Best crowdfunding sites

Best crowdfunding sites for funding Dreams

The world is full of dreamers, out of those a few dream with eyes open and a very little percentage of them are able to live their dream. This articles lists out best crowdfunding sites in view of, the discussion of the need of money to fuel the dreams.

No doubt there can be multiple ways to fund your dream and of those ways crowdfunding stands a class apart. The online fund market is full of crowdfunding sites; sorting out best crowdfunding sites from them is quite a tedious job for a commoner and more confusing than that is choosing one of those best crowdfunding sites , which might actually be the flag-bearer of your dream. Here we discuss the fuelling of a dream through best crowdfunding sites available in the market.

Best crowdfunding sites to choose from

  1. Kickstarter:

The hottest amongst the best crowdfunding sites, it has acted as the torch bearer for a huge 61 thousand projects. If there is a creative flair in your project then this is certainly for you. However, it refrains from accepting charity projects.

  1. MyEfunder:

The newest addition to the list of best crowdfunding sites, MyEfunder is nothing less than the experienced players. It takes interest in a variety of projects ranging from charity fundraising to start-up projects. To be more precise, it readily funds creative as well as non-creative projects. It also facilitates crowdfunding for clients from the US or outside. One of the best crowdfunding sites with super friendly tone, MyEfunder allows free sign up, and does not charge fees for its services of starting a campaign. Things are easy to grasp and promote when it comes to the technical friendliness of MyEfunder platform.

  1. Indiegogo:

Second to none amongst the best crowdfunding sites, Indiegogo empowers its clients to get fundraising independence. It shows interest in funding all kinds of projects.

  1. GoFundMe:

The headgear of best crowdfunding sites for raising funds for charity and causes. This sites is solely for donation whether personal or community.

  1. PledgeMusic:

Slightly different from traditional crowdfunding sites, this is the rocker in the list of best crowd funding sites. It solely aims at funding new talents in the music industry.

  1. Crowdfunder:

The King from the list of best crowd funding sites, Crowdfunder is a miracle funding platform for start-ups. It not only gathers general crowd fund, but businesses listed here easily attract angel investors and venture capitals.

  1. Appbackr:

Genuine mobile app developers can easily get funds backing from this crowdfunding website.

Working with crowdfunding sites for the realization of your dreams is definitely far better than the dropping  the dream for lack of funds. This articles draws you yet another step closer to the realisation of your dreams, by listing out the best crowdfunding sites from amongst hundreds.

Choosing the Right Crowdfunding Site

Choosing the Right Crowdfunding Site

Are you planning to start a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for your cause, upcoming project or convert your concept into a real product? It can be a difficult and sometimes very frustrating to chose the right crowdfunding website because not all crowdfunding websites are created equally. Some of these websites are categorized as “general” where you can raise money for any type of project including asking for donations like you can do on MyEFunder, Indiegog, RocketHub and StartsSomeGood etc. Where there are many websites which are limited to specific types of projects like Appbackr which is designed to raise money for software application design projects etc. So how do you decide which crowdfunding website would be best for you and help you raise the maximum funds.

The following are different ways to choose the right crowdfunding website. This will not just increase your chances to make your campaign successful it will also give the most effective results, for example fan following, product promotion and less fee, to name a few.

Know your project or cause:

The first thing before you start searching a crowdfunding website, you need to know about your project or cause. Is it a local based project or you want to raise money from all part of the world? What type of people would get benefits from it? What is your target market? This will help you to decide the type of crowdfunding website would be best for you.

Know crowdfunding websites

Search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo will list of many crowdfunding websites. Visiting all of these sites and learning their terms and condition, their process to pay out funds and how to start campaign can take lot of time but this step is necessary and important. If not, you may end up choosing the wrong crowdfunding platform for your project or cause, which might be the most popular site but not the best place for your crowdfunding campaign. It is a very time consuming process to evaluate each and every crowdfunding website but well worth it. To make it easy for you, we have listed the following basic information about some of the top crowdfunding websites:

  • Personal causes and any project including both creative and non-creative, equity crowdfunding, micro peer-to-peer lending, and real estate crowdsourcing. Both US and International Crowdfunding. MyEFunder is free to sign up, free to start a campaign and does not charge a fee for it’s services. In addition to being very user friendly and easy to promote and maintain.
  • Kickstarter: Only for creative projects and you must be based in Unites States.
  • Indiegogo: You can start any type of project here including charity and donation.
  • RocketHub: Open to all projects but new ideas are most appreciated.
  • StartSomeGood: Website for international users which is opened for any kind of project.
  • Lucky Ant: Open to all hyper-local projects; must be locally based.
  • Appbackr: Only software and application related projects accepted.
  • Wefunder: If you are looking for equity funds, then Wefunder is ideal for you.
  • NewJelly: A special crowdfunding website to promote artists around the world
  • Cofolio: Looking funds for small business? Cofolio help to raise money for small business.
  • Peerbackers: A crowdfunding site for entrepreneurs “and their dreams”.

Explore crowdfunding website:

Once you know about the different websites, the next step is to rank them on the bases of their features, options, fee and business model structure etc. Explore similar projects and what types of projects got the most funding on these websites. You may have your own criteria to rank each of these website. You will also find blogs and commentary about the sites out there that can provide you with some guidance and insight.

Kickstarter, Indiegogo or MyEFunder

Kickstarter or Indiegogo – Which One Should You Go With for Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding has become extremely popular with new entrepreneurs, especially in these tough economic times when it has become tougher to gather funds for even small investments. Luckily, there are crowdfunding websites available today that have been set up to provide entrepreneurs and potential investors with the ideal launchpad to release their products or establish their ventures. Kickstarter and Indiegogo are two of the best crowdfunding sites out there which promote crowd-funding that is donation-based. There is a long-standing debate on which one is the better site, and the following points can be helpful for you to know which one you should go for.

Acceptance of Projects

Kickstarter only finances projects that are creative in nature, such as videos, music, films, journalism, comics, stage shows etc. On the other hand, Indiegogo does not have any preferences with the projects. It accepts every type of project without any type of restriction. It offers a lot of flexibility in terms of accepting and releasing various project ideas.

Project Fees

Kick Starter tends to charge a fee of 5% for projects which receive funds successfully. But entrepreneurs do not get anything in case their funding fails to meet the specified limit by even a few bucks. Indie Go Go charges a fee of 4% for projects which receive funds successfully and a higher fee of 9% for those that fail to meet the limit.

All or nothing model

Kick Starter maintains it security by following an ‘all or nothing’ business model. This means you cannot get any funds if you fail to meet the deadline. But Indie Go Go proves to be of the best crowdfunding sites as it does not follow such a model. Although this measure bypasses the urgency to gather funds, it proves to be useful in some cases.

Success rate

Of the two crowdfunding websites, Kick Starter enjoys a higher success rate of around 43%. But it has less total number of campaigns, slightly more than 46,000. Indiegogo has a reported success rate of about 10% but it has more than 92,000 campaigns due to its flexible policies in project funding.

User Traffic

Kickstarter has better traffic and more number of users than Indie Go Go. The moderate user traffic of the latter is believed to be a result of its financing strategies.

Considered from varied angles, Kickstarter seems to be more dependable, secure and popular. However, Indiegogo is also beneficial due to its better strategies, features, special algorithms and easier accessibility across the globe.

Keywords: Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Crowdfunding, crowdfunding websites, best crowdfunding sites

Get the Funding You Need For Your Project

Get the Funding You Need For Your Project through the Best Fundraising Ideas

The truth is that there are many fundraising ideals but only few are effective and efficient to produce required result. So, you need not to contact a company that is not knowledgeable in fund raising when you want to fund raise for any reason. More so, you need to ensure that you hire a fund raiser that is current about the latest ideals in fund raising. These and more are what made it important for you to know .

The Fundsourcing Ideas That Work

Whether you are sourcing for fund or you are planning to fund raise, there are needs for you to contact an expert for the service. There are many fund raisers that normally give their clients deadline for them to get certain amount of fund. Working with such fundraiser can make you lose everything and even be in debt. That is why you need to link up to the aforesaid link for easy fundsourcing experience.

Be In Control of Your Donated Fund through the Reliable Fundraiser on This Site

Apart from the fact that you will enjoy freedom without any set deadline for your fundraising when you leverage the service rendered on you are also going to stand chance of being in charge of your fund. There are no penalties for missing fundraising goal as there is nothing like goal in the first place. So, you will enjoy total freedom when you make this link selected for fundcrowding.

The Right Site You Need To Enjoy Equity in Your Fundraising on the Internet

Before going ahead to hire any fundraising expert on the internet, you need to know more about equity as regard the service of the company. Then what is equity as you may like to ask, it is simply fairness and treatment of others with justice and fairness. For that reason, you have to ensure that you contact a company that has equity as their watchword when you want to hire any company for your crowd funding.

A Must Know About Crowd Funding Sites on the Internet

Indeed, is the right site you need to know when you want to fund raise for any project. The truth is that there are multiple and other renowned fund raising sites which you can find inside this site mentioned above. That is why you have to confirm the content of this site when you want to fund raise.


Why Is Crowdfunding Important?

Why Is Crowdfunding Important?


We here at MyEFunder get this question a lot.  It really depends on what type of crowdfunding we are referring to.  There are four major types of crowdsourcing (with multiple sub categories in each) and we will go over all 4 of them so you get an idea of which one is best for you.

Four Basic Types of Crowdfunding:

  • Donation Based Crowdfunding is where you create a campaign for a personal cause, whether it be for your self, a loved one like a family member or friend, for a business or a charity organization.  Usually these funds are donated from your network of social circles and are usually donation based.  This means that the people giving the money do not expect anything back in return.  They are giving donations based on the goodness of their hearts for that specific cause.  This idea is very similar to the GoFundMe (go fund me) style of crowdraising.  A great example of this would be


  • Reward or Idea Based Crowdsourcing is where people give funds (backers) for a specific idea and in return, they get a reward for the specific amount given.  The reward could be something as simple as a thank you, or it could be as big as having lunch with the inventor / owner of the project.  A famous idea that got the attention of a lot of backers was Oculus Rift which was started on Kickstarter, which bought for $2,000,000,000. That’s right 2 Billion Dollars US.  Not only did the idea gain exposure and come into fruition, someone’s dream came a live and the backers rewarded from it as well by making it happen.  Do you want to see what else is out there, please visit for more details


  • Equity Based Crowdfunding is (more on this coming soon)


  •  Lending Based Crowdfunding is (more on this coming soon)


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