the crowdfunding advantages.

#Quicker possibilities of brand evaluation!

When you business is at an early stage, there are a lot of conceptual and practical mistakes in your business ideas. This is normal and happens with most of the businesses. In a normal situation, you would be able to rectify those mistakes after your company gains popularity.

But with crowdfunding advantages, you can do it way more quicker. You would have to ask the crowds to provide some feedback, reviews, comments, etc. This would become the evaluation for you. You can rectify your mistakes and grow your business faster.

#You get loyal customers for life!

The way you can share your ideas, is the biggest of the crowdfunding advantages. While campaigning for crowdfunding, you would share the purpose, idea and the story behind your product. The people who then invest in your campaign are those people who believe in these ideas of yours. They have a faith that your product and company are going to succeed in the longer run. Thus, they would themselves too use your brand.

#Free Publicity!

One of the biggest crowdfunding advantages is that crowdfunding is a newer industry. It is trending a lot these days. If you are able to run a successful campaign, yours is a great story for media. They would invariably publish this success story of yours. And you would automatically catch the eyes of many potential investors.

Crowdfunding advantages are a lot to list. It is an amazing way of fund raising for small businesses. And should be used by all. But with proper knowledge and efforts.

6 Success Mantras for Crowdfunding for Non-profits

If you are working for a non-profit organization, Kudos to you! You are doing a great job. The world needs more people like you. But did you know that you can raise funds by crowdfunding for non-profits? That is amazing right? Crowdfunding for non-profits has proven to be equally or maybe more successful than other crowdfunding campaigns. If you are planning to start with it, here are your 6 success mantras.

#Set a realistic goal!

Crowdfunding for non-profits usually does receive great response. Many people willingly contribute a lot to them. But still, there is a limit to which your campaign can succeed. While setting a goal for your campaign, be a bit realistic. You might aspire to get way more than the goal. But more often than never, it isn’t possible to reach high goals. Especially in your initial stages. Thus, always set a goal after studying the market trends. Also study the responses received by other similar campaigns.

#Compel the audience to connect!

Many a times, the problem targeted by your non-profit might be unknown to the common public. there are many issues which haven’t caught the eyes of people. While crowdfunding for non-profits in such cases, you need to tell the audience about it. Present it in such a compelling way, that they are easily able to connect.

#Cut down or Avoid Rewards !

For most of the crowdfunding campaigns, rewards are a crucial part. But contrary to this, rewards are not a good idea when crowdfunding for non-profits. People usually fund non-profits with a selfless motive. Their aim is to do some good deeds for people without expecting anything in return. When you provide them with rewards for crowdfunding non-profits, this aim of theirs is hampered. This is a de-motivation for your backers.

#Show your good work!

In today’s world, people even create fraudulent crowdfunding campaigns. They claim that they are doing it for non-profits, but the actual story is different. The increasing number of such cases, prevents backers from funding even genuine campaigns. In order to ensure that this doesn’t happen with your potential investors, you need some planning. Show them your past work. Tell them about how you have helped people in distress. And win their trust.

#Transparency is the key: Stay Crystal Clear! 

When indulging in crowdfunding for non-profits as investors, people have many doubts in their minds. They are many a times uncertain about the genuineness of your campaign. To win their trust, be absolutely transparent with them. Tell them how, where, when and why are you going to use the money they have invested.  Don’t keep anything secret from them. While crowdfunding for non-profits, an honest campaign can succeed much more than expected.

#Spread the Word!

Marketing is as essential in crowdfunding for non-profits as it is for any other campaign. Unless and until people know that you are doing something good, they cannot help you. It is your responsibility to spread the awareness about your campaign.

So go, launch your campaign for crowdfunding for non-profits. But don’t forget these tips!

Top 8 Websites for Crowdfunding for Business Startups

“Planning a startup? Use crowdfunding for business startups.” Almost all the entrepreneurs have heard this when starting a venture. Well it is in fact a great idea. Crowdfunding is one of the most convenient ways of fund raising, especially for startups. Apart from a lot of knowledge and expertise in crowdfunding, you also need a good website to start with. Crowdfunding websites are like those partners of yours. You just cannot move without them. You need them. But you even need a good one. So the question is, how to choose the website? Don’t worry. This article will help you choose the best website for crowdfunding for business startups.


Angel list is one of the leading crowdfunding US website. It allows raising equity or debt investments for startups. It is a great choice for crowdfunding  for business startups. Since, all the backers are put into a single-purpose fund. So you don’t have to worry about the future investments.


Based in San Francisco, CircleUp is and equity-based crowdfunding website. It mainly focuses on retail companies and high growth consumer products. A plus for this one is that it doesn’t charge a fee for investments from friends and family. However, if you are crowdfunding for business startups with a listing on its website, you are charged a fee.


If you are a small business and want to run a campaign for equity-based or reward-based crowdfunding, then Fundable is your go to. It is a fee-based platform and a great choice for crowdfunding for business startups.

#Micro Ventures

They say that they are an “investment bank for startups”. It fist analyzes the startups. And then if approved, they hel you to raise capital. They have an SEC-approved online platform. Thus, they help small investors to invest in startups. It is a great choice for crowdfunding for business startups if you want to work with angel investors.


Small businesses, social enterprises or startups can work with Crowdfunder. It is a global social network. And the best choice for crowdfunding for business startups if you want equity or contribution crowdfunding.

#Equity Net

Equity Net is the “original and only patented crowdfunding platform”. Many entrepreneurs, government entities, investors etc. rely upon Equity Net for analyzing and then capitalizing private businesses. Using this website as a platform for crowdfunding for business startups would provide you a large and reliable audience.

#Early Shares

It is an equity crowdfunding platform. Its main users are the small businesses based in the United States. If you too are a small startup, then this website would be perfect for crowdfunding for business startups.

#Grow Venture Community

It is the first community based platform reaching out on a global level. Startups are connected to the right audience quickly. And this enables them to find support quickly. With Grow VC, entrepreneurs can connect to experts, business partners, new customers and team members.


Crowdfunding for travel – Fulfill your Wanderlust

Crowdfunding for travel? Seems like an impossible thing, right? I mean a few people chipping in some money so that you can travel. Better than a dream! But is it actually possible? Let us understand.

How does crowdfunding for travel work?

Before you feel any more awkward about this idea, let me tell you something. Crowdfunding for travel is an age old practice. Christopher Columbus was amongst the first people to use it. But you might still be wondering that why would someone do that?

The thing here is, that you have to convince people. You have to tell them that your travel is for a purpose. You aren’t going just for a tour. But there is a specific mission you have to achieve by going to that place.

For example, you might say that you want to go to Kashmir in the East. Your purpose for going can be:

  • Write a book/novel about it
  • Work with the localites for a specific cause
  • Shoot a movie
  • Click pictures for a specific exhibition

If the purpose behind your travel is convincing enough for the backers, they would agree to fund your trip.

Tips for efficient crowdfunding for travel

Now that you know what crowdfunding for travel is, you might want to use this idea for yourself. But before you go any further with this idea, here are some amazing tips you can use.

#Originality is your best buddy!

While launching you campaign, you must understand the importance of originality. The idea, the story, the campaign that you propose should be yours. An original one! Study other projects. And analyze the ones which interest you. Make yours too an interesting one.

#Pre-launch marketing is the key!

People usually believe that marketing is to be done after the launch of the project or the product. But that is an entirely wrong concept. You should start the marketing way before the original launch. This would help you create some anticipation in the minds of the potential backers.

#Become a backer!

There are a lot of projects and campaigns going on currently for crowdfunding for travel. When you might analyze them, your perspective would be as a project creator. Instead, approach those crowdfunding for travel projects as a backer. See what things interest you. Study the communication done by the creator. Find the pluses and minuses. Seeing the whole thing from this perspective would help you to understand the concept much better.

#Crowdfunding too needs investment!

Crowdfunding for travel or any other crowdfunding project in general needs some investment. As a project creator, you too need to invest some time and money. This includes the marketing costs, video making costs for your project, etc. And apart from the money, your time is definitely important. Your complete dedication towards the project is the most crucial aspect for the success of your project.

Crowdfunding for travel is actually a great idea for those creative heads. If you are one of them, surely use this great tool!

5 Things to Learn from the Crowdfunding Experts

Crowdfunding is a totally rewarding job! But only if done with proper planning. For that, you need to have a lot of knowledge about crowdfunding. Though there are many tips and tricks on the internet. But how about you learn something from the crowdfunding experts? Sounds like an idea! So here are a few things you can learn from the crowdfunding experts. Understand them and put them into practice! And I bet you, that no one can stop you from succeeding.

#Take the time to build a good lead list and generate buzz in your network – Christopher Hawker (Trident Design)

One of the leading crowdfunding experts, Christopher Hawker says that a crowdfunding campaign is like a rocket launch. One has to invest a lot of time before starting it. It is the pre-launch marketing that affects your campaign the most. Once you have launched the campaign, your influence becomes limited. Keep this expert tip in mind while working for your campaign.

#Offer more valuable perks at “below MSRP” prices – Clay Hebert  (Crowdfunding Hacks)

Clay Hebert is one of the best observers. And this adds him to the list of crowdfunding experts. He has made an amazing observation which is worth attention. Most of the businesses, while crowdfunding, take measures to increase the “traffic” on their website. Since, they believe that “good traffic” means “successful campaign”. However, the situation ends up to be good traffic but poor conversions. Your aim is to convert the traffic into investors. For this, provide them with rewards below MSRP. After all they are your first customers. They surely deserve some discount.

#You should be able to describe your product in a sentence no longer than a tweet. – Michael Raven, (Blazon PR)

Press coverage is the need of the hour when it comes to crowdfunding. And one of the most successful crowdfunding experts, Micheal Raven of Blazon PR has an amazing idea about the same. What you need to do is find the right journalist. And make sure that they understand your product as good as you do. Find a person who is interested in your campaign. And make them understand your product very precisely. Quote it in a sentence which isn’t longer than a tweet!

#Crowdfunding campaign managers should spend at least two months of prep work to build a solid foundation for their crowdfunding campaign.- Robert Hoskins, (Crowdfunding PR)

Robert Hoskins, one of the renowned crowdfunding experts guides us one how to divide the pre-launch marketing period. According to him, the first month should focus on social media marketing with Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. While the 2nd month should be dedicated to press release. This would establish a trust bond.

#Find someone from your target audience to tell you if they would contribute and why or why not. – Ronjini Joshua, (The Silver Telegram)

Another one of the leading crowdfunding experts finds reviews a nice idea. She says that ask someone who isn’t directly related to your campaign. Maybe a person from your target audience. And ask them to review your company and campaign publicly. This is a great way to win trust.

Crowdfunding experts are experienced and can teach you a lot. Following the words of crowdfunding experts can surely help you succeed.