5 Crowdfunding Campaign Tips for a Successful Campaign

Crowdfunding! People in the business industry surely know quite a lot about this word. The internet is literally flooded with crowdfunding articles. Thus, the business people have heard about a lot of advantages of crowdfunding. Maybe you are having a startup or are planning to start one! Then it must have surely hit you to start you own crowdfunding campaign. But do you know that most of the campaign end up to be unsuccessful? Therefore, before you begin your campaign have a look at this article. Know about the crowdfunding campaign tips for a successful campaign.

#Think Different. Think Big!

One of the most important crowdfunding campaign tips is build up some uniqueness. There are already a lot of campaigns going one. Amidst this, you have to stand out in order to find some backers and investors. Here is where the crowdfunding campaign tips would help you. Your campaign, you idea should be different. Create something which is really unique. Make this uniqueness visible. Such that people can immediately differentiate between your campaign and the others.

#Use your most powerful weapon – Social Media!

Social media is the newest and the best tool for marketing. This is one of the game changing crowdfunding campaign tips. Use social media to its most. Because that is going to make a huge difference. Since, most of the people today are tech-savvy. This way your message would reach them really quick.

#Short, crisp and informative – The ideal crowdfunding campaign!

This one of all the crowdfunding campaign tips is usually ignored by most. But you don’t repeat this mistake. An ideal crowdfunding would never drag upon things. Plan your campaign to be a short one. One which is interesting through out. And is really informative! A campaign which actually speaks for itself. Rather than just bringing on the old stuff. For this, you need to be really creative too!

#Early investments, More rewards!

This one is the most smart and interesting of the crowdfunding campaign tips. It is simple! Mention in your campaign your reward scheme. And that reward scheme be like, the earlier you invest, the better rewards you get. And this would help you reach your pre-set target really quick!

#Pretty little remainders!

In this digital world today, we usually forget about a lot of things. Sometimes, we are interested in a few things. We want to proceed with them. But those constant pings and buzzing and notifications! They just make you forget stuff. This can happen even to your potential backers. So all you need to do mail the some short and sweet remainders. Add useful links to it. And send it to them. But remember! Don’t make this thing too often. Or it will piss of all the people out there.

That’s it for the crowdfunding campaign tips. Knowledge, experience and hard work! In conclusion, these are the three keys to a successful crowdfunding campaign. Follow them! And that would be the best of the crowdfunding campaign tips.

5 Simple yet Awesome Crowdfunding Hacks

Crowdfunding is that gift to the business world, which has simply turned the story upside down. Businesses are making just so much out of it. With all these people benefiting themselves from this boon, how about you too give it a try? Don’t you too want to make the best out of it? If yes, here are some amazing crowdfunding hacks. These crowdfunding hacks will ensure that you use crowdfunding to the most!

#Research. Plan. Work. Succeed!

Crowdfunding is a simple 4-step process. Research about the campaigns of projects similar to yours. Pick up their details and learn from them. Know about some crowdfunding hacks. Plan your campaign by using all your crowdfunding knowledge. Work a lot. Work according to your plan. And be sure to make time-to-time changes in the plan as and when required. And with all of it, Succeed! Though, it seems really simple you have to put some great efforts. For that the utmost priority is your knowledge of crowdfunding. Never fail to update it.

#Google Alerts 

Tracking your campaign constantly is actually a must while crowdfunding. You need to track the keywords and keep a record of them. Want some crowdfunding hacks to minimize this? Here is where Google Alerts becomes your savior. You have to set up alerts for some keywords. And then, Google will notify you via e-mails whenever it gets a new result for those keywords. You can be updated for press release, blog spots or even news hits with this tool. You can stay updated about your competitors as well as the industry as a whole.

#Social Media Scheduling

When you are crowdfunding, you need to be really active on your social media channels. You need to update people constantly with new content from time to time. And you have to do that in some schedule. You can’t just post randomly anytime. To help you with these, there are tools like Buffer. With them you can schedule your post and they would be automatically updated. Isn’t this like the coolest of the crowdfunding hacks?

#USNPL – The local media directory

Crowdfunding involves publicity. And relying just upon huge platforms, is not the best of the ideas. You should even reach out to people via local newspapers, TV or radio stations. USNPL is the directory which will help you here. You can find contact details for almost all the local media channels across USA. Utilizing local media, can surely increase your investor base significantly.

#Pitch Videos with YouTube

Videos are an amazing way of promoting your campaign. They help you raise as much as 4 times more money. That is the reason it is on this list of crowdfunding hacks. Create some videos with YouTube. Or you can have some voice overs while the visuals be some pictures related to your campaign. This is surely one of the most rewarding of the crowdfunding hacks. It is easy, free and amazing.

Use these crowdfunding hacks. Learn more about crowdfunding and launch a successful campaign!

Fund your Education: Use Crowdfunding for Education

Crowdfunding for education has become the rescuer for many students in the recent time. More and more students are turning to it for funding their education. When students are unable to arrange funds for their studies they take help of crowdfunding for education. They collect funds from some local communities or maybe online groups. But is crowdfunding for education actually worth it? Should you bank upon it for your higher studies?

Well the answer to these questions is certainly yes. Though you can rely upon crowdfunding for education. But there are some snags you need to take care of. Here are some things which can guide you through it.

Should you really go for it?

Ask yourself these questions before you start your campaign.

#Is it the only alternative?

Crowdfunding is usually not the only fund raising option. You can get scholarships. You can opt for a cheaper university. Or you can take a job to fund yourself. Make sure this is the last option you are taking. Don’t rush into crowdfunding unless and until mandatory.

#Is you career worth it?

Crowdfunding for education usually works on donation based crowdfunding. People from your localities or social group may contribute to your education. But they will do so only if you have a rewarding career ahead. If your career choice does no or little good to the society, people might not wish to contribute.

How to start crowdfunding for education?

Once you make your decision, here are some things which would help your campaign.

#Research is the key!

Before jumping to your campaign, you need to do a lot of research. Study the previously held crowdfunding campaigns for education. Pick up the details. The pluses, the minuses, everything! Learn from these and then begin your campaign.

#Promise some Rewards!

Rewards in case of crowdfunding for education can be a tad bit tricky. It isn’t like businesses. You cannot provide goods or services on hand. You are a student duh! But yes. There is one thing you can do. It is quite simple. You can promise your investors some future rewards. Say you are crowdfunding to become a doctor. Then you can promise free regular checkups to your investors once who you have your degree. But remember! Be careful with what you promise. Don’t make it too much. Or too less. And remember to stick to it after you are done with your studies.

#Target your social groups and communities!

The people from your own groups or communities are more likely to help you. Because they can easily connect to you. They can know if their money is being put into good use. And if you are promising some service rewards, they can even benefit from it.

#Answer all the WHs

Whether it is a dollar or 1000, people need some answers about where there money is going. Answer the what, why, where, how and when even with crowdfunding for education. This way you can win their trust easily!

6 Important Tips for Crowdfunding for Films

Crowdfunding has recently benefited a lot of businesses. Even many non-profit organizations are using it wisely. It has actually solved many funding problems. Though it has some minuses too, it seems to be great overall. Amongst others, even crowdfunding for films has seen quite some growth. People are moving towards it to get their films crowdfunded. But going about crowdfunding for films isn’t as simple as it seems. It has to be carefully planned. And efficiently implemented. Here are some tips and tricks that can be useful!

#Research. Plan. Repeat.

Crowdfunding for films is not that new a concept. Many people have tried it. Though some have been successful. While some others have failed miserably. Here you need to understand one thing. This is no small thing! It is a huge step you are taking. So do your research well before you start. You need to work in a very organized manner. Thus, plan your campaign beforehand.

#Get your team ready!

The idea of assembling your team after crowdfunding is one really bad idea. Studies show that if a team collectively campaigns for crowdfunding for films, they raise 94% more money as compared to individuals. SO go get your team ready. Actors, director, assistants, everyone!

#Get your Budget clear

Budget becomes a tricky issue for some people while crowdfunding for films. Don’t let this happen to your campaign. Study the budget of other projects similar to yours. Plan your budget very carefully. Keep the details in mind. And remember, you cannot deviate more than  10-15% of your planned budget.

#Choose the platform wisely!

Today there are many crowdfunding platforms available in the market. But you have to choose yours after some proper research. Different websites are good for different project. Find out which platform has the maximum success rate for crowdfunding for films. And then check your convenience.

#PR Plan: The lifeline for crowdfunding for films!

Trust me, this is as simple as it seems. And important. Really important! See, the thing is really simple. Yours is not the only project which would be launched for crowdfunding. You are going to face a lot of competition. You need to get through it and make your project successful. Your project has to grab attention. And that too with 3-4 days of the launch. Otherwise, it will become an old story. So give your PR plan some really good attention. Invest in it too if required.

#Keep your project Alive!

When you are crowdfunding for films, you have to take care of the popularity of the project. Because the success of the film after the actual release is also very important. So keep updating the fans with some bits and pieces. Your actors can post pictures from the shoot. Or you can release some teasers before the trailers. Some interviews, small clips, and everything of that sort. In short, the things which would grow anticipation!

Though a tricky job, if done carefully crowdfunding for films can be really beneficial. All the best for yours!

7 Crowdfunding Disadvantages for Businesses

Towards the end of the 20th century, a new fund raising technique became successful. And today, within 2 decades, crowdfunding has found a lot of popularity. More and more businesses are turning towards it. Amidst all this hype about it, it is important to go to its depths. It is necessary to know that is it actually all good? Or are there some drawbacks too? And what are the crowdfunding disadvantages? Let us find answers to these questions!

#Just good for small bucks!

Crowdfunding surely helps businesses raise funds. But it is a rather small amount. You cannot rely upon crowdfunding for a big business idea. This is one of the biggest crowdfunding disadvantages.

#It takes time!

Crowdfunding is surely not a quick process. This is one of the crowdfunding disadvantages faced by many! In case you want to launch a business in a short span of time, crowdfunding cannot help you. It has to be a pre-planned thing.

#The hidden costs!

You need some investments for launching a successful crowdfunding campaign. Businesses usually plan a budget and start a campaign. But more often than not, sticking to the budget seems difficult. This is one of the most tricky crowdfunding disadvantages. As this can cause you some serious troubles.

#It is just Black and White!

The list of crowdfunding disadvantages says that crowdfunding is a black and white situation. There are no greys whatsoever! If you reach your target, you are great! But, if you don’t, even by a small amount, it is no good! The logic behind this is quite simple. When you fix a target, you understand  that that much is your need. If you don’t reach that amount, you can clearly not work. SO you should not continue your project. Since, this way, you would be wasting the other money too.

#Your reputation is at stake!

A failed project is not that big a deal. But you must realize that crowdfunding disadvantages are more than that. It even deals with your reputation. The tag of a failed crowdfunding project remains with your company. You may even revive it successfully in the future. But this remains as a loophole forever.

 #Future Financing!

In crowdfunding there would be a lot of small inexperienced investors who will attach to your name. By investing small amounts, they would become the part owners. But in future, reputed businesses might not like the idea of working with such a company which is shared by a lot of small investors. This is one of the biggest crowdfunding disadvantages on longer runs.

#Probable legal issues

While investing smaller amounts, investors expect quick returns. And these are usually inexperienced investors. But business doesn’t work that way. Your company may take time to grow. Or sometimes, it might even fail. And that results into one of the most serious crowdfunding disadvantages. This may cause the investors to raise some legal issues. With a new business and new dreams, who wants that?

Though there are some crowdfunding disadvantages, they can be tackled. Working systematically and under proper guidance, can save you a lot of trouble.

5 Crowdfunding Benefits for investors

Crowdfunding has created a buzz in the business world. Both, companies and investors are loving it. Since, it seems to be the perfect fundraising option for businesses. And the perfect investment option for small investors. But are the crowdfunding benefits actually worth it? What are the crowdfunding benefits for the investors? Is it a nice option to invest it? Read this articles to know the benefits an investor gets.

#High Returns!

Bonds, policies, or physical assets. Nothing can beat crowdfunding in terms of potential returns. Once, the company you have invested in succeeds! Your big profit is sure shot! Though, it is quite a risky investment. As you might lose even the principal amount if the company fails. But given the high profit percentage of crowdfunding. It is not all bad. Some risk in business is mandatory!

#Larger range to choose from!

Unlike angel investments, crowdfunding is diversified. Since, there are a lot of companies you can choose from. Also, you don’t need to invest all your money in one company. You can spread it in different ones. Thus, in case one of them fails to succeed, you incur a smaller loss. You don’t need to clutter your money just in one place.


Huge profits with crowdfunding are obvious! But there are more crowdfunding benefits than this. Some companies even offer rewards or gifts to their investors. They do it to express their gratitude. These rewards include a lot of exciting stuff! Ranging from free products to tickets or vouchers.

#Versatility of investments!

One of the best of the crowdfunding benefits is the versatility of investments. People can invest very small amounts, or play with large bucks. It all depends on them. You don’t need to have a huge bank balance to invest in. You can begin with as less as $35.

#Intangible Benefits! 

If you think of it as an investor, this thing might not interest you. Above listed might be the only crowdfunding benefits for you. But if you look at it as a soul, you might understand this. We all have a lot of dreams. But not all of them are fulfilled. But crowdfunding is a way you can help someone else fulfill theirs. Your investment would just get you money. But, to them! It will help them meet their dream.

A Warning!

Crowdfunding benefits for investors are a lot many. Though, it might look all amazing. But, it is important to stay cautious. You have to be aware of the facts. You might end up loosing all your money. If the company doesn’t fair out. Or if it is a fraud. The decision of investing in crowdfunding is an important one. Be careful before taking it. Have some ground knowledge of them same. And invest only after proper research.

5 Tips to get the Best out of Equity Crowdfunding

Equity crowdfunding is one the most popular and rewarding types of crowdfunding. In equity crowdfunding, people invest in an idea. The investment money is used as capital. And it turns the idea into a business. Since it is really profiting, it has gained quite a lot of popularity. But even if you get into it, how to get through it? How to make the best use of it? In a way that is profitable. In this article, you shall find answers to all these questions.

#Let your company reach the right level!

It is a misconception that equity crowdfunding is for the companies who have just started. But that is not the fact. It is beneficial for the companies who are already profitable or revenue generating. Making people invest in your company even before starting it? That can be a difficult one to achieve. Make sure your company has reached a point where it is trustworthy. Then only enter the market for crowdfunding. This will increase the chances of a successful campaign.

#Genuineness is the Key! 

Remember, your investors and customers are the people you rely upon. You have to be genuine towards them. Misleading them will ultimately lead to your loss. When campaigning for equity crowdfunding, let your investors know about you. A structured and genuine plan, would attract more and more investors.

#Become eligible for tax relief

In UK, there are some special tax relief schemes meant for equity crowdfunding. Companies can avail tax relief of 30-75% of the investments made. But there are certain guideline regarding the eligibility. The company should have an assurance from HMRC. This assurance allows them to offer SEIS or EIS relief. It indicates that the company is eligible to do so w.r.t. the HMRC criteria.

#Work with the right platform

There are a lot of websites available today which can help you with equity crowdfunding. Different websites are made keeping different purposes in mind. They cater the need of different audiences. Before launching your campaign, you need to find out which is the right one for you. Some of them are meant for startups, some for small businesses. While some others provide options for both equity as well as reward based crowdfunding. Your choice of platform will have great impacts on your campaign. Be careful with your choice.

#Good network = Good equity crowdfunding

Building up a good social network can help you get the best out of equity crowdfunding. A good network would ensure your long-term success. This network would have your potential investors as well as potential customers. Begin with a blog or social media accounts. Stay active on them. Let people be familiar with you. This is to be done before you launch you campaign. Remember that!

Crowdfunding is an ocean. It has in it lots of goods and bads. Pluses and minuses. You have to filter them out. And for that, all you need is some good updated knowledge!

Detailed Crowdfunding Guide for Beginners

The benefits of crowdfunding are know by all. It seems like that revolutionary idea we all could use. But to know about something, and to actually put it into use? They are two entirely different things. You might have heard a lot about crowdfunding from people around. But to use it, you need some technical knowledge. That is where this crowdfunding guide is going to help you. Refer to this crowdfunding guide and you will learn a lot more about crowdfunding.

Why do you need a crowdfunding guide?

Business is quite a vulnerable thing. It is not something you can play with. Though taking risks is necessary. But you don’t want to work with partial knowledge. Know about it through this crowdfunding guide. Also, you would be able to plan your campaign better.

How to choose a product for crowdfunding?

You need to now that not all products can buy you some attraction. Some products are just not connectable for the audience. Thus, campaign with something which is worth it.

  • Campaign a product. Not a store! While investing, people need something tangible. They won’t like the idea of investing in an idea.
  • Begin with your best one! You might be having a lot of product ideas in your mind. But begin with one which is your personal best. It would help you attract a lot of crowd.
  • Find your target audience first. Then use the product they can connect the most to.
  • Make something unique. Your product should not have a $1 dupe! It should be unique. Something which makes people want it.

Do you need a website for your campaign?

Some people believe you do. Some believe it is just a myth. In this crowdfunding guide, you will know the fact. Raising money with crowdfunding is a relatively easier task. The problem starts when you have to fulfill your commitments. It starts when you need customers to back you up. So here is the thing. Making a website before the campaign would help you get that audience base. Maybe you could create a blog. Tell people the story of your company. Or just at least make them know that you exist. So when you are done with crowdfunding people know you. Your customer base is already created.

What creates a success crowdfunding campaign?

Not all the campaigns for crowdfunding are successful. You need to movie in the right direction. Know in this crowdfunding guide as to how you can do that.

#Click the hearts of the audiences

A campaign which is compelling. A campaign which says something, which feels more than business. That is what clicks the hearts of the audiences! Make it inspirational. Or emotional! Just click!

#Let them know you and your brand

A basic point in a crowdfunding guide is to interact with the people. Stay active on social media. Let them know more about you, your company. Make them feel they are your fellas!


Rewards can be really compelling. Give them a deal they cannot refuse! And make it work.

8 facts you didn’t know about Crowdfunding History

Crowdfunding as we define it today is collecting funds from the masses with the help of an online platform. Though, a lot of people know about crowdfunding. But most of them don’t know the Crowdfunding History. Here are a few fascinating facts from the Crowdfunding History. We bet you didn’t know these!

#Crowdfunding is more than 300 years old!

Yes. You read it just right. The crowdfunding history dates back to the 1700s. It was founded by author Jonathan Swift in Ireland. Crowdfunding functioned as Irish Loan Fund. It provided loans to the small families in rural areas. Consequently, by the 1800s, it became a popular program used by 20% of the Irish households. Since, more than 300 programs contributed small amounts to this.

#Modern-day micro financing started in 1976!

Micro financing began in 1976, by Dr. Mohommad Yunus. He launched a micro finance program in Bangladesh. It aimed at providing banking opportunity to low income families. Though, initially it started as a $27 loan to 42 women. But it had 30,000 members by the end of 5 years!

#The first successful crowdfunding was done in 1997!

Though it started quite early, crowdfunding could not find massive success immediately. But, the year 1997 was a game changer in the crowdfunding history. In 1997, a rock band from Britain planned a reunion tour. They funded the tour with the help of online donations made by their fans.

#ArtistShare was the first dedicated crowdfunding platform.

After the 1997 crowdfunding success, ArtistShare became the first dedicated crowdfunding platform in 2000. Crowdfunding History saw many other platforms emerge thereafter.

#The term “Crowdfunding” was coined in 2006

Though the process began early, the term “crowdfunding” is relatively new. It was coined by Micheal Sullivan in August 2006. He used it for the first time in FundaVlog, which was founded by him.

#Crowdfunding became really popular by 2009!

Slowly and gradually, crowdfunding was gaining popularity since its inception. Competing with its counterparts, crowdfunding slowly grew. But crowdfunding history clearly says that 2009, changed it all. Crowdfunding became immensely popular. And it became a major fund raising source. And since then it is just growing. Its revenue tripled in 2011 to $1.5 billion from $530 million in 2009.

#2010 became the year for Donation based crowdfunding!

The crowdfunding history recorded a new event in 2010. Crowdfunding websites for donation-based crowdfunding emerged. They enabled small organizations or individuals to collect donation from the crowd.

#2012 – It changed the Crowdfunding History!

In 2012, the JOBS act was signed into a law by Barack Obama. Jumpstart our Business Startups act (abv. as JOBS act) eased security regulations with a motive of encouraging fund raising for small businesses. In October 2015, equity crowdfunding was allowed with the adoption of new rules by SEC.

The crowdfunding history is really fascinating. And so is the concept itself of crowdfunding. The simplification and ease of work with crowdfunding has made it very popular. Hopefully, its future too, will be bright!

Let us go back to the Crowdfunding Basics

What does Crowdfunding mean?

Let us get our concepts clear as we go back to crowdfunding basics. Crowdfunding. The word is quite self explanatory. It means raising funds with the contributions of the masses. It is just like any other fund raising method. Though, it is used majorly online.

How does Crowdfunding work?

To understand the crowdfunding basics, we need to know its working.

Crowdfunding is done through various websites. It works like the other fundraising spectrum. But here, the crowdfunding websites work as an online mediator. They connect entrepreneurs to the public or the masses. It is driven by different motives like charity or  rewards. And people donate or invest some amount of money.

Types of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is categorized into three types namely:

  • Donation Based Crowdfunding
  •  Reward Based Crowdfunding
  • Equity Crowdfunding
Donation based crowdfunding

According to the crowdfunding basics, crowdfunding can even be donation based. When an organisation is working for a noble cause, they tend to rely upon donation based crowdfunding. Here, the masses  donate some amount of money. While they don’t expect anything in return.

Reward Based Crowdfunding

Some crowdfunding projects provide rewards to the investors. Crowdfunding basics term it as reward based crowdfunding. Here, the business owners send some rewards to their investors. The amount of investments determine the rewards. They can be a sample product, or a voucher. An e-mail subscription or a small amount of shares.

Equity Crowdfunding

Equity crowdfunding, in a broad sense can be considered an actual investments. According to crowdfunding basics, it is the one which reaps profits in the future. In equity crowdfunding, people invest on ideas or projects. In return, they receive a share in the company.  Equity crowdfunding is the most profitable of all. Though, the investor might even end up losing everything. Since, there is an equal chance of the failure of the idea. However, it is not so widely popular. As the legislation is quite unstable at the moment.

Pros of Crowdfunding

#Easy Fund raising

According to crowdfunding basics, it is the simplest of the fund raising techniques. As it is easier than bank loans or individual investments. Therefore, an individual can save a lot of time and effort.

#Prior Customer Base

During the crowdfunding process, your product or service finds some popularity. You get a preset customer base. As people have already attached with your product.

#The Rewards are with you!

As you get to choose the rewards for your investors, crowdfunding becomes a simpler job. Though, you have to be reasonable with them. But there are no fixed rules which you need to abide by.

Cons of Crowdfunding

#Doesn’t work for large capital!

Crowdfunding basics clarify the fact that crowdfunding cannot raise large capital amount. Though, they can raise a lot of fund, complex and large projects cannot be handled by crowdfunding.

#Incorporates inflexibility in the project

Once released, your project cannot be changed drastically. As you are answerable to your investors, you lose the flexibility.

#Chances of repute damage!

Though, you can raise good amounts from it, you lose your reputation if the project doesn’t fair nice. You might end up losing it all.