successful crowdfunding campaigns

Learn from the Most Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns

Humans are really fond of Success Stories. We say we get inspired from them. We say we gain knowledge from them. But what do we actually learn from them? Are they just meant to be a source of motivation? Are they just gonna entertain us? Or is there something better we can do. Well, the answer is that we can surely do better. Be it crowdfunding or any other thing. We gotta pick up the success traits! You might know about a lot of successful crowdfunding campaigns. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is, how much did you learn from those successful crowdfunding campaigns? Here are the traits they had, the traits you should have.

#You need a team!

Almost all the successful crowdfunding campaigns have been backed by a team. Though we usually believe that we can do it all. But trust the experts! It is not easy. In fact, a recent study shows that a project being handled by a team earns 3 times more than the others.

#Keep the campaign page updated!

If you observe some successful crowdfunding campaigns, you would observe this. Their page is always being updated. News, content, updates and what not. They don’t let the potential backers forget them. Thus, they ensure some good investments by them.

#Keep it different!

The most successful crowdfunding campaigns have never followed the crowd. They saw big success because they were different. A band named A House For Lions ran a crowdfunding campaign for their debut album. The list of rewards included a few surfing lessons from the band itself. Plus, input on the track listing.

#Save some perks for post-launch!

Rewards form an essential part of crowdfunding. You might be excited to give some amazing perks to your backers. Do it, but not so quick. Add new perks to your campaign after its actual launch. Add the perks which your audience is more interested in. And you cannot know their interest until you actually launch the campaign.

#Don’t miss out on your existing supporters!

Often in the hype of gaining new supporters, most campaigns forget the old ones. But successful crowdfunding campaigns don’t! Your existing supporters should be your first priority. Don’t stop getting new people. But make sure all your actions are in favor of your current supporters.

#The beginning – The end!

A recent survey showed that most of the crowdfunding campaigns collect the most in the beginning and towards the end. So you can call it your golden time. Now the successful crowdfunding campaigns grabbed this golden time and made the most out of it. So now you know what to do! Make this golden period the most attractive for your backers. And you will have a strong game.

#Get Global!

Have you wondered why there have been more successful crowdfunding campaigns after the advent of theĀ internet? Well, the answer is pretty simple. Larger audience = more backers. Thus, make sure you have a global reach. Today we have the world in this small place called “the internet”. Make the most out of it. Reach a larger audience. And have successful crowdfunding campaigns.