crowdfunding demographics

Crowdfunding Demographics – Numbers Matter

Crowdfunding is an ever-growing industry and it is changing rapidly. There is no one way of gaining success in this industry. It is, therefore, important to have crowdfunding demographics of various entities related to crowdfunding.

These crowdfunding demographics can help to analyze different crowdfunding trends. All the key trends from average amount raised to impact of publicizing on the funds, every changing trend can be thoroughly analyzed by crowd funding demographics.

Through these crowdfunding demographics, one can figure out which crowdfunding platform to choose, how much their idea can raise, what attracts the contributors towards the campaign, etc.

How are crowdfunding demographics beneficial?

People who are aspiring to open their own startups or business nowadays are far more fortunate than those people in the past as now they have a big advantage. Nowadays people have various crowdfunding demographics data they can refer to.

Earlier,people aspiring to open their startups or start a new business had to rely on limited surveys and advices from those having established their businesses. Nowadays, with the help of online sites people can get various crowdfunding demographics which can guide them through the statistics related to crowdfunding.

These crowdfunding demographics can help an individual to solve the problems related to the launch of their project or business and also help them to gain insight about the customer requirements.

The crowd funding demographics may be able to change how crowdfunding campaigns are working. Crowdfunding demographics can give some statistical proves to show what is the best trend to follow during the campaigns.

Though many entrepreneurs are not that willing to analyze loads of crowd funding demographics data, but if they look at the bigger picture all these extra work may not be that bad. These crowd funding demographics can be their best guide to make their campaign successful. The crowdfunding demographics can actually make the crowdfunding campaign to go the next level and make it different from the other competitors.

Before going through the crowdfunding demographics from any site, it is also important to be aware of the source from where these crowd funding demographics are coming. Make sure that the crowd funding demographics are taken from a reliable source before referring to them.

According to some statistics the successful campaigns on various crowdfunding sites are able to raise the average of approximately $7000 and the time period of a campaign is around nine weeks. It is also seen from some crowdfunding demographics that percentage of men trying to crowdfund their project outruns the percentage of women.

Some crowdfunding demographics even discovered that there are many senior citizens who are trying crowdfunding. Though the individuals between the age group 25-45 are more likely to turning towards crowdfunding for the funds for their projects, but the people above 65 years are also turning towards crowdfunding as a source of financial backing.

The crowdfunding demographics also show that social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. are playing a key role in publicizing the crowdfunding campaigns and gaining the attention of more and more people. Though the numbers alone cannot guarantee a successful campaign, but their reference can be very beneficial for the crowdfunding campaign.

Crowdfunding equity

What is Crowdfunding Equity?

Crowdfunding is the process through which an individual can raise funds for their project or business venture. It has been gaining popularity in the past few years and it is mostly done through online platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, etc. There are mainly four types in which crowdfunding is done. The first is crowdfunding equity, crowdfunding debt, donation-based and reward-based.

Crowdfunding equity has become the most popular type of crowdfunding these days. The term crowd funding equity means trying to raise funds for a project or business venture in return for the shares in the particular company or business. Crowdfunding equity is also sometimes known as crowd investing or crowd equity.

Is Crowdfunding Equity beneficial?

As crowdfunding equity deals with shares and stakes in a commercial company, it involves the certain regulations like financial or security. Crowdfunding equity is a two way process and involves contributors giving funds to receive a small stake or share in the company or business they are funding in.There is always a risk for the contributors that if the business or company doesn’t go well, their

There is always a risk for the contributors that if the business or company doesn’t go well, their investment as well as current shares in that company will be unfruitful. The converse of this is also true and if the business does well it can be very beneficial for the shares of the contributors.Nowadays

Nowadays crowdfunding equity is said to be best suited for new startups and crowd funding equity can prove to be really beneficial in laying out the foundation of the startup.

In the past people having a specified annual income were allowed to invest in crowdfunding equity, but with the enactment of JOBS Act the doors of crowd funding equity has opened for many investors.

Crowdfunding equity is further classified into two types and they are equity-based and debt-based. Though equity based crowdfunding as debt-based crowdfunding was often confused in the past and sometimes were even thought to be same.The main reason behind the confusion between them is the fact that the regulations for both of them are pretty much the same. While equity-based classification of

The main reason behind the confusion between them is the fact that the regulations for both of them are pretty much the same. While equity-based classification of crowdfunding equity deals with the raising of funds for a business in return for the shares in the company whereas debt-based crowdfunding deals with the raising of funds in exchange for the interest payment along with the payment of the money given by the contributor.

It is very important to go through the different laws and regulation about the crowd funding equity before going for it. There are many laws related to the security and financial issues as it involves investment in a financial company. So, it is very necessary to keep oneself aware of these law as and regulation before proceeding with crowdfunding equity.

One benefit that crowdfunding equity has over the other types is that in some places it offers relief from tax payment. In some places crowd funding equity falls under the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme or the Enterprise Investment Scheme, which helps in relief from the tax.It

It is however, necessary to go through all the criteria of these schemes.There are many crowd funding equity sites available nowadays like CircleUp, OfferBoard, etc. which exclusively deals with crowdfunding equity.

Crowdfunding documentary

Crowdfunding Documentary – Creativity at its best!

Crowdfunding has changed and revolutionized how an individual tries to get financial support for their project. There is hardly any field left now where crowdfunding is not being used. The latest addition to the various field using crowdfunding is how small and independent filmmakers use crowdfunding to gain funds for their short films, documentaries, etc. Crowdfunding documentary has seen a rise in the recent times.

Crowdfunding documentary changes the way new and independent filmmakers are trying to get the funds to make their films. There are many examples of a successful crowd funding documentary campaign and more and more filmmakers are opting for it nowadays.

Is crowdfunding documentary beneficial?

Crowdfunding documentary has given the small and new filmmakers a chance to make their own documentaries without worrying much about the investors and sponsors. Crowdfunding documentary not only provides the filmmakers the opportunity to get funding for their documentaries, but also helps them in the publicity of their documentary or short-film.

Many small filmmakers often prefers to work independently and because of no connection with a studio, it becomes hard for them to get funds for their documentaries. This is where the crowd funding documentary comes into picture.

Some filmmakers are also known to ensure the attendance of the audience during a film festival through the crowdfunding documentary option. Filmmakers also use crowd funding documentary to sell their film directly to the public or to raise enough funds so that they can self-distribute their film.

While going for crowdfunding documentary, there are many things to be considered before starting the campaign.One must think thoroughly about the platform to be selected for the crowdfunding documentary campaign because it will decide the visibility of the campaign and ensure that it reaches to a large number of people.

The platform for the crowd funding documentary campaign determines all the decisions which impact the way the movie will be viewed by the audience. It all helps in promotion of the movie before it has even released.

After choosing the right platform, it is very important to create a crowdfunding documentary campaign which can attract as many contributors as possible. The best way to do this is giving a personalized touch to the crowdfunding documentary campaign.

An individual can create a trailer of the documentary which could help in igniting the interest of the audience. Before setting up the crowdfunding documentary campaign page, it is necessary to set a goal for the campaign and also the time limit to achieve it.

Creating certain incentives for the contributors can give a boost to the crowdfunding documentary campaign as everyone likes to contribute in something where they can get something in return. The gifts can be anything from a pass to watch the documentary, the DVD of documentary or signed posters, etc.

It is also important to keep the contributors updated about the production of the film as well as the way their money is being used.

This will help maintain their interest in the campaign. Along with managing the existing contributors, it is also necessary to spread the visibility of the campaign to as many places as possible. Publicizing the campaign on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. can be of great help. There have been many successful examples of crowdfunding documentary and if it is done properly it can be a great way of financing a documentary.

Crowdfunding commercial real estate

Crowdfunding Commercial Real Estate

Commercial real estate has been the top industry nowadays, but for many investors this domain is almost unknown because of the various restrictions which allowed only a selected group of people to invest in it. Commercial real estate basically deals with any property which serves the purpose of getting some king of income. With the advent of crowdfunding commercial real estate, this domain has become accessible to even small investors.

Crowdfunding commercial real estate has helped small and new investors to participate in this domain. With crowd funding commercial real estate, the number of people investing in commercial real estate has increased in the past few years.

How is crowdfunding commercial real estate beneficial?

In the past, commercial real estate was limited to only some investors who had private contacts and had enough annual income to be able to invest a large amount of money in real estate.  Individual and small investors were often not able to participate in investment in this domain. With the enactment of the JOBS Act in the year 2012, which led to the foundation of crowdfunding commercial real estate.

Crowdfunding commercial real estate allowed individual as well as small investors to contribute in this field and the money invested could even be as low as some thousand dollars. With the advent of crowd funding commercial real estate, this forbidden field became accessible to all the individual as well as small investors. Crowdfunding commercial real estate has many exclusive features and is in no way similar to other types of crowdfunding and this is the reason it has been able to attract a large number of people.

There are several crowdfunding platforms available today which helps in overcoming the problems related to crowdfunding commercial real estate. It has become easier to connect with investors and make them contribute in crowd funding commercial real estate. Crowdfunding commercial real estate provides the investors the opportunity to invest in various types of commercial real estate like healthcare facilities, office buildings, residential buildings, etc.Investing and owning a commercial real estate also offers some advantages and benefits related to tax payment.

With the help of crowd funding commercial real estate, the investors as well small companies are gaining some advantages. Crowd funding commercial real estate has given an alternate and easier ways to these small companies to raise funds. Crowdfunding commercial real estate helps them in avoiding the hassle caused by other traditional sources of money.

Even though crowdfunding commercial real estate has many benefits, it doesn’t come without a few shortcomings. Investing in crowd funding commercial real estate is not as flexible as in stocks or anything else. Also most of the sites for crowdfunding commercial real estate serves only Accredited Contributors which again restricts it to a particular class of the public.

Even with these few disadvantages, crowdfunding commercial real estate has given a new face to how an investor can contribute in real estate and how small companies can raise the funds required. The world of commercial real estate is changing and becoming more accessible through online medium and this change was highly awaited.

crowdfunding best practices

What are some Crowdfunding Best Practices?

With the advent of crowdfunding a lot has changed in the way funds are raised for a project or business venture. Crowdfunding has seen a lot of growth in the past few years and almost every field is employing it to raise funds. Along with its growth, the competition for getting crowdfunded is also growing day by day. There are many crowdfunding best practices which needs to be followed to take care of all the components that can help in making a crowdfunding campaign successful.

These crowdfunding best practices are very necessary to create an effective as well as strong campaign. There are many things to be considered while launching a campaign and these crowd funding best practices can serve as a guide for an individual so that they don’t miss out on something.

Some crowdfunding best practices to follow:

Proper planning and preparations are the keys to a successful campaign and crowdfunding best practices can prove to be very helpful in guiding through the planning process. The first crowd funding best practices says that whether a campaign will be successful or not depends on the amount of work which is done before its launch.

The crowdfunding best practices which should be followed before the launch is more important than the crowd funding best practices which is to be followed after the launch. It is important to get the word out before the launch of the campaign so that more and more people in an individual’s contact list are aware of the campaign.

The second crowdfunding best practices would be to think about an achievable goal that is, the funds which are expected to be raised with the help of the campaign. If the guide of crowdfunding best practices is to be followed, it is advisable to select a goal which is neither too high nor too low. It is also necessary to select the required time for achieving the goal carefully. It is vital to realize that the longer duration of the campaign doesn’t ensure its success.

The next important crowdfunding best practices is to choose a right platform to give the campaign a good start. According to the crowd funding best practices guide, it is important to select a good platform as the visibility of the campaign depends upon the platform.

It also helps in making the campaign interesting and attractive enough to attract contributors. A crowdfunding best practices would be to do thorough research about the past failures or success of the crowdfunding platform and also see the amount which was raised in a similar project.

An advisable crowdfunding best practices will be to think about some kind of reward or prize which the contributors can get in return for the money they contributed. According to crowdfunding best practices guide, this often helps to attract more supporters and motivate them in being a part of the campaign.

A good crowdfunding best practices would be to create a moving or compelling story about the campaign and try to give a personalized touch to it. The most important crowdfunding best practices would be to donate as much time as possible in the campaign and in the end all the time might be worth it.

Crowdfunding on facebook

Crowdfunding on Facebook – Let the World know!

There has been a steady rise in the number of projects that are seeking crowdfunding as a means of getting funds for their launch. With this growth the competition among the people who are trying to get their projects crowdfunded as well as the crowdfunding platform is growing. It is pretty obvious that for publicizing a campaign social media sites are the best with Facebook being the most popular social media site. Crowdfunding on facebook can prove to be most effective way to spread the news of the campaign to a large number of people.

Crowdfunding on facebook can ensure that an individual’s network of family and friends come to know about the campaign and also new people will hear about it.

Is Crowdfunding on facebook beneficial?

Crowdfunding on facebook can be very beneficial for the campaign if it is done properly. An individual needs to be very careful about crowd funding on facebook as there are many ways it can end up being a disaster. Facebook is generally used to connect with family and friends, but crowdfunding on facebook can prove to very different and getting facebook to publicize a crowdfunding campaign can be a completely new and different.It is necessary to think thoroughly before posting about the

It is necessary to think thoroughly before posting about the crowdfunding on facebook. It is very important that people get engaged to the post regarding crowd funding on facebook.

When posting for crowdfunding on facebook make sure that a picture or some type of graphics is posted along with the link. This will help to grab more attention and attract more people towards the crowd funding on facebook campaign. After grabbing the attention with some graphics, it is necessary to give some information about the crowdfunding on facebook campaign. It is advisable to keep the description short, but interesting and informative.

It is also very important for crowdfunding on facebook to keep the audience engaged and interested in the campaign as the number of likes and share a post gets decides its rank in the news feed.

There are many mistakes which an individual commits while crowdfunding on facebook which can lead the campaign to a great failure. It is important to understand that crowd funding on facebook consumes a lot of hard work as well as time and one cannot leave it on the followers to spread the word about the campaign. It is important for the crowdfunding on facebook to maintain the interests of all the followers and engage more audience by devoting time in the campaign.

It is also helpful for the crowdfunding on facebook to build a trusting relationship with the audience. It is important to not showcase the need for money, but to show the audience what’s in it for them.It is important to create some incentives for the supporters to keep their interest piqued. These can be small gifts or rewards which are unique and shows them their importance in the campaign. It is important to not come off as desperate for the funds and publicize the campaign in the right way on Facebook so that it doesn’t create any bad publicity for the project.

Crowdfunding companies

Crowdfunding Companies – Paving way to Success

Crowdfunding has come as a new revolution for people who are trying to get funds for their project or venture. Though there is no guaranteed success, but the risk involved in it is also minimal. Crowdfunding companies can be a great alternative to raising funds for the launch of a company and its functioning.

Crowdfunding companies help avoid all the lengthy procedure and hassles of taking a loan from a bank or convincing an investor to invest in the company. With crowdfunding companies, an individual gets to be the sole decision-maker of his project and with proper planning, it is possible to raise all the funds required to launch a company.

Is crowdfunding companies beneficial?

According to some experts,crowdfunding companies is not such a great idea. The reason being this can be attributed to the fact that crowd funding companies can be a very time-consuming work and if a company is new, it becomes very tedious to manage the crowdfunding companies campaign and the working of the company. This can lead to failure at both fronts. Also,crowdfunding companies possess the risk of plagiarism and may expose the idea behind the company or project to online plagiarism.

If going for crowdfunding companies has already been decided, then it can prove to be beneficial if time management is done properly. The best way to start the crowd funding companies campaign is by making sure that the goal of the campaign is set properly.Along with the expected funds to be raised through the

Along with the expected funds to be raised through the crowdfunding companies campaign, the time required to raise it should also be chosen wisely. Before launching the crowdfunding companies campaign, it is also essential to let people in an individual’s network of family and friends know about the campaign. This will ensure an initial pool of contributors as well as a mechanism to publicize the crowd funding companies campaign further.

For crowdfunding companies, it is also essential to choose the right platform to launch the campaign. It is important to know the past success and failures of the crowdfunding platform before launching the campaign there. Researching about how much the platform was able to raise for a similar campaign can also be beneficial as it can help determine the potential of that platform in the required area.

Crowdfunding companies can utilize any crowdfunding model. From equity crowdfunding to reward-based crowdfunding, all the types of crowdfunding has their application in crowd funding companies. Equity crowdfunding deals with the exchange of the stocks or shares of the company in return for the contribution.Reward-based crowdfunding deals with giving some

Reward-based crowdfunding deals with giving some rewards and prizes in return for the monetary funds. Any crowdfunding is suitable for crowdfunding companies, but care should be taken about the planning of the crowdfunding model.

For a campaign to be successful it is essential to make it attractive enough to grab the attention of the contributors and also be informative enough to make the idea of the company clear. The most important thing to make the campaign successful is publicizing the campaign as much as possible. The publicizing can be done through social media sites as well as by sending occasional email newsletters.

crowdfunding portals

Crowdfunding Portals – A Peek Into

Crowdfunding has become a new way to get funds for a project or business venture. Startups, companies, artists, nonprofits, etc. most of the sectors nowadays are turning towards crowdfunding for funds. Getting money raised through crowdfunding is not a piece of cake and there is a very fierce competition in the crowdfunding industry.

Though there are many factors which decides the success of the crowdfunding campaign, the most important one has to be choosing the right platform among the various crowdfunding portals. There are many crowd funding portals or platforms which have been created in the recent times. These crowdfunding portals acts as a medium to reach a large number of contributors. Crowdfunding portals also helps in making the campaign look interesting enough to attract as many contributors as possible.

How to choose the crowdfunding portals?

There are many crowdfunding portals available now and some of them specialize in a particular sector whereas there are others which allow funding of any type of project. The biggest question while going for crowdfunding is how to choose between these crowd funding portals.

There are many crowdfunding portals which have different features and specialty. It becomes very important to think thoroughly about the crowdfunding portals before starting the campaign as choosing the wrong crowdfunding portals can lead to failing in reaching the people who could back the project.

The most important thing to do before choosing a crowdfunding portals is to be clear about the expectations from the campaign that is, the amount of money to be raised from the campaign and also the time required to do it. It is also necessary to figure out the type of crowdfunding which will be the best for the campaign and the crowdfunding portals which focuses on that type.

It is advisable to research on the history of that crowd funding portals and see its track record. It is important to know the number of projects the crowdfunding portals have funded and also the ones which have a similar idea. It is also beneficial to go through the failure stories of the crowd funding portals so that an individual can know about its shortcomings.

The next thing to look for while choosing among the crowdfunding portals is their marketing as well as administrative features. It is also beneficial to go for the crowd funding portals which have a good customer service feature as they can be a good guide throughout the campaign.

Also, the help in marketing can help publicize the campaign more and more. The portals having these features can help save a lot of time and take some burden off an individual’s shoulder. The sites having a good social media integration is preferred as this will help share the campaign more easily on the other social media sites.

For new entrepreneurs who are trying to launch their startups or businesses, it is advisable to look through the fees asked by the crowdfunding portals. Usually the fees is 7-8% of the total money raised, but it is advisable to go through the fees section carefully. Choosing a great platform for the campaign is really necessary for its success and devoting some time and hard work will guarantee the success of the campaign.

crowdfunding business model

Crowdfunding Business Model – Step by Step to Success

Crowdfunding has become a great and new strategy to get funds for a project and business venture where small amount of money is pooled in by a number of contributors through online medium. With the increase in the number of project trying to raise funds through crowdfunding, the competition in this field is getting fiercer day by day. Therefore, it becomes very important come up with a strong crowdfunding business model. A strong crowdfunding business model will ensure that everything about the campaign is well planned out. This crowd funding business model will also act as a guide for the whole campaign.

What is a crowdfunding business model?

A crowdfunding business model is a prototype of the campaign and helps to make sure that everything is the campaign is well planned. A crowdfunding business model will serve as a step-by-step guide of the campaign to launch the project and business venture. The crowdfunding business model will also be helpful in keeping a track of the progress of the campaign and present the details of the campaign to the contributors.

The crowdfunding business model will have all the important details and plans for the campaign and the business venture and can always be used as a reference. From the objectives of the campaign to the management strategy, all the crucial details of the project can be planned out in the crowdfunding business model.

There are many advantages of coming up with a good crowd funding business model. The crowd funding business model can help in reviewing the idea of the project or business venture and also help in making some customization to the idea. It can be useful in removing any shortcomings which the idea might have. Once the idea and the crowdfunding business model is free from any shortcomings, it won’t be very difficult to get funded as half the work will be done.

Another great advantage of a crowd funding business model is that it will help in figuring out the amount of money that will be needed for the project or business venture. Instead of going with a rough estimation for the goal, it will be beneficial to plan everything about the campaign and then get an estimate about the whole project. A crowdfunding business model will help to consider all the hidden costs and the potential money for the campaign.

A crowdfunding business model is also helpful in analyzing any sort of obstacles which an individual might come across during the campaign and help in being prepared for it beforehand. Another thing which a good crowd funding business model can help in is analyzing the potential contributors. Along with a great idea, it is also necessary to make it attractive enough for the investors to contribute in. A crowdfunding business model can help to come up with a good plan for publicizing and marketing the idea which can help attract a large crowd.

Having a well-planned and a strong crowd funding business model can increase the probability of making the campaign successful and also ensure that the money that is raised is used judiciously.

Crowdfunding projects

Crowdfunding Projects – From Inception to Success

Crowdfunding has become a great way to raise funds for many things now. Even the traditional industries like real estates, etc. are turning to crowdfunding for money. Sometimes a person has a great idea, but there is no way to gain financial support. One can always turn to crowdfunding to raise funds for their project or idea. Crowdfunding projects is a great alternative to other methods of getting financial backing. Crowdfunding projects has gained a lot of popularity in the recent days and there has been a lot of competition for crowd funding projects. Going for crowdfunding projects can be very beneficial for small business owners or average entrepreneurs.

Is Crowdfunding Projects beneficial?

Crowdfunding projects can be a good way to get the project or idea started, but according to some experts crowd funding projects may not be such a great idea. Crowdfunding projects can be very time consuming and while going for crowdfunding projects, an individual has to keep a balance between the existing customers and publicizing the campaign. Crowdfunding projects can lead to a lot of workload and if a person is not ready to be in control of all the logistics, their campaign can fail miserably.  Crowdfunding projects an even expose an individual’s idea to plagiarism. It also makes a person answerable to many contributors who will want to know where their money is being used and the progress of the project.

If an individual thinks that crowdfunding projects is the way to go about gaining funds for his project, then creating a strong campaign is very necessary. The crowdfunding campaign needs to be a strong one to increase the traffic on the crowd funding projects page. Crowdfunding projects doesn’t guarantee 100% success, so spending as much time as possible to strengthen the campaign is necessary. It is very important to have one’s campaign better than other competitors. Before starting the campaign, an individual should analyze who the major contributors in the crowd funding projects will be. It can be anyone from the huge network of family, friends, relatives, colleagues, etc. It is then necessary to think who will be interested in contributing in the crowdfunding projects apart from them and then create a campaign to attract this audience.

Choosing a right platform for the campaign is necessary and proper research about the crowdfunding site is important. A person can always go through the success as well as failure stories of that site which can help gain insight about the strong and weak points of the site. Planning the campaign thoroughly before starting it is also a good idea. An individual should always choose his goal carefully and also think carefully about the time required to achieve it. Devoting a lot of time in the campaign is one of the key to the success of that campaign.

Once the campaign is live it is important to publicize it through different social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Along with trying to grab the attention of new contributors, it is important to keep the existing ones engaged. There are many sites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, etc. which provides a great platform for the campaign.